Gumball's Bizarre Adventure:

Schoolhouse Rumble

Chapter 6: Mecto Amore. Part 1

Gumball, Darwin, and Penny had managed to sneak out to the playground with the help of their friend Carrie, who the oddly enough also just defeated. They decided that the plan now is to find their guidance counsular Mr. Small and hopefully he would be able to put an end to this madness.

"Man, I'm so glad Carrie was back there to back us up." Gumball pointed out "If it hadn't been for her we would have been done for!"

"Hey that reminds me" Darwin asked "How did she manage to get back up and stand like that?"

"Beats me dude." Gumball answered with shrugged shoulders "I'm not a half ghost expert."

"Well lets see if we can sneak off to Mr. Smalls, the sooner the better you know?" Darwin insisted.

"Um guys?" Penny asked "Is it me or did it just get really foggy around here?"

They all looked around, a large cloud of fog began covering the playground. This was especially bizarre since it was a sunny day earlier, and right now it was noon. There was defenetly some kind of fog stand lurking around the playground, and it seemed like it was targeting Gumball and crew.

"No time, sorry!" Gumball tried to open the door to get back inside, but for whatever reason, the door wouldn't budge. "It's locked!"

"Somebody must have locked it from the inside!" Penny exclaimed

"We're trapped!" Darwin cried. The fog started to grow thicker and thicker around them, clouding their vision the thicker it got. They tried their best to avoid the fog, but it just seemed to be coming closer and closer to them, as if it was specifically targeting them. They held their breath for as long as they could. Who knew if this fog was just normal fog, or some kind of poisonous gas.

But once they couldn't hold their breath for much longer, they soon found that the fog was just that. Thick, but ordinary fog. "Wow, I thought this was gonna be a whole lot harder" Darwin pointed out.

"Yeah, but it's still gonna be impossible to see with all of this fog here!" Gumball objected "I can barely see in front of my own face!" He put his hands inches away from his face to prove a point

Just then the fog started to evaporate slightly so that he could at least see in front of his face again. The Light was shining a light bright enough to guide their way, but not bright enough to get rid of all of the fog without potentially damaging everyone outside. Assuming anyone else even was outside.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot your stand can do that." Gumball mentioned.

"We should stay close, who know who could be out here!" Darwin insisted. "I say we hold hands." He grabbed Gumballs hand and held it tightly.

"Uh, okay." Gumball said, he and Penny deciding that it wasn't the most useless plan ever since they had their stands by their side. Penny grabbed Gumballs other hand and the trio walked forward, Dire Straits and Laughin' Louie out and about just in case.

"Shouldn't you two put those stands away?" Penny asked

"What? You expect us to not defend for ourselves?" Gumball answered rather smug-like.

"Well I'm just saying, it's not impossible that something could be watching us in this fog."

"Oh that's just stuff you only see in horror movies. This is real life, nothing is horrific in real life."

Just then, the sound of something running across from behind them was heard, they all turned their head to see what it was, only to find nothing but the fog they had walked behind.

"We should just keep holding on just in case." Gumball proclaimed, rather fearfully. As they continued to walk forward, Penny nudged herself a little closer to her boyfriend out of fear that something was after them. Gumball tried to play it off like a stronger man, while making victory faces at Darwin on the other side, which Darwin just rolled his eyes in reply to all of them.

All of a sudden, a shadow dashed across right in front of them. All of them froze in fear for a brief moment.

"What was that!?" Darwin cried

"Whatever it is it's gonna get its gonna get its butt kicked if it keeps doing this to us!" Gumball yelled. "Penny, brighten the light."

Penny nodded in agreement and brightened the light up, the shadow started to get a little dimmer, but the cloud of fog just got thicker and thicker, the shadow began running circles around them, watching them from every angle. They began to realize the kind of power this stand had. Gumball let go of his friends hands and pointed out to the shadow intensely.

"Dire Straits!" He shouted as his stand charged and swung at the shadow. But once the blow landed, the shadow still standed unphase. Dire Straits had punched right through the shadow, but there was no visable effect of the attack striking.

"What the what!?" Gumball exclaimed before having his stand get punched in the face by the shadow, falling back into Penny's arms. The shadow came back and began attacking Darwin. He covered his face with his arms as Laughin' Louie blocked and defended his feeble user.

"Darwin, can't you find out where the user is with Laughin' Louie?" Gumball asked, getting back up on his feet.

"I can't control his power Gumball." Darwin retorted "I would have felt something earlier if I knew the user was around."

