Disclaimer: I don't own KHR, if I own it, I would continue the manga story ^^

Warning: Time travel, grammatical error, OOC (?), hole in the plot, weird facts and theories

Crimson red. That was all he saw. The color of blood and fire. He could smell blood and burned flesh. The flames of fire made the surroundings hot, but he only felt cold. He stood alone in the middle of corpses of allies and enemies. Some were even in a really bad condition, with a grotesque appearance. He was the only survivor, or so he thought. His body was full of wounds. His clothes are tattered and dirtied with bloods and earth. His expression was pained. No, it was not because his painful wounds. He did not even register the ache from the wounds anymore. It was because of the pain of losing everything, his family and famiglia, his brothers, his sisters, his allies, and his home. The man looked around and could not help but blame himself. If only he was prepared, if only he acted quickly, if only he was stronger. There were many situations that he hoped to change. He felt regret and guilt.

Vongola had fallen and so had its allies. Millefiore, Shimon, Cavallone, Varia and even Vindice and Arcobaleno had fallen. No one had been spared from the tragedy but him. The strongest mafia famiglia in the world was no more. The man closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When his eyes opened again, they were full of strong resolution and determination. He had decided that he would take the risk and would not think about the consequences for him. In truth, he knew what his decision would be since a long time ago, but he hoped he would not come to act on his decision. The recent progress just forced him to act and strengthened his resolve. He would do anything for his family even if it took his life. It was the time for his last resort. He would stop the living nightmares. He would take the burden and be the sacrifice.

The man pulled out his necklace and took it off. The necklace had an unique pendant. It was a wing, but not in pairs, only the left side. Each stroke of feathers was in different colors. There were seven in total and had the color of rainbow. The wing hung on a sphere resembling like a clock. As he held the pendant in his fist, he could feel the hum of the others flames inside the pendant which made him smile sadly. The thrumming of the flames also helped him to strengthen his resolve. He started to concentrate and channeled his remaining flames to the pendant. He could feel his flame started to wither and flicker. It became unstable, but he could not stop now. He thought of his families, their smile, their banter with each other, their unique characters, the quirkiness, the fireworks, the fun and difficult times, the fights, their teamwork, their love and every other thing that could strengthen his resolution. But it still was not enough. He needed more flames or the plan would not work.

Suddenly, there was bright light from another flame. No, it was not from the fire. It was different. The flame started to take shape and became a figure of another man.

"Decimo,"said the figure, making the man looked up. "Is it time?" the figure asked.

"Yes Primo. It is," answered the man, the Decimo.

"Are you sure?" Primo looked at the Decimo, trying to see his resolve.

"I am sure and certain. This is must be done. This is what I must do," answered the Decimo with certainty. Seeing his resolve, Primo only nodded.

"Then, let me help you,"offered Primo. Decimo opened his fist, giving access to the pendant for Primo. Just before they started their work, they felt another presence.

"Kawahira-san, you can come out," said Decimo.

"Your intuition is sure amazing, Vongola," replied the said person.

"Thank you for coming, Kawahira-san," said the brunet.

"That's okay. After all it is my duty to protect the Tri-ni-set and the balance of the world," Kawahira said as he threw a pouch to the Decimo which he caught and then opened. He saw some chains inside of it. He knew what it used for and he knew he would need it. "That's from Bermuda. The pouch also had the same effect." Hearing the name, the brunet smiled sadly.

"Thank you, Kawahira-san. Now, shall we start, gentlemen?" The three of them then started the ritual and poured their flames to the pendant.

The wing pendant started to glow brighter and brighter. It beat with light from the fire. It was so bright that it made the surroundings look as if it was already morning. Then suddenly the light was absorbed to the Decimo's body until it vanished. The Decimo could feel power inside his body. It burned brightly inside him. He knew his body could not contain all these powers, but he must do it. He would try to contain it as long as he can. He would try to suppress the power. He could feel the power build on his body until it reached its peak and he knew that it was time. He opened his amber eyes and looked at his companies. 'Thank you' he mouthed.

