Set 3 months after "Darkness and Recovery". Peter is doing everything he can to prove he's not worthless. But what is the real reason for it. Thankfully Alcohol is the cause and solution of all life's problems

The Signs that Yondu cares: Part 7

Drinking Partners

Peter Jason Quill, whipped his hand over his goggles trying to erase the condensation that was obscuring his vision as he leaned over the vat one more time and stirred the contents, it had to be perfect, this time it needed to be. He knew the crew were getting restless since the Kree's were on their ass, and they had no time to get more supplies before they had to leg it.

Yondu wasn't concerned at the time, but then realised he would have mutiny on his hands if he didn't do something about it, and doing something about it fell to Peter since he was still banned from missions, or going off ship…Or doing anything fun. Instead, he was doing maintenance, scrubbing air vents and was becoming so bored that he was going to rest of the crew for something to do. He wondered if Yondu was pleased of his productivity as the crew slipped him units for doing their work.

Now with this task, Peter had wished that he kept his mouth shut, as he lifted the spoon to his lips and tested it, his eyes clouding over slightly, yeah it was perfect…it had to be perfect, then he could change his mind and take him to the beach, Peter thought to himself as he poured the liquid from the two vats into three metal cups before he left the room adjoin the mess hall. At the sight of the boy, the crew who were enjoying the slop that made up their meals, their gaze followed him as he walked up to the Captain's table.

Wordlessly, Peter handed the first cup to Kraglin who pushed it to his lips and took a deep sip along with the crew who were waiting with baited breath, as the first mate's eyes burst open at the taste. It was delicious, traditional, full of taste and better than anything he had drunk in a very long time. It was the good shit, and if the crew wasn't watching he contemplated kissing the boy for his genius.

He had done this all by himself, as he gave a nod to Yondu, who took the second cup. "This is sixty percent stronger and I did some research on the taste a little bit". The Terran said trying to hide his nerves as the Captain raised the cup and slipped the golden liquid down his throat. Yondu did his best to hide the surprise at the drink, rich spicy, for a moment he was transported to his youth, the spices of his childhood the scent of his father, a myriad of memories coursing through his mind thanks to the efforts of the teen who had studied Yondu's culture so well.

This was perfect; this was better than perfect…it was like home. As he exhaled the spices and scent of his tribe, he placed the glass down giving a small nod to the boy, and by default the rest of the crew. "It's acceptable" Yondu said, smoothly hiding his amazement at giving the boy a job and being given a taste of something he had forgotten, as he took one more gulp and a cheer went up admits the men.

Finally, they had beer; the boy had done good. Some came over to get Peter a quick pat on his back, the only encouragement they would show, since sometimes saying "Thank you", was a foreign concept for them. "Drink that one". Yondu ordered, not because it was stronger, but this one, the one in his hands wasn't worthy of these idiot, "This one's just mine". It was an order they all obeyed because they had beer and good beer too. Whilst they drink like lords, Yondu noticed the boy slipping silently from the room who after creating such a beautiful beverage, hadn't as much as touched a drop of it, and frowned.

It didn't take long, as Yondu with his beer in his hand active the Eclector main computers from his pad, since most of the crew were in the Mess, the armoury was sitting empty, apart from the boy sitting at a table, silently sand diligently putting a blaster for one of the crew back together.

Having built his own at the age of eight, and having not grown much since that day, they had noticed his small hands were perfect for the inner workings of the blasters and other weapons and had now quickly added "weapons expert" to his already growing list of skills, naturally charging the crew for his expertise.

Yondu peered at the screen as the boy, using a soldering iron finished the last piece, casually brushing a strand of that too long hair of his that the boy was still refusing to cut, before snapping back the weapon casing and attaching a charger. Watching the weapon warm up, he scratched the back of his back as he carefully took it to the gun range, aimed and fired.

