Beta: imjustpeachee (Thank you for letting me bounce thoughts off you)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all related characters belong to Nickelodeon. All dialogue in the epilogue directly from 'The Mutation Situation'.
A few weeks later, under the bright light of a super-moon, Mikey was excitedly skating along the rooftops, performing jumps and tricks while his brothers whooped it up all around him. All four were thoroughly enjoying themselves in what felt like the party which never ended, though there had definitely been a hiccup in the mood during the whole Cottage Cheese Demon incident. Other than that, it had been quiet for well over a month now and they were still celebrating.
"We are awesome!" Donnie cried as he jumped from one air-conditioning unit on the side of an apartment building to another.
"And then I took my sai," Raph boasted loudly, demonstrating by slamming it point first into the air-conditioner he was lounging on, "and shortened that Kraang droid's skull! Wham! So cool!"
Leo stood grinning as he watched from a nearby pole, quickly interjecting at his first opportunity. "What about Master Splinter! I wish I could have seen him take out the Shredder!" He effortlessly jumped over to a nearby awning and from there, to the ground below, even as Mikey skated underneath; grinding his board along the edge of a public bench before skidding to a halt.
"And let's not forget, Cottage Cheese Demon!" Mikey exclaimed, posing with his hands outstretched in a mocking caricature of Cottage Cheese Demon's final hissy fit. "If we didn't stuff him in that microwave, the earth would have been drowned in living cheese!"
"For the twenty second time, Mikey! There was no Cottage Cheese Demon. Ever!"
- . - . -
Never the end!
If you read my other stories, please take the time to check my profile. I have a poll there about an upcoming story that I would really appreciate your opinion on.
Thank you for reading, commenting and following. It really made my day seeing the alerts in my e-mails and made me want to get stuff out sooner.
There will also be a One-shot sidefic sometime in the next week or so from 'And One to Grow On'.