So, yeah. LAST CHAPTER, OH BOY. Shout-outs:
: My thoughts exactly. :)
TheLastNightFury777: Okay, thank you! :D
silverwolvesarecool: Hiccup's INSANE. :)
midnightsky0612: Yep, that's Hiccup for you. :)
HiccupHaddockIII: We shall see! :D
Omegaman17: :)
Sophhascoconuts: AAAAHHHHH!
Astrid opened her eyes and was greeted by a smoky, ashy landscape. She sat up and looked around, wincing at any movement whatsoever. She looked around her, seeing soldiers getting to their feet all over the place, from both the good side and the bad side. No one actually looked too severely injured.
Astrid found herself wondering what had happened, until her memory came flooding back into her mind like a river.
Hiccup's voice, as he drew Inferno and got ready to light it. "Oh, Savage. You're not going to kill me. You won't have a chance to."
Her own screams, begging him to find a different way. "NO! HICCUP DON'T!" But there was no other way. An explosion. That's what happened. An explosion. But even that didn't explain everything.
"Hiccup?" she breathed, jumping to her feet. She spun in a circle, eying her surroundings wearily. "Hiccup!" she shouted. She took off running across the battlefield, ignoring people shouting to her, ignoring pretty much everything else.
"Astrid!" she heard Stoick shout to her, but not even that mattered. She ran straight to the spot of the explosion, ignoring the fact that Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Stoick, and a whole bunch of other villagers were following her.
Astrid stared at the ground, and then gasped. Pieces of shattered glas, along with smoldering wood, and the hilt to a sword without a blade.
Astrid picked the sword up and clicked it. The firelit blade popped out in all its wild fury. Maybe if the sword could survive the explosion, so could its maker.
But turning around, she almost lost hope.
"Hiccup," she whispered, and then raced forward.
"Will he be okay?"
Stoick looked up at Astrid as she came below deck. He sighed and stood up.
"I think he will," said Stoick. "He's strong, you know, more strong than people give him credit for, actually. He'll pull through."
And so they had found Hiccup, but he wasn't in good shape, so to speak. He was unconscious, looking more pale than he normally was. And so they had taken him below decks to one of the ships, and then set sail back to Berk.
But not before Astrid and the other dragon riders had stumbled across the body of Thornado.
The Thunderdrum...the poor, poor Thunderdrum, had been protecting a Berkian when the worst of the explosion took his life. Astrid had recounted everything to Stoick; Hiccup being hurt when they found him, what state he was in when they found him, and then lastly, Thornado.
Stoick remained speechless while Astrid recounted the tale. He, when she was done, nodded, and told her that Thornado had died an honorable death as a true warrior, protecting the ones he cared about.
Just like Hiccup almost did.
One of the healers had come with the Berkian soldiers, just because it was always wise to have a healer when you march out to war. She had said that Hiccup had been very lucky, and the explosion didn't exactly aim straight for him. It blasted Savage mostly, leaving Hiccup unconscious and hurt, but luckily, not dead.
And then of course the trip home was uneventful; very uneventful. Nothing of significance took place whatsoever. Hiccup didn't wake up, the whole mood of the ship was rough and worried.
But he would be fine. Hiccup would wake up, and everything would be okay.
Hiccup opened his eyes, feeling groggy and exhausted, but for some strange reason, better than he had felt in years. He didn't know why, exactly. He looked over and saw Toothless sleeping in the corner...
He blinked twice. He could see. He pinched himself, wondering if it was just a dream, but it wasn't. He could see. He could see again.
"I...I can see," he said to himself.
Toothless perked up as soon as Hiccup spoke, and then made his way over to him and nuzzled him. Hiccup ran his hand over his dragon's head and then looked at him.
"Toothless," he said, "I can see."
Toothless yowled and bounced in circles around the room, making the entire house shudder. Hiccup laughed at the dragon's antics, and then ended up wincing in the end. He put a hand on his ribs; right, some of them were still broken.
Worried, Toothless moved over to him again.
"Oh, it's okay buddy, I'm okay," said Hiccup. "Yeah, just sore."
As if on cue, footsteps welcomed their ears. Hiccup turned to the doorway just as Astrid and Stoick raced into the room.
"Hey Astrid," said Hiccup. "Hey Dad."
They both stopped. How did Hiccup know it was them if he couldn't see...
"How did you know it was us?" Astrid asked.
"I can see again, Astrid," said Hiccup. "I'm not blind anymore."
An announcement was made concerning Hiccup being able to see. Of course, Hiccup hadn't been able to attend, since he was bedridden for a few weeks after the entire affair with Savage and his ruffians.
It was nearly two weeks before Hiccup was able to at least walk on his own, and even then he used a crutch occasionally. It was on the last day of the week that he finally felt up to actually seeing the treehouse with his own eyes.
He followed the dragon riders on Toothless, and then gasped at the sight of the treehouse.
"You guys really built this?" said Hiccup. "All by yourself?"
"You bet," said Astrid.
"It looks...amazing," said Hiccup. "It's nice to see all your hard work."
"It's nice to hear you say that again," said Astrid. "I'm glad you weren't permanently blind."
"Me too," said Hiccup.
Explosions were an occupational hazard. Hiccup had learned that over the years, from working in a forge most his life, to falling into the flames during the battle of the Red Death, to trying to teach Ruffnut and Tuffnut how to control their Zippleback, and to running the entire Berk Dragon Training Academy.
And then that explosion two weeks ago. Yes, explosions were quite the occupational hazard indeed. There was no doubt about that at all. And so when he had the chance to save everyone he cared about by a simple explosion, did he take it? You better believe he did.
But then of course, occupational hazards often have occupational consequences. For Hiccup all those years ago, it had been his leg. And now, when fighting Savage, it could have possibly been his life.
Then again, with every occupational hazard there is an occupational consequence, and with every occupational consequence, there is an occupational benefit. An occupational benefit. During the fight with the Red Death, the benefit was being accepted in the village, and making peace with dragons. And now, the benefit was being able to save those he loved and cared about.
So all in all, Hiccup was okay risking his life to protect those he cared about.
It was an occupational opportunity.
Author's Notes:
So, I'm not going to write a sequel to this, or anything. I'm just going to leave it here, but if anyone else wants to write a continuing story, they're welcome to. I have a lot of writing to catch up to with other requested stories.
So, all in all, although this story is probably not my best one, I hope you all thoroughly enjoyed reading "Blind Sight." Until next time, this is BeyondTheClouds777 signing out. :)