After a few cycles of drinking & trying to keep her spirits high for the celebration of the upcoming year, Touka stumbles home from a party at Kami. Yoriko proceeds to follow her
friend who is drunkenly screaming for Kaneki to show himself but loses her when she begins to run down the empty dark street. Continuing with her relentless chant for him to
appear, she begins to express all the things that have been eating her up inside about him and her life and the people she's lost. 'It's me, isn't it?! Why can't you stay for me?!',
she repeats in a drunken howl. She finds herself completely lost in a park illuminated by post lights. She stumbles through the park believing that's the way to her apartment.
As she reaches the end of the park she notices a figure waiting at the exit. "Did you call for me?" the male figure under the post light asks her. Her haze makes it hard for her to
make out who it is until he turns to look at her with solemn grey orbs. "You shouldn't be out alone", he continued, "Especially, not piss drunk". He came closer, so close she
could catch his scent. He placed his hand to her cheek and brushed her swaying hair behind her ear. She pulled away from his hand & bit her lip a little. "Don't tell me how to
act. I'm old enough to manage myself", she spat angrily. Clearly flustered he had actually appeared, she tried to take off but was quickly stopped by the grabbing of her arm. He
pulled her into him and took in a whiff of alcohol and pomegranate scented perfume. "Let me take you home", he persisted. She intensely stared at him for a while until her
phone went off. A text from Yoriko appeared on her screen, "did you get home safely? Text me or call me! You shouldn't leave like that!". Touka replied back quickly letting her
know everything was okay, she was safe and sorry for leaving so abruptly. She sighed, unsure of how she wanted the rest of her night to go. She was so done with feeling alone
but didn't want Kaneki coming in and out her life as he pleased. Too wasted to deny his pleading eyes and iron grip, she agreed to let him walk with her…
Ok, so that's the 1st part to an idea I got for Touken while stoned.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.
There's a completed 2nd part on my tumblr.
If you don't have a tumblr, I will be posting the 2nd half on here.
Probably, by tomorrow depending on feedback.
So, be sure to let me know in the comments.
Thank you again.