Lenalee Lee- Beauty

Allen Walker- Beast

( Lord ) Tyki Mikk- Handsome Suitor

Lavi- Servant one

Kanda- Royal Guard

Once upon a time there was a handsome young prince. He had rich brown hair and lively silver- gray eyes that drew people into them. He lived in a elegant castle in an ancient kingdom called Mater. He had a great deal of wealth and power. Because of this the prince who was good at heart grew selfish and unkind almost to the point of no return. He became famed for his cruelty and ignorance.

One night an ugly old woman heavily clad in ragged clothes came to the Prince's castle and asked if she might stay the night there. In exchange for shelter from the bitter cold she presented him with a seed. This, she explained, was a rose seed and would grow the most beautiful roses anyone had ever seen. The seed was so special that the prince found himself entranced by it though he had no idea what it was that he found so beautiful about a simple seed. Returning his gaze to the old woman, he sneered and looked at her with derision. He turned the old woman down despite her gift. She pleaded with him to reconsider and take pity on her, but the Prince would not budge. He once again told her to leave the palace and threatened to have his royal guards throw her out if she would not leave. When he said this, the old woman's appearance began to change until she was no longer recognizable as the same woman.

The prince was aghast as he stared at a beautiful and young fairy princess. She had silky smooth hair and wore an elegant, embroidered dress whose beauty paled in comparison to that of the fairy herself. The fairy princess radiated power. The prince dropped to his knees and begged her for forgiveness, but she was repulsed by his behavior and laid a curse on him and the people of the castle. Those who lived in the castle would be spared if they chose to desert the prince and leave the castle that night. Those who remained loyal to him could stay, but would be cursed with the prince. Most of the servants left the castle in a hurry that night leaving only the most loyal few behind. The prince himself was not allowed to leave. Though he tried, part of the curse placed there was that those left in the castle could never leave the grounds.

Before leaving, the fairy princess placed an additional curse of ugliness on the prince which disfigured his naturally good- looks. A scar was placed on the left side of his face. It ran from above his eyebrow down to his chin, was tinted red and ran right over his eye. His arm was turned into an arm more befitting of a beast than a handsome prince. It looked like his arm was ripped off at the shoulder and replaced with a more robotic arm complete with a large claw to act as a hand. His hair was turned so white that compared to his, the hair the old woman had almost seemed vibrantly colored. Before leaving forever, the fairy princess turned to the miserable prince and told him that he must learn to love someone and have them love him back. If he could do this, the spell would be broken. Then she left.

At first the prince thought that he could easily complete this, but he soon found that people were frightened of his appearance and hid from him. Fearing him and the curse, the people left the city of Mater and the town grew dark, overgrown and decrepit. The servants and prince could not leave, though. The former prince lost his chance to find anyone to love. It was just as well though as he realized he had long forgotten how to love another. Ashamed of his appearance he locked himself and his remaining servants in the castle most of the time. The loyal servants often tried their best to cheer him up, but he thought of his appearance and attitude and knew he was a monster. He planted the rose seed as a reminder of that night. True to her word, the seed the fairy princess had given him grew the most amazing roses human eyes had ever seen. He loved the rose bush that grew from it and took care of it as if it were his child. He lavished his affections on it as the only light in his otherwise dark world and resigned himself to his lonely fate. He had every reason to believe that there would never be anyone to love him, but he was wrong.