Hello everyone. Sorry for the delay in chapters for this story. Just with American Kitsune, my other stories and school I have been very busy. But I decided that a chapter for this story was LONG overdue. As I have said before I WILL NOT abandon this story whatsoever, I, Sora, and Jebest have worked really hard on this and refuse to just abandon it.
Disclaimer: We DON'T own Naruto or Total Drama Series at all.
"Hello again everybody! Last time on Total Drama Island one of the most hated campers was voted off and a certain blonde got to have some fun with a certain sister. We also got to see some redemption of a certain punk." Chris said as he chuckled at the campers behind him as they were relaxing.
"Who will be the next one voted off? Will the blonde get ALL the girls on the island? What crazy challenge do I have in mind for the campers next?" he said as his smirk grew larger.
"Find out now on...
Island!" Chris yelled as the camera zoomed out to show the entire camp.
-Mess Hall-
Naruto smiled as he sat at his table with Gwen, Lindsay and Leshawna as he smiled at his other girls at the other team's table.
He was thankful that Gwen wasn't upset at Leshawna for essentially jumping him when he was asleep in the forest. Apparently Gwen found it hot for him to be jumped on by other girls, she even admitted it was one of her secret fetishes.
"So what do you think our challenge will be this time?" Naruto asked as he rubbed Lindsay and Gwen's thighs from under the table with a smile.
"Who cares!? As long as we win it and the loser Bass get another member off the island" Heather said with a growl as she glared at Naruto as she noticed how Leshawna was much closer with him now, assuming that he was making his alliance even bigger and leaving her in his dust.
"Well prepare to find out!" Chris yelled as the door to the Mess Hall flew open to reveal Chris in a chef's outfit as Chef rolled his eyes next to the host.
"Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork and your skills in the kitchen. You will be cooking a three course meal and will be serving it to me for tasting. The winners get a reward while the losers will send someone home" Chris said as the campers looked around at each other.
"Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and oversee the cooking" he said as he motioned for the campers to follow him as he walked outside.
"To cook you need ingredients and lucky for you every morning a truck brings us food" the host said as a truck backed up out of the water as a dolphin gave them a salute.
"Get to work and I'll warn you when the judging is to begin!" Chris said as the campers moved to the food truck.
"Whoa there is enough food in here for a great Italian dinner" Geoff said as Duncan and the others looked at him with a small frown. They didn't know whether or not to put Geoff in charge but no one else had any better plans.
"Well we found our Head Chef I guess" Duncan said as Geoff smirked and nodded before he looked back at Bridgette who frowned at the smirk.
"Head Chef! Called it!" Heather said as Gwen and Leshawna frowned.
"How about someone who has had experience working in a kitchen, like maybe Naruto" Gwen said as her team turned towards the blonde who stared back at them confused. "You've worked in kitchens haven't you?" Gwen asked as she swore she could remember him telling her something about it before.
"Yeah a bit. A friend of mine owns and runs one of the best barbeque style restaurants in all of China and he once asked me for help" Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle as he remembered his short job at his friend Choji's restaurant.
"Then I think it only makes sense for Naruto to be the Head Chef" Justin said as he hopped down from the food truck with a smirk.
Heather frowned as she tried to argue but gave up as she saw most of her team nod along with Justin's idea. "Whatever! As long as we don't lose!" Heather said as she went up into the food truck.
"Since Chinese food is one of the types of food I know Chinese and barbeque related foods will be our theme" Naruto said as he started listing off ingredients as his teammates gathered them for him.
Naruto smiled as he entered the kitchen assigned for his team. "Okay since there are six people we can break off in three teams of two for each course. I will help whoever needs help" he said as they nodded and broke off into teams.
Gwen and Lindsay were working on the first course, Heather and Justin were on the second course, and Leshawna and Owen were left to work on the final course.
"Here are the recipes, they shouldn't be too difficult but again if you need help just ask" Naruto said with a smile as he handed out the recipes to the three groups as they were the three recipes he remembered most clearly from his time in Choji's restaurant.
The first course was Roast Pork Lo Mein noodles that was a light meal to begin with. The second course was a nice Roasted Duck. And the final course were Steamed Buns with a Char Sui filling which was essentially a roasted pork with a sweet-and-sour marinade.
They were all simple dishes that Choji had given him from his special recipe book since they were close childhood friends. The only concern he had was if Owen decided to eat their hard work, if he was anything like Choji he would have to keep his eyes open.
"Owen before you try and eat the food at least let us serve Chris the food and I promise I can make more for you later" he said as he said quickly as Owen almost ate the dough for the buns.
"S-Sorry man, sometimes I just can't help myself" Owen said as Naruto chuckled and pat his back comfortably.
