Ezri Bridger – Jedi

Chapter 3: Old Friends

Mara and Luke silently ran to an empty shuttle, Galen hid behind a couple of barrels.

"Are you sure this is going to work Farm boy?" Asked Mara, looking at Luke who shrugged.

"It's worth a shot." Said Luke, unclipping his father's lightsaber.

"Remember when we decided to storm the Death Star? Where Galen almost died?" Said Mara, looking at Luke.

"We were looking for the Senators." Said Luke, looking at Mara, "On my signal we head for the freighter."

Mara didn't respond as she rolled her eyes, catching sight of a person standing in the shadows watching them.

"On my mark." Said Luke, jerking Mara out of her find.

Luke waited until the inquisitor near the shuttle walked away from them.

"NOW!" Yelled Luke, catching the attention of the troopers, Luke, Galen and Mara cut down the majority of them but more kept coming. They were quickly surrounded and their escape cut off.

"Well, that went extremely well didn't it?" Snarked Mara, looking around at the white armoured troopers.

Suddenly the figure from the shadows jumped and ignited two blades, one green the other yellow and cut two troopers in half vertically and quickly dismembering the rest of the squad.

The figure turned to face them and lowered their hood, revealing the tired face of Jedi Knight Ezri Shan.

"Hi, guys, miss me?" Asked the young woman.

Mara stared at the young woman before slapping her.

"Seriously Ezri? Three years, you trained Force knows where for three Kriffing years and the first thing you do is kill people? Why didn't you find us?" Demanded Mara, before she heard a small whimper.

Mara looked over to a small child, she walked over to them, taking note that it was a little girl.

"Who's this?" Asked Mara, looking at Ezri.

"That is my daughter." Said Ezri, stiffly, "Mira, sweet heart, come here."

The little girl ran over to Ezri and hid behind her legs.

"She must be little over two years old, which means when we escaped you were already pregnant." Said Mara, looking concerned before laughing, "You kicked the Imperial Royal Guards butt while pregnant."

Ezri smiled before picking her daughter up and kissing the child's black-blond flecked hair.

"I suggest we get out of here before the Inquisitor arrives." Said Ezri, walking towards a concealed shuttle.

"Which one, Shark Bait or the Witch?" Asked Luke, looking at the young woman.

"Both." Replied Ezri, walking pass them and to the shuttle.

Luke, Galen and Mara shared a look before rushing after her towards the shuttle.

"Ezri, it's nice to see and all but before we get back to base there's something you should know." Said Mara, looking at the nineteen year old.

"Sabale has a girlfriend, both my parents are dead and Kanan and Hera have a little girl." Said Ezri, not looking at them.

"How'd you know?" Asked Galen, curious.

"You'd be surprised how much Vizago will tell you if you threaten to remove his horn." Said Ezri, leaning back into her chair.


Sabale felt Zara shift against his shoulder, looking down at his girlfriend, Sabale felt at peace. Casting a quick glance across the room, his eyes fell on a red and orange coloured lightsaber hilt. Zara had suggested that Sabale turn it into a project, he'd rejected the idea at first but eventually he decided to take it and paint it. He'd taken the crystal from it and made a pendant for Zara on their two year anniversary. The blaster function still worked but it wouldn't last long if they were in an actual fire fight. Sable remembered Kanan's reaction to him giving Zara the crystal.


Sabale walked into the briefing room with his arm around Zara's shoulders, the Kyber crystal hung from her neck attached to a piece of cord and wrapped in some wire. Zeb briefly looked up at them before catching sight of the crystal.

Zeb nudged Kanan, who was sitting next to a very pregnant Hera, and whispered something, causing Kanan to look up at the couple and spot the crystal around Zara's neck.

"Sabale, Ezri's lightsaber vanished from mine and Hera's quarters, you wouldn't've known who'd have taken it do you?" Asked Kanan, catching the attention of the Jedi in the room, as well as the chief Rebel officers.

"No, why?" Asked Sabale, looking down at Kanan.

"Because your girlfriend is wear the crystal from Ezri's Lightsaber around her neck." Said Kanan, slowly rising, "And I know it's her crystal because she showed it to me and all crystals are unique to the Jedi that carries them."

Sabale looked around looking for some form of help.

"So what it he did, she's not using it." Said Zara, glaring at Kanan.

"A Jedi's lightsaber crystal is sacred, by butchering her lightsaber you have insulted every Jedi in the Galaxy." Said Plo Koon, the Kel-Dor Jedi Master.

"Who cares, she's not coming back." Said Sabale, anger rising in him.

"What happened to the guilt you felt after you drove her away?" Asked Luke, looking at the Mandolorian.

"I got over it and realised that everything is how it should be." Said Sabale, making the room go silent.

"You are right, she shouldn't have joined you." Said Master Kenobi, putting a hand up when Kanan started to protest, "She should have joined Master Plo when he offered to train her, after she met you."

*/End Flashback/*

Sabale sighed, he still thought about Ezri, but he quickly reminded himself that her leaving was for the best.

The door chime went off, Sabale got out of bed and went to the door, opening it to Zeb.

"We got a briefing, get dressed." Said the Lasat warrior, shortly.

Sabale's relationships with the crew had deteriorated after his little argument with the Jedi. After gently waking Zara, the two went to the briefing room, where they found The council (Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, Siri Tachi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rahm Kota, Shaak Ti, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Aayla Secura, Ahsoka Tano, Quinlan Vos and Kanan Jarrus) were testing a little girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Much like Ezri's.

"A cup, a speeder, an uh, thingy with a big gun, T9-K15." Said the little girl.

Mace lowered the screen and looked at the other council members.

"Thank you, child, you may go to your mother now." Said Aayla, warmly.

After the child ran past Sabale, Mace spoke "She is definitely strong with the force."

"Unsurprising, considering who her mother is." Said Kenobi, leaning forwards.

"But, who will train her?" Asked Kit, who suddenly found all eyes on him, "I walked into that didn't I?"

"You did, now, onto our main subject, Ms. Canoth, you have to surrender the Kyber crystal." Said Shaak, looking at Zara.

"What?" Said Sabale, as the doors opened behind him.

"Forgive my tardiness, Masters, I ran into Hera and lost track of time." Said the Voice of Ezri Bridger.

"Knight Shan, we are glad you could join us." Said Adi, smiling.

"I can only hope that the Death Star plans help with its destruction." Said Ezri, before catching sight of Sabale and Zara, "Greetings Ms. Canoth." Before she looked at Sabale coldly, "Mandalorian."

Sabale felt as if she just stabbed him with her lightsaber.

A/N: New chapter, sorry for taking so long, yada yada, Review and ask for cookies.