I re-read Top Secret Twenty-one the other day on a whim and it spurred on this story. It's complete as is, but I can turn it into a multi-chapter if there is interest. Please let me know what you think.

Big thanks to Margaret for all her encouragement over the years and for deeming this good to go. Love you, girl. :)

Turning the Tables on Twenty-two

I hadn't seen Ranger in over a month. In fact the last time I saw him we were in Atlantic City keeping the world safe from Russian terrorists and grandma caught a bird's eye view of, well, um...I think you know what she caught a view of. Anyway, Ranger's been 'in the wind' and no one, not even Tank, has heard from him since.

I was starting to get a little worried. I mean, he always lets Tank know where he is. My spidey sense was working overtime and I couldn't concentrate on much, other than needing to know that he was safe. I was currently on my bed in my thinking position, worrying about him when my phone rang.

"Cupcake, wanna come over and watch the game? Bob and the boys miss you. I'll order meatball subs?"

"Uh, thanks Joe but I'm sorry. I'm just not in the mood," I told him.

And I wasn't. I hadn't really been in the mood for Joe since Ranger dropped the bomb that he'd actually thought about us living together. Well he hadn't said exactly that, but that was what his 'sharing his closet' comment meant. I think. Did he really see me as something more than entertainment or an occasional romp in the hay? I mean, I knew he loved me. Maybe in his own way, but he did love me. He jumped off a bridge to save me for God's sake. That could have killed the both of us.

And that got me to thinking too. When he came back I'd ask him to train me properly. Even though I usually got my man, I was a mess at my job. Understatement of the year. I wore the mess more times than not.

Deciding I had nothing to lose and my phone was already in my hand, I gave Ranger's cell a buzz. Expecting voicemail, I was surprised when after two rings he picked up.

"Babe. You have an uncanny sense of timing. I just landed in Mercer. You home?"

"I was so worried about you. Yes, I'm home."

"See you in fifteen."

True to his word fifteen minutes later I heard the unmistakable whine of a finely tuned, high performance engine turning into my parking lot. I could get up and open the door or I could just sit here and see how long it took him to pick my locks. I was betting on three seconds. Five seconds shorter than it took me, using my key. I decided to wait him out.

My door opened and Ranger stepped in, blinking to see in the dark. I hadn't yet turned my lights on; I was thinking.

"Babe," he said zeroing in on me then scooping me into his arms.

I've known for a long time that I have the ability to center him. I have no idea how, since I'm a little on the scattered side, but I knew I did. I was usually the last person he saw before heading off to make the world a safe place for people like me, or the first. Today I guessed I was the first as he had a duffle bag in his hand.

He held me for what seemed like forever, kissing me on top of my head and mumbling in Spanish. I had a feeling it was a bad mission and he was really glad to see me.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked, trying for good hostess. "I can make grilled cheese sandwiches?"

"I haven't had anything substantial in over twenty hours. Let me use your shower and I'll take you out to Rossellini's," he said, mentioning a Burg landmark steeped in gossip.

I really didn't want any gossip about me right now and I'd just turned down subs with Joe. I was sure he'd hear all about my dinner with Ranger if we went there.

"How about out of the Burg and you're on?"

"Give me five minutes to shower."

"Take ten," I said being a pain in the ass.

I had gone into my bedroom to get some fresh towels for Ranger when I heard my shower running. I guessed he was serious about the five minutes. Trying not to interrupt him I reached in quickly and laid them on top of my toilet. Just as I did, the water stopped and the shower curtains parted. I was struck for a moment by just how physically gorgeous Ranger is.

"See something you like Babe?" he laughed, stepping out of the tub.

Not to make an awkward situation any more awkward, I handed him a towel and turned back towards my bedroom to find something to wear.

"So uh, Ranger, where are we going?" I asked, my head inside my closet.

"Someplace where we can talk. I want to hear what's been going on with you." Talk? Ranger? "I know a nice Cuban place if you're up for a ride," he continued.

