Hello all! I am finally back. After a very hard semester of school, I plan to use this break to write and write and write, so even if I am busy once school starts again, I can post chapters because they will already be done! I apologize for the long wait, but I hope you enjoy!

Draco looked at Hermione, "What do you mean you will lose the kids?"

"It is just what I said, Draco. This house is perfect. They both love you and Bailey. They are going to want to see her all the time. If this whole arrangement didn't work out, you would get the kids. You have a house and a good job. I am living with friends and, yes I have a job, but you have your own house and that means that you could provide something for them that I can't. You would get custody of them."

"Whoa, whoa, Hermione. Slow down. I just met them and I am not looking to take them away from you. I just want to get to know them. I want to spend time with them as well as you. I know that it will take a long time to get back to where we were, if it is even possible. They can come over whenever they want too, you as well. But I don't want you to think that I am trying to take them away from you. That would never happen, okay?"

Hermione nodded.

"Good. Now why don't we go and look at a couple more houses and see if we can find the one that gives you those feelings." He stood up and held his hands out to her. She took them and he pulled her up.

"Alright. Let's go."

They rounded up Alice and Zander and walked to another open house. After another two houses Hermione was feeling hopeless.

"Draco let's just go back to Harry's house. This is hopeless. There is nothing out here that even comes close to what I want."

"There is one more on the list the the realtor gave me. Let's check it out and if you don't like it, we can call it a day. Deal?"

"Deal. What does it have bedroom and bathroom wise?"

"It has three bedrooms, including a master suite. Three and a half bathrooms, including the one in the master suite. An open concept main floor with a kitchen, living room, dining room, a half bath and an office. It also has a backyard with lots of trees and a place for a swing set or fire pit, or whatever you would want to put back there. The washer and dryer are on the top floor with the bedrooms and bathrooms. It has an attached garage and a finished basement."

"Sounds nice. It just has to flow the way I want it too. Hopefully it would because I don't want to burden Harry anymore."

"I'm sure you aren't burdening him. He is your best friend. He loves you and he loves your kids."

"I know that. But I just feel that I have over stayed my welcome. They are going to be getting married within the next year and will probably start a family soon after. I just feel like I have to move on and out on my own."

Draco put his arm around Hermione as they walked up the street towards the next house. They reached the end on the cul-de-sac and saw the beautiful two story, brick house. Hermione gasped. It was beautiful. There was a white picket fence around the yard and the house was made of beautiful red brick.

"I take it you like it."

"It's beautiful. I just hope the inside is just as nice."

They met the relator at the front door and she showed them around. When they entered the front door the office was to the right and the living room was to the left and the stairs leading up to the second floor were right in front of them. The walked through the whole house and Hermione was amazed at how beautiful it was. She fell in love with the soft grey granite counter tops and the dark wood cupboards. The carpet in the bedrooms, her office and the living room was so soft she could fall asleep on it and the hardwood in the kitchen, dining room and bathrooms were a beautiful shade; not to light and not to dark. The backyard was perfect. There was a deck where she could easily fit a nice set of outside furniture and the yard was huge with trees supplying a great amount of shade.

The relator said she would give them a few minutes to talk and she would be in the living room when they were ready.

Draco turned to Hermione, "What do you think?"

"I love it. It has an office that I could fit some shelves in for books. The living room, kitchen and dining room open concept is great. Each kid would have their own room and full bathroom. The basement could be a playroom or we could set up a home theater or both! It is that huge! I love this house, Draco."

"So does that mean you want to make an offer?" he asked her.

"I have to ask the kids, but if they say yes, then yes I want to make an offer."

"Well let's go grab them." Draco and Hermione went to ask the children what they thought and after letting them decide which of the bedrooms and bathrooms they wanted, they said yes. Hermione went to talk with the relator and she found out that there were no more offers on the house and it had been on the market for a very long time and the sellers wanted to get rid of it. Hermione was surprised that no one wanted this beautiful house but she put in an offer and they left on their way.

They walked back to Draco's house, because the kids wanted to play with Bailey, and Hermione realized that they were only a few blocks away from Draco's house.

"Did you know that we weren't that far away from your house?" She asked while they were sitting at the kitchen table watching the kids play with the dog.

"I will admit, I saved that house for last because I knew it was close to me and if anything happened I wanted to be able to get to you, or you get to me, as easily as possible."

"Huh, I don't know if I should be mad that you knew and didn't tell me or grateful that you thought that much ahead."

"I don't want to tell you what to think, but I would be grateful." He said with a smirk.

Hermione shoved his shoulder but laughed it off.

"How long did the relator say before you would find out if you got the house?"

"She didn't. She just said it would be by the end of the day."

It was around dinner time before Hermione got the call.

"Hello…really…that's great thank you very much!"

"So?" Draco asked.

"I got the house! The sellers just wanted the house gone so they agreed! I own a house!"

Draco got up and picked Hermione up swinger her in a circle. Once he set her down he said, "That is amazing. Once the paper work goes through, we should get you over there as soon as possible."

"Alice, Zander come in here please."

"What's wrong, mommy?" Zander asked.

"You remember that last house we visited right?" both kids nodded, "Well I just got a call from the nice lady who showed it to use and she told me that if we wanted it, the house was ours."

"Really. We get a new house?" Alice yelled as she started jumping up and down.

"Yep. If you want to move in we get to as soon as some papers go through."

"Yay! Mr. Draco did you hear that, we get a new house with a big backyard and my own room!" Zander said as he started running around in circles.

"I did hear that. What do you say we order some food and celebrate?"

Both kids were happy to say yes and they ran back in the living room and started jumping around excitedly with Bailey.

Hermione followed Draco back to the kitchen where he was pulling out some take out menus.

"That you, Draco. It really means a lot to me that you helped with this."

"Of course, Hermione. It was the least I could do for letting me be a part of their lives after what happened. It also lets me be a part of their mom's life as well." He said with a smirk.

Hermione laughed, "Yes well if you play your cards right, you never know what will happen."

There it is. I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry again for the lateness of this chapter. I am on break now so I will write as many chapters as I can so that I can post them while school is in session. Please leave a review if you can! Thanks for reading!