"I understand man but try your best for this challenge and I'll make a special dish as a reward" he said as Owen got a glint of determination in his eyes as he went back to helping Leshawna with the dough.
-Killer Bass-
Bridgette groaned in her head as she could feel Geoff's eyes leering at her, most likely her butt, as she and DJ were working on their food. With her team's number advantage they had more people working on each dish, thankfully though Geoff wasn't poking into her and DJ's group.
"I swear if he doesn't stop I am going to break his nose" Bridgette whispered harshly as DJ frowned and turned towards Geoff, who was indeed staring at Bridgette's ass.
"Yo man, can you go check on Courtney and Duncan since those two kind of butt heads a bit" DJ said as he could see the two of them bickering a bit. Though he couldn't help but notice it wasn't as bad as they use to fight.
"Oh, yeah man I got you" Geoff said as he tore his eyes away from staring and walked towards the CIT and punk.
"Thanks DJ" Bridgette said as the gentle giant chuckled and waved it off nonchalantly.
"It's all good. I could see it was upsetting you" DJ said as she nodded with a frown. "I bet you wished it was Naruto staring at you" he said as Bridgette's cheeks heated up in a dark blush.
"I-I d-don't know what you're t-talking about" Bridgette stuttered out as she tried to hide her blush from the now chuckling giant.
"Relax girl, I'm not going to judge or anything. All I have to say you have your work cut out for you with him dating Gwen" DJ said as Bridgette nodded sadly until he pat her on the back. "Though if what I saw and heard during the hunting challenge was true then I think you may have a chance."
Bridgette rose an eyebrow in confusion as DJ smirked. "I'll tell you about it later but for now I think we should focus on the challenge" he said as she nodded and continued making their food.
Eva and Katie frowned a bit as they overheard DJ and Bridgette's conversation as the two of them and Harold worked a bit away from them.
"Should we warn Naruto?" Katie asked with a frown as Eva frowned but shook her head.
"DJ isn't ruthless or mean enough to expose Naruto. If anything I think he'd help keep us a secret like Duncan does" the bodybuilder said as she pointed towards the green mohawked punk who she knew had started his and Courtney's spat to help Bridgette.
Eva knew Duncan wasn't as bad as he used to be after Naruto told them how Duncan had mellowed down. She figured Duncan was only looking after the girls who he figured were into Naruto.
"But we still will tell him about it later. Right now focus on the challenge" Eva said as Katie nodded and smiled at her 'harem sister'.
The two smiles on their faces fell as their, and all the people in the room, faces turned green as Harold walked into the kitchen wearing a red speedo.
"Good God man! Cover up" Eva yelled as she grabbed a frying pan ready to throw it at him as she focused on not looking below the nerd's face.
"I can't! Someone stole my clothes!" Harold yelled as Duncan smirked and accepted a high five from DJ.
"Well maybe next time you won't leave your underwear in the middle of the cabin 'Skid Mark'" Duncan said as the girls faces grew greener.
"Whatever, I guess I'll just work in this and show the ladies what they are missing" Harold said with a smirk before a frying pan hit him in the face, knocking him out as he fell to the ground.
"I am not working with him wearing that" Eva growled out as everyone started to laugh at the passed out nerd. "I don't care what you all do with him just get him out" she demanded with a glare as DJ and Duncan nodded as they started to drag the nerd out of the kitchen with a certain prank in mind as the girls shook their heads with a laugh as they continued cooking their dishes, hoping their food would be better than the other teams'.
-Screaming Gophers-
While the Killer Bass were busy messing with Harold the Screaming Gophers were flying through the challenge with immense ease, with no trouble whatsoever.
Due to Naruto's simple cooking instructions and his help whenever they needed it, they were already done with two of the three courses. The only dish that was still cooking was the Roasted Duck but even then it was nearly done.
"Okay as much as I hate to admit it you make a pretty good leader" Heather said with a frown behind him as he turned around and smiled at her.
"Well I'm glad my leadership lives up to your expectations" he said as he smirked at her, enjoying the blush that was forming on the bossy girl's cheeks. "This was an easy challenge for us so we should be grateful."
"You think the other team will be any match?" Gwen asked as she hugged onto his arm with a smile as she sent a knowing smirk towards Heather as she noticed Heather's blush.
"Well unless they also have a chef that has worked in a five star restaurant then I don't think we have anything to worry about" Leshawna said with a smirk as the PA screeched on.
"Thirty minute warning campers! Dishes should be done soon and ready for tasting!" Chris's voice screeched out of the speaker before turning off.
"Perfect, just enough time for the duck" Naruto said with a grin as he opened the oven to check on it. "Get the other dishes plated and we should be ready to go momentarily" he finished as Owen and Justin nodded and walked off.
