Authors Note:

This is inspired by a rp I had with a friend on twitter who was pretended to be Balloon Boy and I was a Jolteon. Keep in mind in this story Ballon Boy is a human not an animatronic and he is refered to as BB. Other than that enjoy the story!


Jolteon walked down the sidewalk sadly as she thought about the fight from yesterday. Charmeleon had beaton her so easily and she felt like a fool. She could here the laughs of all the other pokemon watching. She had wanted to prove herself yet she had failed once again. As she continued to walk lost in thought she bumped into someone. She gazed up at the young boy as he got back up. The boy was wearing a blue shirt wih red lines on it and a pinwheel hat with the same colors. He had dark blue eyes and light brown hair with some blonde in it. He gazed at Jolteon with a small smile and she was taken back. Why was he smiling at her? "Are you ok? I didn't mean to bump into you." Jolteon blinked in surprise at his hospitatlity. "Ya I'm fine. Its really my fault." The boy gave a small laugh and brushed himself off. He then held out his hand toward Jolteon. "My names Balloon Boy but people call me BB. Whats your name?" Jolteon put her paw into his hand and he shook it. "I'm Jolteon but you can call me Jolt." BB smiled at her and Jolteon gave a shy smile back. "So where are you heading off to Jolt?" "Oh no where imperticular." BB frowned in confusion. "Really? You looked pretty deep in thought a minute ago." Jolteon frowned and backed away from BB. "I was." BB laid a hand on her back. "Are you ok? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." Jolteon gazed up at him in surprise. No one ever asked about her feelings or apologized to her for anything. "You didn't hurt my feelings. Its my own fault I'm like this." BB frowned more. "Whats wrong with you? You look perfect to me." Jolteon gazed into his eyes with shock. "You mean you don't think I'm a loser?" BB gave a smile. "Of course not. You should be proud to be you." Jolteon stayed silent for a moment then nuzzled BB. "Thanks. I needed to hear that." BB hugged her with a smile. "Well I understand whats its like to be rejected by others." Jolteon gazed at him surprise. "You've gotten rejected before?" BB nodded. "Ya. No one likes me at my school. They all laugh at me and call me annoying. It hurts but I just try to ignore it." Jolteon felt a little sorry for him when a thought crossed her mind. "What if we become friends? Were both rejects." BB gave a wide smile and pulled her back into her hug. "I would love to be your friend." Jolteon smiled and gave a small sigh of release. "Good."

A few weeks passed and Jolteon and BB had become the best of friends. They did everything together. Both couldn't have been happier. One day though Jolteon got a letter that said she needed to attend Battling School or she would be kicked from the Battle Tournament in March. In panic she told BB and he agreed she should go. He knew how much she loved battling and trying to prove how strong she was. Jolteon left for the Battling School leaving BB alone to deal with his life alone. It was one of the biggest mistakes she may had ever made.

When Jolteon returned she went over to BB's house to tell him how much she had learned. She was even a excited to show him some new moves she had learned. When she knocked on the door though there was no answer. She knocked on it again and there was still no answer. She tried to open the door and it opened. She walked into his house and gazed around. closing the door she walked around calling for him. Finally he replied to her and she found him in his room. Shock shot through her though as she saw her best friend on the bed with a cast around his leg. His face wasn't his normal happy look. She could tell he had been crying and he had a black eye. Rushing to his side she nuzzled him and he placed his hand on her back. "BB how did this happen!?" Tears started to fall down his face. "it was the kids at my school. They beat me up and left me to suffer alone. A girl found me later and took me to the hospital." Jolteon put her front legs up on the bed and nuzzled his face. "Oh BB I wish I would have known this would happen otherwise I never would have left." BB pulled Jolteon into a hug and cried into her spiky fur. Jolteon continued to nuzzle him doing her best to comfort him. What she didn't know though were that the thoughts racing through his head at that moment would lead to the most pain either of them had ever felt in their lives.