"Sure. Dressy? Casual?" I continued my line of questioning, my head still in the closet.


I turned my head and rolled my eyes at him.

"Can't blame a man for trying. I haven't seen anything that resembles a woman — except for a papaya — in over a month. And they've stopped doing it for me."

"Horny, Ranger?"

"That's not why I came here."

I felt bad egging him on. "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate. How's this?" I added, pulling a little black dress with a low scoop neck from my closet.

"Nice. I'll go outside so you can get dressed."

While I was at it, I decided to change into the new Victoria's Secret push up bra and matching panties I'd just bought. I figured they do a lot to enhance my image, so I closed the door behind him. I also needed time to tame my hair and add another coat of mascara. He'd just have to wait for me. I never said I'd be ready in five minutes.

Twenty minutes later I was transformed. Not only was my hair behaving, the new bra under my dress was pushing everything I had up and out in all the right places and the FMPs I'd paired it all with were doing an outstanding job of making my legs look longer and shapelier than they were. A girl had to use what Mother Nature gave her.

I stepped out of my bedroom and sashayed by Ranger who had changed into an identical outfit to the one he was wearing before. Yeah I knew I was pulling the tiger's tail.

"Looking good," he said, transfixed on my new assets. "Are we ready?"

"Two seconds to feed Rex and grab my bag," I said bending into the refrigerator to find a couple of grapes.

"You're killing me Babe."

Oops, I forgot how short this dress was.

I grabbed my bag and led us to the elevator. No way was I walking down the stairs in these heels. Mrs. Bestler was on duty. "Lower level. Transportation and dining," she said with a wink.

"So where are we going?" I asked once Ranger opened the door for me and helped me buckle myself in; checking out my assets once again.

"Alvarez Cafe in Elizabeth. We have 7:30 reservations."

"Oh." But then again I gave him an extra twenty minutes, it only takes a couple to call for a reservation. "Is it a nice place?"

"The food is good and it's owned by a friend of the family."

He was giving me information without my asking. This was new.

I expected him to get into his zone so I was surprised when he continued speaking.

"What's been going on with you?"

"Not too much. Enough low level skips so I can pay my rent and I even had enough left over to go shopping last week."

"That's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about. We got paid for the Vlatko job and I want to give you your share."

"My share? I didn't do much."

"Babe, you pulled the fire alarm and got him out in the open. That's more than I did, so Rangeman would like to split this fifty-fifty with you."

"How much are we talking about?"

"Your half is five hundred thousand."

I gulped. "You got a million dollars for three days worth of work?"


"I can't accept this Ranger! What about your men? What about the task force and all the equipment you provided?"

"My men are salaried and we didn't have to buy any new equipment for this job. The FBI also got their share and they didn't do as much work as you did."

"Yeah but one of them got killed."

"In the line of duty. We all know that's a possibility going in and you didn't sign up for that job. I've already deposited the money in your account. I also wanted you to know that everyone was impressed with your quick thinking and I heard that you fractured a pelvic bone in the fall. When were you going to tell me?"

Shit. How did he find that out?

"It was no big deal. I had it x-rayed and it's already almost healed. It was just a hairline fracture. Look I'm already wearing heels. I'm fine."

"That's one of the things that we get paid for; putting ourselves in harm's way while doing our job. You didn't even tell Tank."

"Like I said it was no big deal. It just hurt for a few days so I thought I should check it out. Can we change the subject?"



"Tell me again why you don't want to accept the money?" he pursued.

"I don't feel like I earned it."

"What did I just tell you?"

"That you get paid for putting yourselves in harm's way and that I didn't sign up for that. I heard you. What am I supposed to do with that kind of money anyway?"

"You can buy yourself a condo. You can get out of debt. You can treat Rex to a new habitat. It's your money to do with as you want. You earned it Babe. We're getting close and I have something else I want to talk to you about."

Here goes the lecture. "Um, ok."