"And don't eat any of it Owen!" Naruto yelled quickly before he heard a loud groan coming from the lovable oaf that caused everyone to laugh.
Though just to be safe he made an extra plate of food secretly just in case of someone who happened to eat the food in a fit of hunger, someone like Owen, or in case someone was trying to sabotage them like Geoff or Harold since he wouldn't be surprised if they tried.
Though thankfully it seemed he didn't need to use any of them. Now all he had to focus on was winning the challenge for his team.
-Mess Hall-
Naruto smiled as he and Geoff stood on either side of Chris as the host had set up a fancy environment for the taste test.
"Bring out the first dishes" Chris ordered with a clap of his hands as Naruto rolled his eyes at the dramatic host as Lindsay and Courtney brought out the first dishes.
"From the Gophers we have a bowl of Roast Pork Lo Mein noodles, we hope you enjoy" Lindsay said with a happy smile as she was able to recite what Naruto had told her without any problem. Her smile grew as she saw her lover give her a proud smile and a thumbs up as she moved next to him.
Chris smiled as he picked up the chopsticks and sampled the food and nodded in appreciation. "I'm guessing it was your idea to go with the Chinese theme?" Chris asked Naruto as he set down the chopsticks.
"Yes, I have experience cooking Chinese food so I went with what I was comfortable with" Naruto said as he rubbed Lindsay's back subtly with a smile.
"Well I'll hold my vote until I taste the Bass's dish" Chris said as he turned to Courtney who smiled at the host.
"Our first course is some simple spaghetti pasta" Courtney said as Chris tasted the dish as Courtney smiled at Naruto.
"Ah nothing original than." Chris said unimpressed so far before he set down his fork. "I have to say the Bass get 7 out of 10 for their boring but decent tasting dish while the Gophers get a shocking 15 out of 10 for that delicious Lo Mein" Chris said with a smile as Courtney glared at Geoff since he was the one who decided on the dishes.
"Bring out the second dish" Chris said with a smile as Courtney and Lindsay took the dishes away. As the two girls walked out everyone noticed as Lindsay still had the happy smile, while Courtney had the look of shame as if she knew it was already going to get a bad rating.
Naruto smiled as Bridgette and Leshawna walked out with their dishes as he couldn't help but stare at her ass as she swayed her hips to get his attention. "Our second dish is a Roasted Duck that will knock your socks off" Leshawna said as she stood next to Naruto and bit her lip as she felt his hand give her large rear a hard squeeze.
"W-We have a nice chicken dish" Bridgette said nervously as she felt embarrassed by the lack of leadership and creativity as for the most part Geoff had focused on bothering her.
Chris wiped some drool out of the corner of his mouth as he stared at the roasted duck as it looked simply gorgeous before he quickly started eating the duck. "This is delicious! This is the best duck I have ever tasted" Chris said as Naruto smiled as he continued to rub Leshawna's rear.
The host smiled as he set down his fork as he basically devoured the duck before he turned to the Bass's dish with a frown as he tasted it. "Decent taste but like the last dish it is quite boring" Chris said as he wiped his mouth.
"Bass get 5 out of 10 for their second course and again I have to give the Gophers 17 out of 10 for the delicious dish" Chris said as Leshawna and Bridgette took the dishes away as Leshawna had her legs slightly crossed from the groping Naruto had given her. Bridgette's frown went away as Naruto smiled at her encouragingly.
"Bring out the last course!" Chris said as had to undo his belt a bit to accommodate the last courses.
Naruto watched Heather and Eva walked out with the last dishes before setting them down. "Our last dish are some Steamed Buns with a Char Sui filling" Heather said as she took the lip off the wooden container, letting the steam pour out of it.
"We have a tiramisu for dessert" Eva said bluntly as she grit her teeth at the fact she couldn't stand next to her lover.
"Hmm surprised you didn't go for a dessert" Chris said as he picked up one of the buns and looked it over.
"Well we felt the buns would be just as good as any dessert we could make as they are something I have made many times before" Naruto said as Chris nodded and took a bite of one of the buns before he smiled and quickly ate the rest of the bun.
"Wow, can I take the rest of these with me, Chef has to try these" Chris said as Naruto nodded.
"I figured that, hence why we made so many" Naruto said as Heather closed the lid on the container and left it at Chris's side.
Chris nodded with a smile as he sunk his fork into tiramisu, before shrugging nonchalantly. "Better than your previous courses but still feels like it's missing something" Chris said as Eva glared angrily before she grabbed Geoff by his pink shirt.
"I told you we should have added more coffee in it" Eva growled at him. The entire challenge Geoff had been strict about what into 'his' recipes.
"Ahem," Chris said as he cleared his throat, getting Eva to let Geoff down, throwing him back as he fell on the ground "I still need to cast ratings" he said as he turned to Naruto.
