Gumballs Bizarre Adventure:

Schoolhouse Rumble

Prolouge: The Watter-Stands

They say that true power are granted to those with the experience to earn it. But in some cases, true power can just come to you.

The Watterson family were some of the lucky ones who could be blessed with this true power. Although to them, it was a curse. A scar from the universe to punish them for the wrongdoings that they had done in the past decades they have spent living in Elmore. It all began on that one faithful Tuesday morning. Alarm clock wailing, sun still struggling to rise up to greet the day, and the 3 youngest Wattersons; Gumball, Darwin, and Anais, dreadfully awaken only to endure 8 hours of something only a madman would concider tourture. Junior High.

"Rise and shine kids! Its time to get up!" Their mother, Nicole Watterson, said to them as they refused to get up with a groan of "Nrrrrrrrr" like a depressed cow.

"Come on, you're gonna be late." Nicole continued, turning on the light. Still no responce. Finally she resorted to her last line of defence. She threw off Gumball and Anais's covers and dumped Darwin out of his fish bowl

"Kids! School! Get up NOW!" Nicole shouted like a she-demon. The kids knew that was their time to get up and get moving. They sprung up, still half asleep as their mother walked out of their room slamming the door behind her. When suddenly, both the covers and the door she was touching just a second ago exploded! The 3 kids gave out a small shriek as their half-asleep bodies suddenly jolted wide-awake from the sudden shattering of wood and fabric.

"What the what!?" Said the suprised and shaken Gumball. Out of fear of what else their mother could blow up with her anger, they quickly got dressed and ran into the bathroom to quickly brush their teeth.

When they looked into the mirror of the bathroom, much like a horror victim who was being haunted by a ghost, the kids saw 2 mysterious figures in their window. One looked to be a large, metalic, muscular figure with blue skin and flowing blonde hair. Its face was missing a mouth and a nose, and all there was were 2 eyes that looked more like the headlights of a car. The other figure was thinner but still looked inhumanly fit, his face was like that of a medievil harliquin with no hair to speak off on his person. The kids turned around and shouted at the monsterous beings. In that instant, the creatures entered the bodies of Gumball and Darwin as if they just became a part of them.

Nicole swung the bathroom door open, running up to see what was going on, worried that one of her kids hurt themselves in the bathroom. "Kids is everything alright?"

The trio said alot of words, none of which were real sentences. Stuff like "He saw" "And then he" "And then she" "And then they"

"Who's they?"Nicole asked them.

"The creepy guys who were watching us in the bathroom!" Gumball said.

"Yeah we saw them through the mirror, and then turned around and they were still there!" Darwin added, using the mirror as a point of reference for as he always called her.

"And then they went into Gumball and Darwin." Anais pointed out their chests to show where the two things went. "Like they were ghosts or something."

Nicole couldn't do this all day "Look I'm sure what you guys just saw was nothing but your mind playing tricks on you."

"But they weren't mom!" Gumball got up and stood more asuredly "You've got to believe us!" All 3 of them nodding their heads with the look of 'Please mom we're being honest this time'

At that moment, Nicole heard the school bus pull up. She ran Gumball and Darwin out as fast as they could out the front door. "Have a good day sweeties!" She shouted out to them.

"Hey Nicole!" Nicoles husband said as he was coming down the stairs. "Look what popped up on my head!" He was wearing a very colorful tophat with stars all over it and a checkered wrap near the bottom.

"Richard where did you get that thing?"

"I don't know, I just woke up with it." Richard took the hat off "But look what it can do!" He reached his hand into the hat to grab something he had hoped was a tasty treat or a unhealthy snack.

"OWCH!" He exclaimed. He pulled his hand up to reveal an very angry, bite-y dog that was treating him as the treat. He wrestled it off his hand as Nicole put it back outside, only for it to run out into their front yard and expload into a little pile of black fur.

Richard gasped "I thought this thing despenced delicous meats not exploading, uneatible meats!" As much as Nicole would love to have kept going on with this sort of craziness, she needed to get ready and go to work before she'd go completely insane.

Gumball and Darwin sat quietly, not saying a word for a good chunk of the ride to school. They were convinced that what Anais said was true and that they were secretly being haunted by a ghost. Gumball tried to look out the window to take his mind off of things, only to see himself with the strange creature in his reflection. He decided to not look back at the glass for a while.

"Dude, I'm scared. What's gonna happen to us?" Darwin said, still shaking in his shoes.

"I don't know man." Gumball confessed "We could have our eyeballs turn inside out, our skin, our whole body, we could turn into lifeless zombies, or worse..."

"What's worse than that!?"

Gumball didn't have an answer. A thunder clap was heard in the back of the bus. Gumball looked over the seat to see their friend Masami laughing at some joke her friend Molly said to her. They both took a sigh or relief.

"Man, that was so well placed I thought something was really planning on doing something really bad to us." Gumball joked.

"Hey wait!" All of Darwins shivers and scares went back to being his original happy smile as he got an idea. "If these are ghosts, why don't we just ask Carrie what to do about them?"

"Hey yeah, I didn't even think about that." Gumball realized as he went back to his old happy self. They looked over the seat behind them where Carrie sat alone listening to her headphones blasting some angsty music into her lack-of-real-ears. Gumball waved his hand at her face to get her attention. "Hey Carrie!"

Without saying anything, she took off her headphones and looked at them.

