Disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon a Time

AN: So here's the final chapter of You're Gonna Miss This! Thank you for your support! Also IT'S THE MID-SEASON PREMIERE TONIGHT! Everyone enjoy!

Chapter Twelve

Storybrooke, Maine

Killian scratched his head, "What is going on?" He asked.

"What do you mean what is going on?" Regina snapped. "I caught you in Belle's cell." She snapped.

"In her cell?" Killian pointed to Belle, "You've got to be bloody kidding me. Why would I be there?" He rolled his eyes, "You really are out of your mind, bloody evil queen."

"You were rescuing her to help him." She pointed to Gold.

"And why would I help him? I mean, I guess I would now, but then, why would I do that? I was bloody trying to kill him all of the time." He sneered.

Gold leaned back, "Why would I work with him?" Gold asked.

"You've taken the potion too?" Regina rolled her eyes. "This is ridiculous. Honestly, at least you two remember what's going on." She rolled her eyes at Ruby and Granny.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"You remember sleeping with Hook." Regina snapped.

Ruby scoffed, "My tastes are not that low. I mean if it were now," she paused and winked at Killian, "but when he was just Hook, not likely."

"I wouldn't have let him anywhere near my doorstep." Granny seconded that statement.

"Well this is just," Regina paused, "well then, I really don't see the point in discussing the failed journey to Wonderland Hook takes."

"And now everyone doesn't remember." Snow sighed. "I think we need to focus on how to get her back. Clearly she's not getting back with our help."


Emma fell to the ground with a thump. She looked up, "What?" She asked. "How in the hell did I wind up here?" She glanced down at her hand, the magic wand was still firmly clamped in it. "My magic?" She murmured to herself questioningly. "Killian." She stood up and brushed off the dirt from Regina's leather pants. "Killian." She repeated, throwing the barn doors opened and dashing out.

She realized she must look insane, running through the town of Storybrooke in all leather with a magic wand in her hand continuously muttering Killian's name over and over again. She reached the loft quickly, throwing open the door, "Killian!" She called out.

Everyone in the loft stilled. "Swan?" He asked.

"Killian!" She dropped the wand, throwing herself at him, dragging his head down to hers. "Thank God." She murmured, before forcing his lips onto hers. His arms wrapped around her waist, hauling her flush against him. When she pulled back, she moved her lips to his ear, "I love you. I love you, Killian. I am so sorry for everything I said. I am so sorry." She whispered.

Killian loosened his arms, "Love, are you alright?" He asked quickly, "How did you get back?" He frowned, "And what are you wearing?"

Emma cocked her head to the side, "Um the outfit you stole."

"Are you wearing my clothes, Miss Swan?" Regina snapped, stepping forward.

"Well, Killian stole them. That red dress that you," she pointed to Gold, "put me in was a little conspicuous."

Mary Margaret stood up, "They don't remember what happened anymore in the past. They just know that you went back in time and so we had kind of started to move on how to get you back and we were just starting to remind them of the memories they just had." She pulled Emma into a hug, "Thank God you're alright." She whispered.

"Mom!" Henry pushed his way through.

"Kid," Emma sighed as she pulled him close, "I'm okay, are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine, are you okay?" He asked, looking up at her, "I missed you."

"Oh kid, I missed you too." She kissed the top of his head. "I just," she looked around, "I need a few minutes with Killian." She let go of Henry and held her hand out, "Can we go for a walk?" She asked.

Killian nodded, "Of course, Swan."

Emma glanced down at her pants, "Actually, let me change first." She pressed a kiss to his cheek before darting up the steps of the loft and into her room. Five minutes later she happily slid into her blue leather jacket. "So much better. Those corsets are a pain." She muttered. "Now, about that walk, pirate."

They walked in silence for about five minutes before she finally spoke, "Killian, I was wrong to say everything I said earlier today I guess," she frowned, "is it the same day?"

"Aye, it is love."

"I was wrong to say those things to you. I was just, I guess I was completely out of sorts. I was wrong. I just," she stopped and faced him, "you're my home, Killian." She whispered, "Wherever you are. So if that's here or in the Enchanted Forest or on the Jolly Roger. It doesn't matter where it is. You're my home and I love you. I just, being with you, but it not being you, not being the man I love, well I can't explain to you how much it hurt."

Killian held up his hand, "You love me?" He paused, "You really love me?"

"I really love you." Emma confirmed.

Pulling her up against him, he whispered, "I love you too, Swan." He pressed his lips to hers.

"I'm sorry it took a trip back in time for me to realize it. I'm sorry I didn't admit to it sooner." She ran her fingertips down his jaw, "I love you."

He turned his head and brushed his lips against her fingertips, "I will never tire of hearing you say that."

Emma sighed, "Then I guess I'll just have to tell you everyday."

"I would like that." He smiled down at her, "Now," he held his arm out to her, "there's a victory party being held in our honor that has already started I believe, shall we?"

Emma tucked her hand into his elbow and leaned into him, "We shall."


"Everything okay?" David asked as they walked into Granny's to find the party in full swing.

Emma nodded and wrapped her arms around him, sighing deeply as his hand cradled her head, "I love you, Dad." She whispered.

"I love you too, Princess Leia."

Emma leaned back, "I guess you didn't make Gold's cut."

"Guess not. It seems that Belle, Regina, Ruby, Granny, Killian and Gold were the ones who had their memories wiped."

"Wait, so Mom, she remembers me?" Emma asked.

"She remembers Leia." David corrected her.

"Right." Emma sighed, "That was the worst thing ever, seeing you all and have you not know me."

"Well, you're home now." David gently touched her cheek, "Or at least, back in this land."

Emma shook her head, "No, I'm home now." Emma tucked herself back into his embrace and smiled at the scene in front of her. Killian was handing Henry a hot chocolate, while ordering another one from Ruby for Roland. He was laughing with Robin and Regina. Her mother was talking to Leroy and Granny and Archie. "I'm home."