"Your last course was amazing, I honestly have to rate it 20 out of 10!" Chris said as Heather pumped her fist with a smile. "Bass your flat tiramisu sadly gets a 6 out of 10" he finished as Eva growled again.
"That means the Gophers win with a 52 out of possible 30 as the Bass get 18 out of 30. Which means Bass I will see you at the bonfire as the Gophers enjoy a dinner from a five star restaurant that has been brought here" Chris said as Heather cheered and jumped at Naruto, wrapping her arms around him and pressing herself against him unintentionally.
Heather blushed dark red as she felt her breasts press up against Naruto, feeling his hard muscles through his shirt as she also felt his strong arms wrapped around his waist. She stared shocked up at the blonde before she nervously pushed him away.
"D-Don't get any ideas in your head! I-I was just happy for the win" Heather stuttered out as she quickly pushed him away and walked back into the kitchen.
"The dinner will begin shortly after the elimination" Chris said as Geoff was dragged off by Eva before the host turned to the blonde. "Also you can invite your girls to it as I set up a special room for you all" the host said as Naruto smiled and nodded to the host before he went back to his team.
"I have to say your food was tasty but so boring. I feel you all could have done much better" Chris said with a frown as he continued to snack on the pork buns as Chef stood next to him. "Do you all chalk the loss up to poor leadership or maybe something else" he said pointing to Geoff.
"We have chalked up your votes and the person who does not receive a marshmallow will be eliminated from the game and lose their chance at winning 100,000 bucks!" Chris said with a smirk as he pulled out a tray of marshmallows.
"If I call your name you are safe" the host said as he tossed out marshmallows. "DJ, Katie, Duncan, Courtney and Harold" Chris said as Geoff frowned and Eva glared at him. "The person safe to play another day is….."
The silence droned on until Chris frowned and tossed it "Geoff" Chris said as everyone but Harold and Geoff stood up in shock.
"That can't be true! We voted for Geoff!" Courtney said as everyone but Harold and Geoff nodded. They had talked about it alone after Geoff's terrible leadership cost them the challenge.
"I'm sorry but this is how the votes were cast" Chris said as he nodded to Chef as he dragged away an angry Eva.
"Eva we'll get revenge for you" Katie said with a frown as Eva frowned and nodded as Chef dragged her away.
Chris frowned as he looked through the votes and noticed nearly all the ones with Eva's name were written the same. 'This and the confession cam being broken smells rotten. Maybe if he isn't too mad I can ask him for help' Chris thought as he walked away from the campfire while rubbing his chin.
Courtney frowned as she looked to Katie as the tan girl nodded and mouthed the word 'Naruto' before she realized he'd want to hear of this before she ran off to find him.
-Dock of Shame-
"Wait! Let me say goodbye" a familiar voice yelled out as Eva felt tears build up in the corner of her eyes as she turned and saw Naruto standing at the start of the docks as she resisted being pushed into the boat by Chef Hatchet.
Chef frowned at Naruto but nodded as he saw Chris run up behind the boy and nod. "Fine but only five minutes" Chef said as he and Chris walked off a bit as Naruto ran to Eva and pulled her into a hug.
"I am so sorry Hime, I swear I will get whoever tampered with the votes and make them regret it" Naruto said as he kissed her passionately, which she returned.
"I know you will Naruto, thank you" she said as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. "Thank you for letting me love you and join your group. When I signed up for this stupid show I figured I'd get voted out fast but not only did I stay around longer than I thought but I fell in love" she said as he smiled at her and stroked her cheek.
"Eva I love you and I promise when this is over I will show you even more love and attention" he said as he kissed her again and rubbed her sides before Chef cleared his throat behind them.
"As much as I dislike breaking this up I have places to be and I believe you have a dinner to attend" Chef said as Naruto nodded with a frown.
"Naruto, I love you too and after this is over I expect you to make up the loving I missed out on" Eva said with a smile as Naruto chuckled and nodded as he waved to her as the boat pulled away.
"After this dinner I need to talk to you about something that you might be able to help with" Chris said as Naruto looked at him with a raised brow.
"Fine but we will have to work out another deal after the dinner" Naruto said as the host nodded with a smirk.
"That's fair. Your girls are already at the dining area and they even invited another girl" Chris said as Naruto shrugged his shoulders.
"More fun for me then" Naruto said as he walked away, leaving behind the chuckling host.
'God I love this kid and the ratings he brings' Chris thought as he waved the camera crew off to follow the blonde.
-Tented Dining Area-
Naruto was impressed at the speed that Chris had set up the large series of tents to act as the dinner's area. He barely had time to change into some better clothes since this was a five star dinner.