The shadow charged towards The Light, Penny shielded her eyes as The Light flashed a blinding light at the shadow, causing it to evaporate. Their relief was short lived, as the shadow appeared and suckered punch The Light in the back. Penny fell to her knees as the shadow charged to hit her while she was down. Just before then, Gumball moved in front of her and took the blow for her, flying back into the thick, unseeable fog.

"Gumball!" Penny and Darwin both shouted. Darwin tried to attack in a fit of rage, but to no avail, the stand couldn't be touched. The Shadow picked up Darwin by the top of the head and tossed him off into the foggy abyss, leaving Penny all alone. She shined The Light as bright as she could, she needed to find the stand user and stop them before it was too late for her.

"Hahaha! Perfect!" A snotty, uptight voice said from beyond the fog in a safe zone. "Once anyone steps into the playground, they won't have any escape from your stand."

"YES MY QUEEN. MECTO AMORE AND ITS FOG WILL SURELY BE ENOUGH TO DEFEAT ALL OTHER STAND USERS IN THIS SCHOOL. HA. HA. HA." A robotic voice responded. On the outskirts of the fog, student stand users Masami and Bobert stood in a safe space away from the fog, just inches away from the chain link fence keeping the playground away from the street.

"And once you're done with all of the other posers." Masami whispered to herself "Dee-Lite and I will finish you off. And then I'll be able to sprouse this school up a bit! I'm thinking maybe adding like a spa and a gourmet chef and of course a beautiful statue to comemberate my-"


"Use english please!"


Masami looked and saw a strangely bright and shining light in the middle of the field. "Hmph, I'll look into this. Stay put and don't enter the fog." Bobert gave up a little solute to Masami as she entered the thick fog to investigate this light. Being a cloud she managed to blend into the fog the moment she set foot, er, floated into it.

Gumball picked himself up from the impact and got back up on his feet. He couldn't believe it! A stand he couldn't even be able to hit! He had no other choice but to find the user and stop them. But he had no possible clue where on the playground the user could be, all he could see was a thick fog.

"Oh man, this is really really bad." Gumball said to himself "The only way to stop this fog is to stop the stand user. And that could be just about anyone..."

He heard a loud breathing coming from his right, he turned and stepped forward a bit to see Sussie sitting on her bench on the playground. She was breathing heavily from her mouth as she was known to do, just staring off into space. For some reason, Gumball couldn't shake the feeling of unease from looking at Sussie. I mean yeah she was a little freaky looking with her chin face and everything, but she wasn't dangerous...right? Gumball couldn't tell anymore, he was starting to lose it. Everyone could have been his enemy as far as he knew.

Sussie turned to see him, staring at him with her lifeless, googly eyes. Gumball couldn't look away, she was doing nothing threatening to him, but he felt like there was someone with a knife to his back just looking at her. She gave a big open-mouthed smile, making a noise that sounded like a "hey" and a "hi" at the same time.

Out of fear for his wellbeing, Dire Straits punched Sussie as hard as it could in the face. Sussie went flying, possibly going past the atmosphere. Gumball recoiled his stand as he realized that Sussie wasn't the stand user. He was so stupid sometimes, and he knew he was gonna have to find a way to make it up to Sussie later.

"Gumball!" Darwin shouted as he flew right into Gumballs face. The two crashed down on the pavement together. Darwin got up "Gumball! We need to find that stand user!"

"I think I caught onto that one Darwin" Gumball murmered through the ground he was face down in.

"But I don't understand, how can I not find this user?" Darwin asked "I thought that if I could be able to find the user though their emotions."

"Well maybe it's someone who can hide their emotions really well." Gumball pointed out "I mean think back to Carrie, she so emotionless and lifeless she's literally a ghost!"

"So we're finding another ghost?"

"Not quite, but what we are looking for is someone else with zero emotions..."

They thought about it for a moment, but before they could say their answer to the question, the shadow came back to them, preferably to finish the job. Gumball and Darwin embraced eachother waiting for the worst. But suddenly, he stopped. The shadow turned around to see a bright, heavenly light in the middle of the fog. He turned around and followed towards the light like a moth to the flame.

"He's going after The Light!" Darwin shouted

"No! Penny!" Gumball cried. He tried to go after the shadow but was pulled back by Darwin.

"No time man, Penny's trying to buy us some time! We need to hurry up and find the stand user!"

"But who could it be!?"

"I know just the guy." Darwin and Gumball ran deeper into the fog, following the fence to hopefully find their little stand user and stop this whole foggy buisness once and for all.