The pulse hit the mark with ease, with almost no recoil in the boys hand, which was to be expected as with a note of cockiness at his success, the boy with a small smirk on his lips took the blaster back, sent a message to the crew member who had ordered it and carried on working into the night as the crew eventually left or staggered off to bed and after quickly sending a few orders both Kraglin and Yondu left the mess, the taste of the beer still on their lips. It was a short while later that Peter ventured into the mess hall, the sight of empty bottles lying around. The crew having toasted his good health, had left the evidence for him to sort out, as he walked around the room and picked up the empty bottles to be washed and refilled.

Quickly he threw some bread in to be toasted, even though he wasn't hungry, he hadn't been for ages. But he knew he had to eat something as Alezduran half walked and half staggered into the mess, blearly looking around.

"There's some beer in the fridge". Peter said softly without looking up, concentrating on his bread turning brown as the Kree Xandarian hybrid, took the cold bottle from the fridge, and two glasses off the shelf, pouring one for himself and passing one to the boy. Which finally caused a reaction from the Terran. "What". He asked softly slightly confused.

"You didn't drink any; I noticed you. You made the drink you have the drink the drink…it's the law".

Peter smiled softly and just shook his head, "I'm really not in the mood", looking away so he didn't see Alezduran rolling his eyes, as the hybrid took both glasses and the bottle and slid to the floor, which finally caused something more from Peter then his staring into space. "Get down here will yah, I can't walk for shit and I'm in the shit". Alezduran seemed to chuckle at this little joke, which in his mind it was one as Peter left the toasted bread and sat on the ground almost reluctantly taking the offered glass from the hybrid.

Sitting in silence for a few moments, tapping his fingers on the glass. "Do you want to know why I'm in the shit?" Alezduran said, leaning towards the boy who had brought his knees to his chest and just shrugged. "You pissed off Yondu?" Alezduran noticed how small the voice was as the hybrid almost smiled. "Worse, and take a drink, you'll going to need it".

Peter wondering if Alezduran has set the auto-destruct or had fallen pregnant, looked at the drink he had created and took a sip, he knew that it was delicious and the product of a lot of hard work, but to him it was meaningless as Alezduran continued. "I've pissed off my mother".

Peter coughed into the liquid at the remark, "You upset your mom?" The idea was so funny to Peter, and perhaps it was the drink that he couldn't taste that was affecting his mind as he couldn't contain the chuckle. "You're a Space Pirate with a pissed off mom". The look on Alezduran's face was so unlike him Peter couldn't help continue. "So what is it, the life of crime, the living on the edge the crappy food…come on what is it?"

"She misses me and wants me to come home". The hybrid finally said which caused Peter to sober up for a second, and think out loud. "Can you go home…can you quit?" The idea was totally alien to Peter, who never imagined anything like that as his drinking partner nodded "Sure anytime I want, Yondu told me I can. As long as I never go to the authorities and deny I was ever a Ravager, I'll even have to leave the coat behind".

"You're not even in the red yet". Peter couldn't help remind him, which caused Alezduran to grimace. "Don't remind me, Yondu still hasn't told me why."

Curiosity, overtook Peter, and he couldn't help the next question. "Ever asked why?" as the hybrid cocked his head

"Can you imagine going to Yondu and asking "Oh hi boss, my mother wants to know why am I not wearing a Ravager coat yet…Oh, can I have a vacation please because she thinks my sisters need a father figure. Yeah, that would go down really well". Alezduran actually smirked at the idea whilst Peter laughed softly and grew more serious. "A vacation, that would be nice, hell I can't even leave she ship since…well you know".

Both of them didn't need to elaborate since Peter was still ship bound ever since he had been abducted three months earlier, as the boy leaned back against the cabinet and confessed "I'm bored you know that's why I have to keep busy, it stops me thinking about it…But you get to leave if you want". Peter digested the idea and decided to change the subject, as he said in a voice smaller than what he intended "I don't get to do that".

Alezduran just looked over at the teenage boy, "So you never get to leave at all?" as Peter shook his head. "Yondu said it was a dangerous universe out there and I wouldn't last. I asked him when I was about ten…I thought he was just joking. But he was right". Implications were left unsaid, since they both knew what he was referring too.