"Right this way sir, Chris has alerted us to your need of a private dining area and your guests are already there" a waitress said with a smile as Naruto nodded with a smile before the waitress led him off to his girls.
His smile grew massively as he entered his personal room and saw all his girls in their stunning dresses. "Wow you all look beautiful" he said in a shocked tone as Gwen walked over to him and gave him a loving kiss.
"Of course we do. We have to for our lover" Gwen said as she did a small twirl to show off her strapless and sleeveless black dress that looked like a corset with a bit of frill at the end, showing off her bust and contrasting her pale skin as she also had a black sash draped over her shoulders, while an elegant necklace was around her neck.
Naruto looked around and couldn't help but stare at all of his girls as they looked gorgeous in their dresses.
Courtney smiled at him once she noticed him staring at her as she showed off the tight fitting backless grey dress that she felt accented all of her curves as well as her large rear, which by the lack of lines, showed she was clearly going without panties. She also knew he would love the dress as it exposed some of the freckles on her chest and shoulders.
Lindsay giggled at him as she waved at him, unintentionally making her bust bounce as she wore a red cocktail dress that had a deep cut down the front to reveal a lot of cleavage to him. He also noticed the shortness of the dress as it revealed nearly every inch of Lindsay's long legs.
Katie blushed embarrassedly as she shifted in her seat with a smile as he looked her over. She wore a very short black and white striped dress that had a pink cowl at the top that was slid down to expose more of her chest and tanned skin.
He wasn't surprised as Leshawna wore a bronze colored dress that had an off shoulder neckline. The dress went down to floor but up had a long cut up the left side that went up to nearly her hip as it showed off her legs and nearly gave him a clear view up it.
Though as he looked at the last member of the group he was surprised at her dress and at who it was.
Staring nervously at him was Bridgette in a strapless V-neck soft blue dress that went down to just above her knees as she was stuck in between Courtney and Lindsay.
"Naruto, I'm so sorry about Eva. I swear my team didn't vote for her. Something must have happened" Katie said with a frown as he waved her off with a small frown though it wasn't directed at her.
"I know I am going to figure out what happened but if I may, not that it's bad at all, but why is Bridgette here?" he asked as Courtney stood up with a smile.
"I hope you don't mind but we invited Bridgette along since we felt it would be bad if she was left with Geoff" Courtney said with a smile as she walked over to him and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips, surprising Bridgette as the surfer looked to Gwen, expecting her to get angry at Courtney for kissing her boyfriend.
"W-What's going on?" Bridgette asked confused as she watched all of the girls move around and kiss Naruto, breaking her heart little by little.
"Well that's why we invited you Bridgette, we noticed your crush on Naruto so we thought you might want some time with him" Gwen said as Bridgette stared at her supposed friend in shock before tears built up in her eyes before she ran out of the room.
"Bridgette wait!" Naruto yelled as he watched her run out of the tent. "Gwen, you have to be more considerate. Not all girls are this open or willing to watch the boy they have a crush on make out with multiple girls at first" he said with a frown as Gwen frowned.
"I didn't mean to be inconsiderate" the Goth girl said as Naruto sighed and hugged her close to him.
"Its fine, you girls enjoy your dinner I'm going to run after her. I'll be back with Bridgette soon" Naruto said as Gwen nodded before he ran off.
"Bridgette! Stop running I can explain!" he yelled as he quickly caught up with the surfer girl and held her shoulders gently as they stood on the docks.
"No! Let me go! I thought you were a nice man but all I can see is some man who is toying with everyone!" Bridgette said as tears poured down her cheeks.
"Bridgette, please just let me explain and if you still dislike me then I will walk away. I am not going to pressure you into anything. I swear" he said in a serious tone as he looked her in the eyes.
Bridgette wanted to shove him away and tell him to screw himself but she couldn't bring herself to do it. The serious and almost comforting look in his eyes calmed her down as she nodded and wiped her tears off her cheeks.
"Fine but I swear if you try anything I will break your nose" Bridgette said as Naruto chuckled and held his hands up in surrender.
"Sounds fair but you don't have to worry about me trying anything. I never force myself on women" he said in a serious tone as he and Bridgette sat down on the docks.
It didn't take long for him to explain his situation to Bridgette as he told her the same thing he had told the others before he looked to her. "Before you think anything I am not trying to force you into it. Gwen, who is my Alpha girl, thought you would want to join but she doesn't realize how not everybody can handle seeing it without being explained first" he said as Bridgette nodded.
"A-Alright but this is going to take some getting used to..."Bridgette said nervously as she rubbed her arm with a slight chuckle.
"Don't worry Bridgette that's the exact same thing Katie and the others said, now they're really happy." Naruto said with a happy grin, making her smile slightly.