"Carrie! Lookin' good, listen we have a-"

"WE'RE POSSESED BY GHOSTS!" Darwin interrupted

"Wait, what ghosts?" Carrie asked "Did you idiots try that whole Stinky Sally thing last night?"

"No no no we're serious!" Gumball explained "See there were these really weird guys who came up in our bathroom and they just kinda stared at us, and then the next thing we knew, they just went into our bodies and-"

"Wait, you mean like those things behind you?" Carrie pointed behind them at the weird looking figures. Gumball and Darwin looked back at them, probably decided to come out during Gumballs little description. Darwin gave a little shriek, but Gumball this time decided to stand his ground against these things.

"Alright you freaky, ghosty...things! We don't want you left in our lives! I know that you caused the door to expload! And you caused the blanket to expload! And you made me forget put on my deoderant so that when I go and talk to Penny now I'm gonna smell like a ball of sweat and I hope you're happy about what you've-"

"Gumball, calm down." Carrie inturrupted him again. "These guys aren't ghosts."

Gumball looked back at her "Wait, what are you talking about? These guys are totally ghosts!"

"No trust me, these things aren't ghosts." Carrie explained "I don't know what it is about them, but I know they're not ghosts." Carrie floated around them and, unlike other ghosts, she just phased right through them like she would ordinary people.

Darwin looked more confused than he was before "Then, what are they?"

Carrie shrugged "Beats me. Maybe these guys just really like you." Carrie joked going back to her seat and her music.

Gumball and Darwin looked back over their seat back at Carrie "Come on Carrie, help us out here!" Darwin pleaded "We really don't know what to do with these two! I can't have another living creature inside my body! I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment yet!"

Gumball nudged Darwin when he began to notice the whole bus started to give them weird and scared looks. Gumball turned back to the floaty-thingies and pointed at them " see this too?"

All of the others nodded their heads in shock. But before anyone could say a word, the bus stopped at school.

"Okay guys" Rocky the busdriver said. "Time to get off and get to class."

All of the students got out of the bus and walked to the front door of the school building to begin what they all hoped would be a normal school day. The hallways quickly became lively with the sounds of students socializing and greeting eachother after a cold, harsh monday, now more ready for gaining new knowlage. Well, some of them at least, others like Gumball were mostly indifferent about school. On one hand, school was a place where everyone could come and meet their friends and hang out in between lectures and classes given out by teachers who wished that they had picked a different carrier choice.

But on the complete oposite hand was Ms. Simian, a woman who if there was a world wide contest to see who the most dispicable, despairing, and meanest person on the planet was, Ms. Simian would have won by a landslide. Everyday she would come in with her gross monkey face in a frown that looked as though gravity was trying to pull her down to the underworld. In Gumballs opinion, it would have been for the absolute best if that sort of thing actually did happen. Gumball took his seat and waited for 8:00 AM to just hurry up and turn into 3:00 PM.

And in that moment, Gumball saw the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his life, his lovely Penny Fitzgerald. Penny and Gumball went back a long while, but only recently have the two of them been at all "a thing". For the longest time Gumball had the biggest, stupidest crush on Penny so big and stupid that if you were a blind person on the other side of the world, you would still be able to see it. But that's all aside him now, since Penny has recently become his new girlfriend his big stupid crush had turned into a still stupid but not so big attatchment for her. Wait, wait, I take that back, it's still about the same size. Penny took her seat near the front of the class, waving to Gumball who was in the very back of the class. Gumball waved back, trying to look non-chalante, but just ended up being kinda funny looking.

"You and Penny have been pretty close huh?" Darwin asked Gumball, who was sitting next to him like always.

"Yeah, but you know how it is." Gumball said in reply. Darwin and Gumball have been the closest of bros since Gumball could speak. Even though Darwin wasn't really related to him biologically, he would always follow Gumball around like they were conjoined at birth.

"Hey, where's Ms. Simian?" Darwin said, having noticed that it was already 5 minutes past the first bell.

"Pfft, beats me." Gumball scoffed "Probably just sick or something so she can't come in."

Just then, the hairy ape herself walked right through the door. Only something was very, VERY off about her. Instead of her usual super-frown like every other morning, she didn't look upset at all, no, worse, she looked happy! She was smiling brightly, like, genuenly happy. She didn't have her coffee or anything!

"Class! I have some very important news for all of you!" She announced to the class. Everyone in the classroom looked around, confused. It wasn't a holiday or anything, it was the middle of January, and Sluzzletag was several days ago. "Now I want all of you to follow me to the auditorium to hear my newest announcement!"

Everyone looked each other nervously. It wasn't common, no actually, it was super ultra uncommon for Mr. Simian to be acting like this. And to make matters worse, the spirits that were inside Gumball and Darwin were begining to get a tad restless. And the worst part of all, no one even knew that this school had an auditorium!

They all got up and followed Ms. Simian to the auditorium. On the way there Darwin couldn't help but notice a few oddities with everyone. Several of their classmates began to look very guilty, the sweat pouring down their foreheads (or lack ther of) were a sign that it wasn't just Ms. Simian that was a little off today. Even though there were roughly about 20 kids in the whole school, at least all the ones Darwin were familiar with, the whole walk to the auditorium felt very crowded. Most students leaving an open space like they were walking with an invisible man, even some students having different new body parts on them. Darwin nudged Gumball to get his attention, both of them still kept walking without making eye contact.

"Dude, this walk is getting really awkward." Darwin whispered to Gumball

"I know" Gumball fearfully whispered back "Nothing about today feels all feels, bizarre."

Darwin couldn't agree more...