A/N: This will be the final chapter to this story. I want to thank all of my followers, favorites and reviewers for this story. I'll miss this little story but all good things must end. And so once again thank you to all who have read this.

Chapter 12

It was now the third day since the well closed. InuYasha had returned to try and reach the one he feared was lost to him forever. Now standing deep within the bone eaters well he stared at the stone wall. 'No, I can't lose her too.' InuYasha thought to himself.

It was Shippo's voice that caused him lose his thoughts. "Hey InuYasha what are you doing down there?"

"Shut-up Shippo, it's none of your damn business what I'm doing!" InuYasha yelled up to the young fox demon.

"Touchy." Shippo called back. "Well when you're done Sango made supper." After that Shippo was off again.

"Damn!" InuYasha swore to himself. Why did the fates hate him so much? And why couldn't for once in his life, there be happiness. No that wasn't true, he did have happiness. But it was Kagome that gave him that happiness.

Jumping from the well, he then stood placing a clawed hand on the wooden edge. "I won't give up on you Kagome I'll be back in three days."

And so every three days he returned. Some visits longer then others. He would often sit inside and just wonder what she was doing on her side. "Keh, I hope you're enjoying them damn tests of yours." He wasn't really mad at Kagome more at himself for falling in love with her. Even though he knew Kagome was feeling just as lost as him. Or had she moved on? That question hit him after the first year.

A whole year and still they remained locked away on their own sides of the well. It was also the same time Sango gave birth to twin girls. But even though there was joy there was also pain.

InuYasha was happy for his friends. They both deserved this wonderful gift. But still InuYasha couldn't help but wonder when his time would come?

Even though Kagome had except the well closed. She still missed her hanyou. Was he managing without her by his side? Kagome always promised she would stay with him. What was he doing right now? 'I bet he's probably waiting for me at the well.' Kagome thought with a heavy sigh. Oh how she longed to go through the well and see all her friends. But fear also kept her away. After all she spent three days in total darkness. She couldn't let her mind worry about the what ifs and InuYasha. She was a high school student now. And she was determined to graduate.

It wasn't long after the birth of Miroku and Sango's twin girls. That the need for extra cash and supplies were made know. So with nothing else to do with his time. InuYasha didn't mind when Miroku asked him to travel to different villages to kill demons. Plus he needed to get his mind off of Kagome.

There was even a time that the monk and hanyou traveled a weeks journey away from their home village, but still InuYasha returned on the third day to the well. No matter what, he would return to the well every three days.

It was around the second year of InuYasha's well visits. That Shippo caught on to this visiting time frame. But he didn't let InuYasha know. Sure he missed Kagome too. But there was no point in fighting over this. "So he comes here every three days, does he." Shippo said to himself.

The days went by, but to InuYasha he still felt alone. During a journey with Miroku to kill a demon in a village a few days away. InuYasha had finally told Miroku how he felt. "So InuYasha, how do you feel about all this?" Miroku asked his silver haired friend. As they set by the fire.

"Feh, about what?" InuYasha asked, even though he knew what the monk meant.

"InuYasha, I know you miss Kagome. You can't hide the loneliness in your eyes. I can a sure you my friend. She is just as lonely with out you." InuYasha didn't answer Miroku right away. But then the silence was broken by a twig breaking.

"You know Miroku, as much as I need her here. There are others who love her and need her as I do." After InuYasha's words. Miroku only nodded. He understood exactly what InuYasha meant.

It was now three years since the well closed. For some reason he just needed to let it all out. So as Keade picked herds he told her how he felt. The events from this morning still fresh in his head. As Miroku rejoined his family and welcomed his first son.

InuYasha went to the well. How he longed for her to return. He never felt more alone then now. Miroku's family needed him and the time with his friends had changed. Sure he was family but not like a son or daughter.

And so as he told Keade everything it was Shippo who came popping into the picture. And to make matters worse he told the secret of InuYasha's well visits. "Hey InuYasha you're still going to the well every three days aren't you?" Those were Shippo's last words before InuYasha kicked him through the air.

Keade could tell InuYasha was hurting more now then ever. And she feared that it was true that Kagome wouldn't be able to rejoin with InuYasha. And everyone in the village knew the hanyou longed to be by Kagome's side.

As Kagome walked up to her mom she felt at ease. She had graduated, finally after all this time she had completed her school life. The only problem was while her friends were telling of their future plans. Kagome wondered just where was her life going?

As the family walked home Kagome found herself thinking of InuYasha. Three years had past since the well closed. And she wondered if this time period was where she belonged? Even though she really wanted to see him again, could she go through that dark well once more?

As much as she hated to return through the dark well. She couldn't deny the urge to visit the bone eaters well just one more time. 'I can't deny it anymore I want to see you again InuYasha.' Kagome thought as she closed her eyes, gripping the edge of well. It was then a breeze caught her attention. Opening her eyes she saw the blue sky.

As Miroku and Sango's twin girls played with InuYasha's ears. A familiar scent caught his nose. In no time InuYasha was off and running. Could it be? His nose never lied before. Was his Kagome really back?

Reaching into the well his world around him stopped. And when her hand grabbed his, he knew his home had returned. "I'm sorry InuYasha, were you waiting for me all this time?" Kagome asked, as tears started to show.

"Kagome, you idiot. What have you been all this time?" He asked hugging her close.

It wasn't long before InuYasha and Kagome's reunion was cut short. Their friends had followed InuYasha to the well. And even though they wished embrace a little longer. InuYasha and Kagome knew they had a life time to embrace. But for that small moment they had. To finally be able to hold each other once more was something they both needed. To know that happiness was finally found after three years of heartache. And that they would face each tomorrow together. No matter what may lay ahead for them.