"Now I didn't tell you this to try and invite you. I wanted to show you I am not some jerk that uses women for a personal gain. I love all my girls" he said as he stood up. "If you want you can still join us for the dinner without any ulterior motives."
Bridgette blushed softly as she nodded and accepted his hand. "F-Fine but this isn't me saying I'll be a member. I still want to decide it" she said as she decided in her mind she would make her choice at the end of the night.
She did really feel that she loved Naruto but she wanted to see how he acted with the others. She didn't want to get into a shared relationship only for her to be treated like some sex-toy or piece of meat. If he truly did love everyone then she very well might be the next girl of his but jury was still out on it.
"That is entirely your choice. Even if you don't join I would still value you as a friend" Naruto said as Bridgette linked her arm in his as they walked back to the dinner.
"Bridgette!" Gwen yelled as the two of them reentered before she ran up to Bridgette and hugged her. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" she said as Bridgette smiled and hugged her back.
"Its fine Naruto told me everything but I'm still deciding on whether or not to join" Bridgette said as Gwen nodded. "But enough about all this drama, let's enjoy this dinner" she said as Naruto nodded as he sat next to Gwen and Courtney.
Naruto couldn't help but smile as the dinner with his girls went wonderfully. Bridgette had even relaxed and enjoyed herself around the other girls, not getting awkward when other girls kissed him or, in Lindsay's case, sat on his lap and cuddled with him.
The only slightly embarrassing thing that happened near the end of the night was Lindsay accidently drinking some wine and trying to streak through camp, which thankfully he stopped before she could run out.
He chuckled as he watched Gwen and Courtney escort Lindsay back to their special cabin as he stood next to Bridgette with a smile. "So did I show you how I truly do treat all my girls equally?" he asked as Bridgette blushed and nodded.
"How do you do it? Split up your attention and love every girl like they seem to be your only girl?" Bridgette asked as he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck with a smile.
"The way I see it is all these girls love me dearly, I see it in their eyes every time they look at me. I know it sounds skeevy but I really did fall for all of them as they fell for me" he said as he smiled at his girls as they talked amongst themselves while they walked away. "I see every girl as someone special to me so I owe them their love and attention."
Bridgette couldn't help but smile with a soft blush as she felt the seriousness of Naruto's words. She knew they were true as all throughout dinner she watched Naruto effortlessly pay attention to all five of his girls, though she had learned it use to be six before Eva was voted off.
"I-If you can seriously keep this up and make us all happy at the same time, then I guess I can join your group." Bridgette said as she stared at the ground with a dark blush as she felt Naruto's hand squeeze hers softly.
"I promise I will love you all equally" he said with a smile as he used his free hand to move Bridgette's head up, making her look him in the eyes as he moved closer to her.
Bridgette's blush grew darker as she watched Naruto move closer to her. "May I have this kiss?" he asked with a smile as Bridgette's brain was nearly steaming from the intensity of her blush. It took her a few seconds as she snapped out of her daze and softly nodded with a smile.
Naruto smiled as he cupped Bridgette's cheek softly and kissed her soft pink lips before he pulled her in close to him.
Bridgette widened her eyes in shock as the second their lips met she swore a jolt what felt like pleasure shot through her. She couldn't help but shiver as she felt so complete after the kiss. She felt the jolt increase as Naruto's hands move themselves to her rear before she broke the kiss with a moan.
"Am I going too fast?" Naruto asked with a frown as Bridgette shook her head quickly before she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him.
"No, I want this! It feels so perfect, it feels so right" Bridgette said with a happy smile as he picked her up, causing her to let out a surprised squeak.
"I'm glad, the last thing I would want is to make you feel uncomfortable" Naruto said as he kissed her cheek and followed the other girls.
"Where are we going?" Bridgette asked as she saw them enter a part of the forest that she had never seen.
"It's a special cabin Chris gave me for all my girls. There are no cameras or microphones here so it is our private area to relax" he said as Bridgette blushed softly.
"D-Does that mean we can...you know" Bridgette said nervously as he chuckled and rubbed her back comfortingly with a smile.
"Yes but that is only if you want. As I have said I will not push you for anything. You can take your time until you are comfortable" he said as he kissed her cheek as she smiled happily at him.
"I think I'm ready. I want to make it official" Bridgette said as she smiled up at him as they walked off towards the cabin.
'This is coming together pretty fast. I hope Aunt Mito and Uncle Hashirama don't get rioted by the media.' Naruto thought with a deadpan as he did just explain everything to the world as unlike the other times this time the camera crew had been around to record his explanation.
Also his island wasn't exactly secret so if the media chose to go there they could, albeit going through guards and other dangerous things. He just hoped they were doing okay.
