A/N) Hello readers. Welcome to this story of mine. I hope you all like it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Really. It was a blast to write and I can't wait to write more. But it's 5 A.M. and I'm really tired.

For the sake of this chapter the ghoul detectors aren't by the reception desk.

If you could kindly review that would make my life. Thanks.

P.S. There is a tribute to a certain manga/anime in this chapter. Pretty easy to guess. Let me know if you find it. Cheers!

Rio Hoshino was ecstatic on her first day of work. She had woken up fifteen minutes before her alarm went off. Her uniform was ironed and crisp, and she had put her chestnut hair up in pins that her mother had given her as congratulatory gift for landing her dream job. 'Well, it's not my dream job but it is a foot in the door.' she thought. She even was a whole thirty minutes early for her shift. Thankfully her work was open already and she was given some tips from her new co-workers before the building was open to the public.

Although she was only hired as a receptionist, Rio was extremely grateful that she was given a position at the 20th ward's CCG main office. Rio felt like she earned it though, because she worked her ass off in her studies and her internships during college. At the ripe age of twenty-two she had an impressive resume in human resources and management.

She dusted off imaginary particles from her bleach white uniform and gave a dazzling smile to the first ghoul investigator who walked through the glass double doors.

"Good morning ma'am. A pleasure to see you today." The mentioned female stopped abruptly, almost shocked by the receptionist's cheerful greeting. The blonde woman blinked and then regarded Rio with a small smile.

"You are the new receptionist, correct?"Akira asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, ma'am." Rio said, bowing slightly. "But you already knew that. Don't let me keep you though, I'm sure you have more important things to do than make conversation with me." Akira raised an eyebrow at the young woman. She couldn't be much younger than herself and when she made eye contact with Rio after the receptionist straightened, she saw no fear or nervousness from her.

"Hmph. Alright then." Akira waved her hand submissively and turned away. She had guts; she would go far.

Rio smiled after the attractive woman, and secretly hoped she made a good impression.

After around two hours at the front desk, Rio was asked to sort paperwork before a group of investigators came to pick it up. After that was done, Rio relieved the older violet-haired woman from the front. The lady smiled and made a comment on how the young, pretty woman would help the reputation of the CCG. Rio thanked the lady for her compliment, also saying that the older woman was pretty enough. The woman laughed and commented offhandedly, "But, dear. I'm certainly not young enough anymore." They both laughed heartily at their little joke.

Rio turned to the front doors as the other receptionist, Anko was her name, turned and walked into the filing room. It was then that she noticed the man that was standing outside a few feet from the doors. He was incredibly handsome with long slicked back but spiky white hair, lean but muscular build, and to top it off he had a sleek and stylish black tuxedo on. Unbuttoned with the tie softly blowing in the wind; Yes, he was very handsome indeed she mused. She looked back up to examine his face, and her breath hitched in her throat as she was caught in his eyes. She almost recoiled backwards from the intensity of his stare, like two reddish white fires searing into her skull. It almost hurt to look them for too long, but being the trained professional she was (also not wanting to offend anyone on her first day) she smiled at the man. Clearly it was not what he was expecting as his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth formed the smallest of frowns.

He broke eye contact first as he glanced up as if to see if he was at the right place, while Rio blinked several times in a row trying to get his strange haunting eye color out of her mind. She also noticed something very strange about the man, something she couldn't believe she missed given the fact that she was basically ogling him. He had a garbage bag grasped tightly in his right hand. A full garbage bag, and for a split second she thought he was some sort of rich waste collector. Rio mentally kicked herself. 'That doesn't even make sense!' she inwardly chastised.

She narrowed her eyebrows again in observation as her emerald eyes scanned over the black trashbag. It was uneven she mused, because it was bulky in some places and the bag looked quite heavy judging from the way it stretched and sagged. She saw some liquid dripping from the bottom and she scrunched up her nose in disgust. The people walking by on the street all gave the man looks of revulsion and repugnance and made wide arcs around him. She looked back up to his face and she couldn't hold back her reaction as she took a reflexive step backwards.

His lips were turned upward in a small genuine smile, and his eyes. 'Oh god his eyes!' she thought. It was like he was starting straight into her, setting her soul ablaze. Beads of sweat ran down the back of her neck and she realized he was burning her from the inside out. She took another small step backwards and the man smiled wider.

'He knows' Rio thought. 'He knows that I'm afraid. He knows. He knows. Oh gods, HE KNOWS!' Before she could think about turning and running, the man took a step forward and opened the door. The trash bag made a squelching sound as it hit the door, and Rio almost gagged. The man moved forward casually, the small smile never leaving his face as he took his time even though almost everyone in the lobby was looking at him. She nervously looked back at the garbage bag and saw more liquid dripping out, and she could see the color of it now. Red. Red like fire. Red like blood. Panic and fear gripped her then and now she could only stare in horror as the man (monster) walked (crept) closer.

When he was halfway across the lobby, she felt a wave of nausea pass over her. She inhaled to try to calm herself, but that actually made her gag. The smell was awful. It smelled like something her dad cooked then left out for a week then let their dog eat it, shit it out, ate it again, puked it out and-. She stopped her train of thought when a shadow was cast over her. He was even more terrifying up close. That kind, genuine smile didn't match his persona at all. Those piercing reddish white irises were boring into her eye sockets and frying her brain.

"Hello miss.." he started. His voice equally smooth and horrifying. How could a person be like this?

"Would you mind calling your bosses down here please?" A flash of confusion passed over Rio's face. "M-My bosses?" she replied slowly, scarred the man might do something if she even breathed wrong. Not that she was. She was holding her breath, trying not to breathe in that horrid stench.

"Yes. You see..I have a gift for them." He replied nonchalantly, gesturing to the bag. "Would you like to see? I don't think they would mind if you took a peek." Using both hands the white-haired man opened the sack, and the putrid smell became unbearable. Rio knew what this smell was. It was the smell of death. She didn't want to look, but her eyes were already staring into the garbage bag. A head was looking back at her, its eyes lifeless and glossed over. Dried blood caked over one side of its face and one of the ears were was missing. Then she saw more heads, more blood, smelled more death and then Rio screamed bloody murder...

If you are confused about the man's eyes go to Wikipedia and search eye color then scroll down to the albino "red eye" section.

So did you like it? Let me know!

Also, did you get the tribute? Kinda of obvious wasn't it? :P

Again, Reviews make my life. Thanks in advance.