Alright guys, I'm gonna post this second chapter before I leave fore China so you all don't forget me while I'm gone xD. Anyway, enjoy.

0800 hours: Ptolemy 2 (Currently in a hidden orbit around Earth)

"Alright guys, team meeting." Sumeragi said to the assembled crew in the briefing room, "Ian what do we know so far?" Ian clicked a remote in his hand the display screen on the floor zoomed in on a live video feed of Earth.

"As of now, we know that we're not in our own universe, so to speak, when the drive malfunctioned; it must have thrown us here, at the right coordinates but in the wrong universe." Ian zoomed in on one of the silver towers orbiting Earth. "We have not yet identified what these are, but there are signs of life in them, human lives that is."

"Also, from our scanners, there seems to be a series of active battles on the planets." Sumeragi said, as the screen displayed an infrared and radar scan of the planet. There seems to be a fight between unidentified forces and forces similar to the mech we just encountered, the energy signatures match."

"So what's the catch?" Lockon asked, "I feel like there's a huge but coming." Sumeragi nodded.

"Our first issue is that Setsuna is still incapacitated from the previous incident." Sumeragi began, "Our second issue is that we have to figure out how to get back to our universe and that may take some time."

"We could try landing on the planet's surface, and see if the people of this Earth could help us." Lockon suggested. Tieria shook his head.

"Lockon, there are so many reasons why that is a bad idea." Tieria replied, "First of all those towers circling the Earth. The mobile suit we encountered earlier came from one of those towers, so we have no reason to believe they are friendly or potential allies, so trying to land means flying through them and that could get us killed. The second problem is, we have no good intel on the situation on the surface, meaning we're going to be flying into an active warzone, blind. And who is to say that when we land, the other forces are going to be friendly to us?" Then Allelujah spoke up,

"Call me crazy, but I kind of like Lockon's idea." The rest of the team looked at Allelujah like he was nuts. "Look just hear me out." He said, "According to what you guys are telling me, it's going to be a while before we fix up the teleportation drive system so until then, we're stuck here. Also if you think about it, the mobile suit we encountered earlier tried to attack us right? And now we have data telling us similar suits are attacking the surface, so therefore we can assume that the forces stationed in those towers and their allied forces on the ground are attacking Earth. That means that is has to be Earthlings fighting back."

"What's your point?" Tieria asked.

"My point is that if we land, we should be able to expect some help from the Earthlings here because now we have a common enemy. Well that and isn't it also Celestial Being's job to eliminate conflicts? And now we're sitting on a war across the planet, with really no way to go." Allelujah explained. Sumeragi then spoke up,

"Allelujah has a point. It won't do us any good to keep staying around in orbit since then we risk more attacks from those towers, and he's right, our job is to eliminate conflicts so until Ian can get us back in business, we should do what we can here, since it's what we stand for." The rest of the crew thought for a second and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah and who knows," Ian said, "Maybe Lockon will be right and the people here might be able to help me."

"Alright then it's settled." Sumeragi said, "Lasse, get ready for reentry, we're going down to the surface."

"Yes ma'am." Lasse said running back to the cockpit..

0830 hours: Martian Landing castle 20

Cruhteo walked into the hanger, and was immediately greeted by a technician. "How are the repairs coming along?" Cruhteo asked.

"Almost done sir." The technician replied, "We're finishing up the final adjustments."

"Good." Cruhteo replied, "Have it ready as soon as possible, I'm going to need it soon."

"Yes sir." The technician said, running back to work. Cruhteo meanwhile walked to the bridgem while thinking back to the meeting earlier with Saazbaum, who called for the Orbital Knights to be on high alert for the unidentified force that just showed up.

"I want them captured, not killed." Was Saazbaum's order because he wanted to know more about these people, and if they can be exploited for the Vers. Then he repeatedly chastised Cruhteo for losing and tarnishing is honor as a knight.

"That guy, I swear one day I'm gonna-" He was cut short as alarms went off. Cruhteo hurried into the bridge. "What's going on?" he demanded.

"Sir, we have an unidentified object approaching the Landing Castle blockade, it's huge." A console operator replied.

"Well bring it up on screen." Cruhteo demanded. Just as he said that, he saw the object fly past the front of the bridge.

"It's that ship from earlier!" Cruhteo yelled. The Ptolemy was rapidly hurling towards Earth. "Take it down!" Cruhteo ordered.

"We can't sir, it's moving too fast!." The operator replied,

"Damn!" Cruhteo yelled, slamming his fist down on the panel in front of him, before storming out of the bridge."

Meanwhile on the Ptolemy

"How's everything looking Lasse?" Sumeragi asked.

"We're on course." Lasse replied, "By the way we're going, we should be touching down somewhere off the coast of Shinawara."

"Alright keep on it." Sumeragi said.

"We're almost through the atmosphere." Feldt reported, "We should have visual of land in 3…2…1!" The Ptolemy broke through the clouds and the onboard screens displayed the waters of the ocean. Off in the distance, they could see the image of a battle scarred city, with still explosions and gunfire bursting from it. The ship shook violently as it plunged into the ocean, but thanks to the GN particle field, everything was safe.

"We have landed." Lasse reported, "Or oceaned in this case."

"Good work Lasse." Sumeragi said, "Now let's move onto phase 2, and get a good look at the situation."

Alright guys so this is basically setting up for the first encounter, which you all should be able to guess with whom it's going to be. Alright see you guys when I get back.