I do not own the TMNT that right belongs to Nick, I only own the OC's in this story

New York City, also known as the city that never sleeps, is full of light, life and opportunities. Towering high rises and skyscrapers, bright lights, hundreds of shops, apartments and more. But look behind the scenes from the eyes of its most mysterious inhabitant, and you'll see that it is all a facade. New York is like a coin. On one side you see all the glamour and opportunities but on the other... it's a different story.

Violet eyes watch the buzzing city below from the roof of a high rise. Humans going about their business at least 700 metres below seemed to be only a few metres away. Her large cat ears flick back and forth casually. As yet another police siren started blaring the lithe figure adjusts her position, perched on the edge of the roof. The feminine profile left no doubt on gender. A long, fluffy tail wraps around the silent observer as a chill wind blew through her soft thick fur.

A dejected sigh escapes her lips, her breath visible in the cold air. A feline nose sniffs the air, detecting moisture that could only mean rain. A short muzzle allowed for a highly acute sense of smell and a mouth that was slightly larger than a human's. Powerful jaws made for a formidable bite. A large, powerful brain processed incoming information with an efficiency that was unmatched by any human.

The furry observer silently stands on two legs. Powerful muscles ripple beneath the velvety fur, giving a hint of great strength. An athletic physique reflected a physically demanding lifestyle. Beneath the fur of the 6'1 long tail is powerful muscles, similar to that of a large python. Turning her eyes away from the glare of the lights, her mind wanders. Ebony, an uncommon name, her name, a name that suited her dark fur, just like the name her mother had given her suited her in another way.

Long dark hair hung to her shoulders, occasionally getting in her face. Long slender fingers loosely tie it back in a ponytail to keep it out of her eyes. Ebony is only a 17 year old teenager but is definitely not someone to be underestimated. A belt around her waist had two small scabbards for two odd shaped, ornamental handled blades. The design would make holding them in the hand, let alone fighting with them, very difficult.

She glances over her shoulder at the sound of approaching steps. A silver tabby housecat with deep green eyes casually strolls over to her. The cat sits beside the mutant feline and looks up at her. Ebony silently looks at the silver tabby with interest. Her ability to speak Cat, the 'language' of cats, gives her an unforeseen advantage, an inconspicuous network of eyes and ears... eager to share secrets to those who will listen and return the favour.

Cat "I bring news I believe you will be glad to hear Ebony"

Ebony "What is it Imogen?"

Imogen "Four reptilian mutants have been spotted 1 mile south-west of the harbour on the east side of the city and they seemed to be heading for the harbour. Rowan overheard them talking about the Kraang. There were pieces of Kraang tech seen nearby as well as a few Kraang"

Ebony smirks and nods her thanks. Finally, something better to do other than sitting around on a cold roof all night in the wind and waiting for something to happen. She picks up Imogen and takes a short running leap off the roof. Twisting her body in midair, Ebony sticks the landing and takes off running. Her feet pound the concrete as she runs tirelessly towards the east harbour from the western part of the city, jumping over the gaps between buildings. Taking the most direct route, it would only take her 7 minutes maximum for her to reach her destination.

Ebony sighs, wondering how many more challenges she would face before she finally lost her mind or her life, the chance of finding a guy who could help her stabilise her mind and life being way too small for her to dare hope. She'd never had much luck in her life anyway.

Imogen's low growl snapped Ebony out of her thoughts, bringing her attention to the four individuals running across a roof 600 metres away. They were definitely heading for the harbour, but why? Ebony watches them for a moment then follows at a distance, her sharp eyesight more than making up for the distance.

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