"So you get to be a Ravager forever…shit".

"Well, worse places to be I guess", as the hollow, that had been gathered in Peter's stomach, seemed to get deeper as he thought about his future and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well you know, I told my family about you, and they would love for you to come and visit us…You never know". Offered Alezduran. "My sisters would love you" as Peter shook his head at the thought of it, a warm family, a mother…siblings. The concept was so strange to him; he didn't know how to respond, as Alezduran continued. "Ask Yondu if he could give you some time off".

Both of them shared a look as laughter danced in their eyes, as Peter grew suddenly more solemn as with the beers he was consuming more of, said in a shaky voice "I miss her you know", as the hybrid rose an eyebrow. "Your mother?"

Peter nodded slowly, "Yeah, sometimes I think I'm forgetting what she looked like, or the sound of her voice, that why I listen to her music so much…Even though I really hate the Pina Colada song". Peter stopped and shook his head the booze was defiantly getting to his brain now as he was beginning to word vomit.

"I miss my mum too; Alezduran confessed taking moiré of his drink. "Even though I was a bit of a shit, when I was little because all the kids at school called her a whore".

Peter turned to the hybrid in confusion. "Why did they call her that?"

"Because she is one, a well-paid one, but a whore is a whore…I guess". The hybrid shrugged. "Then all the kids who gave me crap about it went to the house when they were older, and paid…more than I ever did". Alezduran laughed seeing the irony in it.

"They called my mom a whore too…all the time". Peter said in a low whisper remembering the times he had been in fights at school because of it.

"Was she a prostitute too?" Peter knew that if anyone else would have suggested it, he would have beat the shit out of them, but Alezduran did have a prostitute for a mother, to him it was a natural question.

"No, it was because she had me without being married…and my dad was a deadbeat".

There was a pause as Alezduran topped up their glasses "That's it". He looked incredulous, "Gods you Terran's are so stupid for thinking that". Something Peter agreed on. "Yondu told me once, it's not surprising we've never joined the space age, because were so ignorant…he was right!" Peter took another swig.

"I don't know if it means anything, but I've never met my dad. I know he's not a deadbeat, but mum never told him of my existence".

Peter blinked and looked towards the hybrid, who just wore a look of nonchalance on his face.

"Why not…he's your father, isn't he". As Alezduran stretched out and recited the next sentence like it was a list, he had learned by heart

"No not really, standard contract states that if courtesan falls pregnant, said client is not responsible if progeny is brought to term and has no financial dependency of said offspring...mum's choice to keep me". He shrugged "But I do know he's a scientist on a planet called Half world, but it's a Xandarian planet, so that doesn't narrow it down. No big". He shrugged as Peter on some level admired his attitude to it.

"I've never met my father either; I don't even know who he is". Peter said in a small voice. "My mom told me he was coming back for me…but she was sick and I was taken before it happened. "Peter shrugged and tried to match Alezduran feeling about his own situation and looked to be failing. "I don't think it would have happened anyway".

There was silence between the pair, as both of them who were caught up in the revelry of good beer tried to find something to say, even though it was Peter who opened his mouth first.

"Az…can I tell you something". The hybrid nodded and leaned forward at the serious sight on the boy's face. "You remember when I was abducted".

"You mean when you went missing for three weeks and everyone was scared shitless, especially Yondu". Words he said in his head, but out of his mouth just said "Yeah".

Peter wet his lips, and took another gulp of the beer, "well I remembered something, well something more about the "Man in Black" Peter nickname for the one he could vaguely remember, but had managed to make a lasting impression on his screwed psyche.

Alezduran leaned forward, he knew from observing the boy the change in his personality, Peter wasn't his normal self, he wasn't sarcastic and looked constantly worried he was going to screw up…which he never did anyway, as Peter looked away and begun to lose himself in his memories.

"When I was taken…I was tied to a table."

To be continued

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