-Mito and Hashirama-
Mito let out a tired sigh as she took a sip of her tea as her husband sat next to her. For the last few weeks they had watched their nephew take part in the reality game show and while they were very proud of him for staying in the game they were a bit worried as he was attracting girls, left and right, in and out of the game as she figured his pantsing scene would attract more and more women.
After her big sister Kushina and her brother in law Minato died in a car crash Mito took over her company until Naruto was old enough to lead their company and handle the fortune that came with it while she and her husband took him in and raised him from a young age.
"I thought it would be longer before that started happening" Hashirama said with a chuckle as they watched his team win a cooking challenge before getting an opportunity to have a dinner with all of his girls.
"He's an early bloomer. I told you we should have waited" Mito said as her husband waved it off before they watched Naruto explain their clan's situation on national television.
"Oh dear, this is going to cause a headache" Mito said with a sigh as she was already preparing for hundreds of people that were bound to flock towards the island to get any information on the famous supermodel and now apparent clan harem head.
"I'll get the katana" Hashirama said with a laugh as Mito nodded with a sigh.
'Naru-chan, I hope you are ready to handle all this once you are done with this game' Mito thought with a frown as she could already hear the guards of their mansion yelling for crowd control.
"Hashi-kun make sure the guards set their weapons to stun please." Mito shouted out as Hashirama nodded and rushed off to the guard station as she let out another tired sigh.
-Two Hours Later-
Hashirama sighed as the guards of his mansion were able to subdue the media as they had corral them all into the main entrance room.
His guards were the best when it came to protecting them. While they may only look like normal people in dark suits and dark sunglasses, the suits themselves were stronger than normal. They could stop bullets like Kevlar vests and withstand fire and knives. The glasses also weren't normal, they could block out the burst of light from a flash grenade and even had night vision mode to them.
He hired only the best when it came to protecting him and his wife.
"You guys are persistent you know" Hashirama said with a chuckle as the media reporters grew nervous under the watch of the guards. "What? You all came to ask questions about my nephew didn't you? Ask away since I know kicking you all out won't help anything" he said as they reporters quickly went from silent to yelling out questions.
"One at a time!" he yelled as one reporter stood up and cleared their throat.
"I-Is it true that Naruto Uzumaki is your nephew and lives here on this island?" they asked as Hashirama nodded.
"Yes, he is related to me from my wife's sister. We've raised him from a young age after they died in an accident" Hashirama said as he pointed to the next reporter.
"Was the part about his clan attracting women true!?" they yelled as Hashirama sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Yes it is. His mother's clan has a lot to do with it. It doesn't affect women though but as he is the first male Uzumaki in a long time that is probably why no one knows of it" he said as the next reporter stood up.
"Does this island really allow polygamy?" they asked as Hashirama chuckled and nodded.
"Sure hell does! Once we learned of Naruto's birth we knew he'd need a place to practice it or else things would get violent so we used a small sum of mine and my wife's fortune to buy this large island and become a new small nation. It really wasn't any bother" Hashirama said as he rubbed the back of his neck with a laugh as another hand rose.
"Do you know if Naruto would be okay with having my daughter!" one person yelled as the crowd parted to reveal a normal civilian man as Hashirama sweat dropped.
"He chooses who he is with so no I won't take your daughter to give to him" Hashirama said in annoyance as he motioned for the guards to take that man out of the room.
"Is that all or do you have more?" he asked as more hands rose. 'This is going to be a long day I can already feel it' he thought as he could already feel the headache forming. 'I hope you are enjoying yourself kid cause this will be your drama after you come home.' Hashirama said with a sigh.
Naruto sneezed softly before he laid Bridgette down on the bed. He smiled softly as he watched Bridgette pass out nearly the second he laid her down. He knew she was tired since she had been on bit of an emotional rollercoaster.
"Look after Bridgette and get her changed out of her dress, I have to go talk to Chris about something real quick" he said as Gwen nodded before she kissed him lovingly with a smile.
"We can take care of her, you go take care of business" she said as she figured it related to Eva's sudden vote off the island despite her whole team's admittance of voting for Geoff.
"Thanks, I love you all" he said as the girls smiled back at him.
"We love you too" they said in near unison as he walked out the cabin and was surprised to see Chris outside already, apparently waiting for him.
"Relax, no cameras as usual since this is the kind of thing I need to keep silent" Chris said as Naruto nodded and walked over to the host.
"So what exactly happened? Eva got voted off suddenly when everyone said Geoff should have been voted off" he said as Chris frowned and nodded before he handed the blonde a stack of votes.
Naruto's frown grew as he went through the votes and noticed that they were written in nearly the exact same way. "The votes were tampered with" Naruto said as Chris sighed.
"Yes, the confession cam was also broken a bit during the voting. It turned back on after the votes were done so we have no idea who actually did it" Chris said as he motioned for Naruto to follow.