"Good luck Sawada Tsunayoshi," replied Kawahira as he smiled forlornly.

The man with the title of Vongola Decimo was engulfed by the flames and vanished into thin air. His last words echoed in the world before the world itself crumbled down.

"Vi prego di perdonarmi e aspettare per me, mia cara famiglia"

(Please forgive me and wait for me, my family)

A brunet boy with spiky hair woke up from his sleep suddenly. He immediately sat up, sweating profusely and breathing heavily. Gasping for air, he clenched his chest.

'It was only a dream, wasn't it?' He tried to calm himself and think clearly. After a few minutes he was calmed down

. "No, it wasn't a dream, it was reality," mumbled the boy.

"Unfortunately, it wasn't only a dream, Tsunayoshi-kun," someone suddenly said, making the boy jumped up and looked up. He then saw a blonde man with similar face as him and spiky hair.

"Giotto-jiisan." It slipped from the boy before he could think about it. He still could not think clearly and was vulnerable because of the dream. His emotions were in turmoil. The slip made the blonde male smile.

"Then, the plan worked. Did we succeed on the first part?" asked the boy uncertainly. Giotto nodded.

"Yes," affirmed him. It was all that needed to broke the dam. Without even realizing it, the tears fell to the brunet's pale face and then to his clenched hands which were on his lap.

"Eh?" was the confused reaction from the boy. "Tears?" He looked at the tears dumbly. "I am crying? Stupid me. Dame-Tsuna will always be Dame-Tsuna." He said as he tried to rub his eyes to stop the tears. His actions were in vain as the tears would not stop falling. "The tears just won't stop, huh?" He hid his face behind his palms. However, his hands were pulled out by his ancestors.

Giotto wiped out the tears from Tsuna's face and said in soft and loving voice, "It's okay to cry, Tsunayoshi. You can let it all out." Giotto's words acted as a trigger for Tsuna for he started to sob and wail. Tsuna cried his heart out, all of his grief, sadness, regret, guilt,and broken promises. Giotto then pulled Tsuna to his embrace. He rubbed Tsuna's back and whispered sweet nothings to Tsuna, trying to reassure him. "Sssh, it's alright. This time, everything will be alright. I'm here, Tsuna." In return, Tsuna cried harder and clenched to Giotto's shirt as if his life depended on it.

"I.. I.. It's…fault.. died..all…my…"

"Sssh, none is your fault." The once powerful man was left in sobbing mess. Fortunately, his room was in second floor, far away from his mother room. He would not want to wake up his mother. It would create more questions from his mother which he did not want to answer.

It took 20 minutes for Tsuna to calm down and somewhere in his mind he could hear Reborn's voice saying 'It is unbefitting to Mafia boss to cry his eyes out and wail especially in front of Primo, Dame-Tsuna' or 'Why it took a long time for you to calm down? Mafia boss should not have breakdown in front of other person at the first place, Dame-Tsuna'. Tsuna chuckled sadly with those thoughts. Oh, how he missed his tutor deeply.

"Sorry to wet your shirt, Primo," said Tsuna with a blush.

"It's okay, Tsunayoshi-kun, and please call me Giotto like you used to,"replied Giotto with a sweet smile.

"Then just call me Tsuna,"said Tsuna.

Tsuna then rest his head on the head board and let out a deep sigh. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to gather himself and after he succeeded, he turned to look at Giotto.

"So, how old am I?"

A/N: This is my first KHR fic. I'm not a master of KHR world and I've just read the manga once and never re-read it. This fic is the manifestation of my urge to write in KHR fandom after reading so any fics. I'm still learning so I hope you guys can help me learning. I hope you like this story.

And btw, I don't speak Italian, I use google translate so please excuse the crappy Italian. English is also my second language, so I'm trying to get better at it.

so enjoy the story :)

P.S. I'm looking for Beta-reader. If you interested, please P.M me