AN- hey everyone. I'm really sorry for not updating in ages. Your reviews has given me sleepless nights because of guilt for not finishing or updating. But this will be my last chapter. I don't really watch lab rats anymore. I have started on a new school, which marks a new chapter in my life, where it will say goodbye to all the things that I loved when I was younger, and this is one of them. This last chapter is very long, very emotional and very sad. For the last time, I hope you enjoy it. Please follow, favorite and leave a review with your opinion on these one shots.

-Angel Goldheart

Disclaimer: I don't and will never own this show.

Trigger warning: major character death(I cried while writing this), cancer and a lot of sad feels.


"You should have told us about this, Bree." Mr. Davenport said, while driving the car. It was about 15 minutes ago that the girl who was basically a daughter to him, collapsed on the kitchen floor.

"I'm sorry, but it's probably nothing important." She said.

"Honey, people don't just collapse for no reason. And your brothers have noticed too." The man said. Bree looked at her brothers, and then down at her hands in her lap.

"You've been looking very pale these last few weeks. We aren't your brothers for nothing." The youngest sibling, Chase said. They drove the last way to the hospital in silence. As they arrived, mr. Davenport explained everything to a nurse, who called a doctor to take care of it. All he could do, was taking a few tests. Then he asked them to come back in a few weeks to get the results.

2 weeks later

This time, it was only mr. Davenport and Bree in the car. She had requested for the rest of the family to stay at home to avoid too much stress. As they arrived at the hospital, they were greeted by the same doctor again. He led the into his office and the took a seat in some chairs.

"So Bree, how have you been feeling?" The doctor asked.

"Okay I guess, thought not exactly great." She said.

"That is very understandable. Can you please go out in the waiting room, so I can talk to you father alone."

"Okay, I will." She said, walking outside. She waited in 5,10,15 minutes before the doctor and mr. Davenport came out. She noticed that mr. Davenport had been crying. They walked into the office again. As the doctor started talking, her 'father' took her hand.

"So Bree, we have your test results. It seems that you have and extremely aggressive form of brain cancer." He said. So this was the reason for Davenport's tears.

"But there is a cure, right. Just start it right away." She said. The doctor gave her a sad look.

"The cancer has spread to much. It's too late." He said. Bree felt as her world was shattered.

"How long?" She asked.

"2 months, at most." Bree broke down. She would never have a real boyfriend, or get married, or have kids. She would never see her brothers grow up to be wonderful dads. She would never take her kids to visit grandma and grandad.

"I'm very sorry." The doctor said. He stood up and exited the room, while telling them that they could stay for a few minutes. She turned to mr. Davenport, who was crying again, and hugged him tightly. They held onto each other for 2 minutes before walking to the car. The ride was mostly silent except for the question that mr. Davenport asked about 5 minutes from their home.

"Do you want me to tell them?" He asked. Bree nodded her head, then continued to stare out her window. As they reached home, Bree super speed upstairs and flung herself on her bed. It took 5, 10 minutes for her brothers to bust through the door, and throw themselves at her. The tears of the siblings were soaking everyone's shirts. The rest of the family stood in the door, waiting for the siblings to finish. As they did, Bree stood up and gave the rest of her family long hug, while whispering that she was okay.

1,5 months later

Bree was lying in a hospital bed, with IV's and tubes everywhere. The last two weeks had gone down hill, and the doctor had told her family that it would end within the next hour, so they had to say their goodbyes now.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Bree, so so much." Leo said, taking her hand.

"I'm going to miss you to." Bree said, weakly, squeezing his hand. Mr. And mrs

Davenport came up and stroke her hair.

"It's all my fault. If I had just noticed earlier." Mr. Davenport said, a few tears escaping his eyes. His wife looked lovingly at her husband, then down on her daughter.

"It's going to be okay, sweetie. You're going to be okay." She said, tears dripping down her cheeks.

"I know. I just have to be brave." Bree said, smiling wealkly, trying to comfort her parents. They stepped away giving space two the two boys standing behind them. They took one hand each, standing on each side of their sister.

"We'll still be siblings forever, right. We always promised each other." Adam said.

"Of course. I love you guys. Please grow up to be amazing husbands and dads. Maybe I will be watching you. And tell them about their auntie Bree, right?" She said, both laughing and crying.

"We promise, for your sake Bree." Chase said, laying his head on the bed next to his sister. Adam did the same on the other side of her. The rest of the family walked up again. Mr. and mrs. Davenport sat down at Bree's feet, and Leo sat at the end of the bed. It was quiet in the room, the only noise, the oft beeping of the heart monitor. And then it happened. Bree's eyes closed slowly and the heart monitor started beeping.

Bree davenport was gone.

One week later

The casket was put into the ground. The dirt filled the hole and tear watered the grass on the grave. Roses, flowers and ribbons covered the grave. The family was holding onto each other for support. But what they didn't know, was that there was someone watching the, standing right next to them, actually. Bree looked at her brothers and parents.

"Don't cry. I'm safe, somewhere better." She said. Then her soul flew upward, sitting on a cloud, watching her brother grow old, having kids and getting married. She watched mr. and mrs. Davenport grow old and being visited by their grandchildren who asked about auntie Bree, who was like their ultimate hero. She was happy.