"You want me to find who did it don't you?" Naruto asked as the host nodded.
"Yes, I need you to find them since if I ask then most likely the person would go into hiding when we need to get them out" Chris said while Naruto nodded.
"I can keep my ear open and look around but if I do this then I expect some benefits. It's a good thing my dad taught me little bit on investigation before he died." Naruto said as Chris chuckled.
"I know the deal. I can give you anything as long as it doesn't give you an edge in the game above anyone else" the host said as they exited the private forest of Naruto's.
"Like last time I want a hosting job, instead of just one season like you had planned I want maybe two or three chances BUT I can switch in and out of hosting whenever I feel like it, say if it gets dull I'll request to go back to being a contestant but if the challenges are too easy I'll request to go back to Co-hosting to make the challenges harder." he stated first as Chris nodded. The host knew the audience loved the blonde.
"Fine BUT if you are voted off you cannot switch. You either have to leave the game or stay as host. And if you do switch you have to give a warning so you can't just randomly switch as that would give you too much power. When you switch I become host and we do whatever challenge I have planned" Chris said as Naruto nodded.
"Next thing I want is in future seasons if any of my girls are eliminated I want them to go to a special area to wait out the rest of the game instead of going home or wherever they go after they are eliminated" Naruto said as Chris smirked.
"That's fine but they cannot give you hints about the game as they would have to stay blind to the game besides what you most likely tell them" the host said as Naruto nodded along. It made sense since if they watched the game they could tell him about his opponent's plans and give him an unfair edge.
"One last thing. When I find the person or persons who did this I want them kicked off the island. No voting just instant elimination" Naruto said seriously as he held out his hand. "Do we have a deal Chris?" he asked as the host smiled back
"Deal!" Chris said as he shook the blonde's hand with a smile. Chris knew that keeping this kid around would only continue to boost his ratings higher and higher.
"Good, I'll tell you whatever I learn but I have to give them the chance to turn themselves in" Naruto said as Chris nodded.
"Whatever you got to do, as long as there is drama as a result then I'm good with it" Chris said as he walked off and waved as Naruto was left standing in the forest. He decided he needed to get to the scene of the crime, the confession booth.
-Confession Booth-
Naruto frowned as he walked up to the booth as he heard laughing from within before he pressed his ear to the wall of it to hear the person better.
"Woo that was close!" the party boy said with a laugh as he wiped his forehead. "I am so glad Harold warned me of my team trying to vote me off or else I wouldn't have had time to save myself" he said as he pulled out a stack of votes and started fanning himself.
"Yeah that's right I rigged the votes! I had to or else I would have been eliminated before I made Bridgette mine!" Geoff said as he smirked to the camera, making Naruto growl angrily and the audience watching frown at his actions.
"Thankfully this isn't the first time I've had to semi-break a surveillance camera, since I had to break a few to get a few beers for me and my buds. At least I got rid of that angry bitch Eva before she started to be a major threat" Geoff said with a smirk as he went on to tell the audience more about how he cheated to survive. What he didn't know was that he was hitting rock bottom in the audience ratings, being right below Harold and on the same level as Trent.
The blonde waited patiently as he waited outside the confession booth for Geoff to finish. As the door opened Naruto's hand shot out, grabbing the party boy by the collar of his shirt before he threw the boy against the outside wall of it, making Geoff gasp at the strength used.
"Next time you cheat and vote off someone don't go bragging into the camera" Naruto growled as Geoff grew pale in front of him. "I'm giving you this one chance to turn yourself into Chris or I swear I will and I'll make your life a living hell" he said as he threw the party boy down onto the ground.
'Douche' Geoff thought angrily rubbing his sore collar and throat. 'Damn, this isn't good. I have to warn Harold' Geoff thought as Naruto 'walked' away, not knowing that the blonde was merely waiting to trail him to see if he was involved with anyone else.
'This is going to be more annoying to get rid of I can already feel' he thought as he followed Geoff with a frown.
-Chapter End-
Screaming Gophers: Gwen, Naruto, Heather, Lindsay, Owen, Leshawna, Justin
Killer Bass: Courtney, Duncan, Harold, Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Katie
Eliminated: Ezekiel, Noah, Beth, Sadie, Cody, Tyler, Izzy, Trent, Eva
Harem: Gwen, Lindsay, Courtney, Katie, Eva, Leshawna, Bridgette
To Be Added: Heather, Izzy (this season). Anne Maria, Zoey, Dawn, Jasmine, Sky, Ella (later seasons)
Other Pairings:
Duncan x Jo
Cameron x Scarlet
Owen x Samey
Mal (Evil Mike) x Amy - Later on Good Mike x Amy
Justin x Blaineley