Prompt - Imagine your OTP partnered together for a project where they take care of a 'baby'

Home room. The first 45 minute class of the day for the high school students at Ace's school. It was also the one class where the school grouped students according to their name and not age or class level. Here students were required to do little else but have proof of life and complete one major project to pass. In other words, a glorified attendance class and one of the most dreaded and boring classes for students separated from their usual friends.

Consider the fact that this was also a Monday and that the teacher would announce the end of the year project today, the class promised to be an even more annoying one. So Ace resolved to simply sit down and relax until class started. With that in mind, Ace placed his bag on his desk and dropped his head onto the bag.

"Hey, Hey!" 'The chirping wasn't that annoying' Ace thought groggily 'It was more the insistent finger poking into his cheek that made Ace want to punch the kids lights out.'

"What?!" He growled snatching the kid's finger away from his cheek as he made to poke him again. And Ace found himself face to face with the class's hyperactive goof. 'Could those eyes get any bigger?'

In complete disregard for Aces scowl, Luffy's smile widened. "Hi! I'm Luffy and I'm your husband." The kid was looking right at him with those big black eyes and grinning so wide his scar stretched. There wasn't a hint of ill intent or mischievousness on his face.

'Okay so maybe he was still asleep or something.' Ace looked around and noticed that the teacher was the only other person in the room. 'When did everyone else leave?'

"You have ten minutes to make it to your next class." Ms. Robin chimed. "I suggest you take Ace and explain what he missed in class today. Lest you be late to another class."

"Shishishi" 'That's an odd laugh… Guess I'm not dreaming.' "Okay! Come on Ace."

With that the kid grabbed Ace's arm and dragged him out of the room.

'What the….?!'

"Hey! Wait!" Ace made a valiant grab for his bag just making it before he was dragged from the room. 'He's actually pretty strong for such a thin kid!'

"Where do you think you are taking me?" He said as he pulled Luffy to a stop next to some lockers.

"To class right!" Luffy said as he turned to face him. "I know we go in the same direction for a bit to get to first period. I see you every day! This way I can tell you what the project is."

'Oh right, the project that must be what Ms. Robin meant.'

"Alright, we can walk and talk but enough with the pulling." He said pointedly looking down at his right wrist that Luffy was still holding.

"Opps. Shishishi." Luffy let go and threw his bag across his shoulder pulling the regulation white button down shirt tighter across his chest.

'I guess he's more lean then skinny.' Ace thought pulling his eyes away from Luffy.

"Where's your jacket? I thought everyone had to wear one." He asked as he turned to walk to his class.

"Hmmm. Yeah but I forget it a lot and the teachers stopped caring as long as I wear the rest of the stuff." Luffy trotted over to him and keep pace as they walked to their respective first period classes.

"So what's the project?" he asked when Luffy didn't volunteer any information.

"Huh?" Luffy looked over at him in confusion before brightening up and starting to rummage through his book bag. "Oh like I said before. I'm your husband and we have to take care of our new baby!"

Thankfully no one else in the hall seemed to be listening. Ace was pretty sure the conversation couldn't get any odder and he was really not blushing. Luffy who was still rummaging around in his bag stopped with a triumphant noise followed quickly by an 'opps' as whatever he had been pulling out of his bag fell to the floor.

"Whhhhaaaaaaa, whaaaaaa!" Ace couldn't have been more wrong. This right here was more embarrassing and now he was blushing. Yet he was frozen to the spot helpless and staring at what may or may not be a mechanical doll. A crying mechanical doll which had to have crawled right out of a grade B horror film. It looked as if it had been used for decades by malicious students resigned to a substandard grade. The previous owner had even gone as far as too dye the hair a horrifying shade of neon pike. The doll even had one foggy eye! All it had to do now was start saying 'Mama, Mama' with a creepy owl head turn to get him to bolt in the opposite direction.

"Ahh, I got it." Luffy bent over to rescue the pathetically flailing doll from the dirty hallway floor. "I hope we don't get points off right away."

"Yeah." Thankfully the crying stopped as Luffy held Chucky's ugly baby like a football and rocketed it in his arms. 'He's actually pretty good at that.'

"Wait! What the Hell?!" He sputtered as Luffy's words finally made it to him. "Points off?! Our BABY!?"

"Yeah! Wasn't Ace listening our project is to take care of Lola here until the end of the semester." Luffy thrust Chucky's spawn up to his face and he might have caught an early glimpse of his death in its glassy eye. 'LOLA!?'

"But we're both guys!? Shouldn't it be a boy and a gir!l? When was this decided!? What kind of grade are we talking about here!? What the hell kind of name is Lola!?" That was it he was starting to loss it. He was standing in the middle of the hallway with a kid at least two grades lower than him talking about taking care of an apparently 'female' killer doll with about three minutes left until the bell rang.

Luffy brought the doll back to his chest, looking down at the doll and then up at Ace. Then with a pout he said. "What you don't like the name I choose for our baby?"

'He's sort of cute' Ace blamed his current mental panic state for even allowing that thought to enter his mind when there was so much more important things to focus on. "No! Wait that's not the point!"

Thankfully Luffy decided to have mercy on him. "Don't worry Ace! I'll take care of Lola for now and we can meet up after school so we can decide how to take care of her later. Okay?"

Faced with Luffy's cheerful grin all Ace could do was nod his head in a daze. 'Take care of the monster…? Two more months until the end of the school year, right?'

"Okay!" Luffy shoved a piece of paper into his hands as he put 'Lola' on his shoulder. "Here's my number you can text me when you're out and I'll find you. Bye!" With that Luffy bounced off in the opposite direction. He watched Luffy run off with the paper in his fist and he could swear IT smiled at him from over Luffy's shoulder as the bell rang.

The bell had rung and the hallways had emptied of all but a few stragglers. But Ace couldn't find it in him to do much more than stare down at the piece of paper in his hand and mourn his ability to sleep through anything. 'How did I end up with a husband?'

Okay so this prompt has been floating around for a while now and I just had to write a one-shot. Though I might write a follow up with Ace and Luffy taking care of their new baby girl. ;) I hope you enjoy it! P.s I know some home rooms don't work that way but some do.~