"Remember I told you I didn't want you to come along because you'd be a liability, but I acquiesced to you anyway?"


"I want to offer you some training. Since you're obviously able to make me change my mind, I want to know that you are as prepared as you can be."

"What kind of training?" I asked, playing dumb. I had planned to ask for training anyway.

"The kind of training you need to be able to do your job properly. I want you to spend some time on the gun range with Ram and Hector volunteered to take you through all our tech products. I'll work one-on-one with you on self-defense."

"I don't want to take up everyone's time. You guys have jobs to do."

"And you end up making our jobs harder by not working with us."

That was a kind of a slap in the face.

"That hurt."

"Sometimes a little tough love is necessary. You have to know that we care about you and only have your best interests in mind. Now will you accept the training?"

"No qualifying gym time."

"Did you hear me say anything about gym time?"



"Thank you Ranger. I appreciate your offer. It's really what I need and I was going to ask you to train me anyway," I decided to be truthful.

"I could almost hear a 'but' in there Babe. If you're going to do this, I don't want you to do this half-heartedly."

"No buts."

"That's my girl," he said, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss.

Of course there was a parking spot right in front of the restaurant. I could never understand how he managed that. We parked and before I could get out of the car under my own power, Ranger was in front of me to help me out, his hand moving to the small of my back as he led me to the door.

"Carlos," a female voice called excitedly as soon as we entered.

"Tia Bonita, nice to see you. This is Stephanie Plum. Steph, this is my aunt Bonita."

"Nice to meet you," I said extending my hand. What I didn't expect was being brought into a tight embrace, along with Ranger, so she could hug the both of us at the same time.

"I think this is the first girlfriend you've ever brought here, Carlos. A pleasant change from Tank, Lester and Bobby. To what do I owe the honor?"

"We work together," I said, "and Ranger wanted to talk to me in a quiet place."

"I'd hardly call this place quiet, but you are very welcome. Come inside."

There seemed to be a number of people mingling around the small bar talking while lively music played from a nearby jukebox. Others were seated at tables enjoying different stages of their meal. Everyone looked happy and it seemed like a fun place. Ranger's aunt grabbed a few menus and led us to a table in the back. I guessed she already knew the drill.

Ranger took the seat with his back to the wall so he could scan the restaurant for bad guys and I took the one in front of him, my back to the imminent danger.

"Why don't you sit over here, next to me Babe?" he asked unexpectedly.

I figured he wanted to continue one of our conversations from before and didn't want to be overheard, so I got up and moved next to him.

"Is that really your aunt Ranger?" I asked, knowing how the Italian side of my family turned all the close friends and distant relatives into aunts and uncles.

"Tia Bonita and her husband are my godparents. My family has known their family for a long time. While she isn't actually a relative, my siblings and I call her 'aunt'.

I knew it. I didn't think he'd actually take me to meet his family.

"So what's going on with you and Morelli?" he asked as if talking about Joe was an everyday thing.

"What do you mean?" Could he read my mind?

"Just making conversation and you didn't seem to be over there tonight."

"I haven't been over there in a while. I feel like I keep getting sneak peaks into the Morelli life and I don't particularly like what I'm seeing."


"Well, I went there a few weeks ago to talk to him, thinking he'd be alone. It seems like the regular Sunday dinner has been moved to Joe's house and it was a zoo there with relatives I'd never seen before and Grandma Bella trying to give me the eye. Anthony's son was rolling around in the grass and got Bob poop all over him. So what did they do? A couple of the guys held him at arm's length while they sprayed dishwashing liquid on him and then took the garden hose to the poor kid. They made it seem like it was a routine thing. It was mildly disturbing...I can go on."

"Don't Babe. I get the picture."

"I can't see myself being a part of this," I continued as if he didn't tell me not to.

"Have you told this to Morelli?"

"Not yet. I don't know what to say. I mean my grandmother is a little screwy too, so who am I to talk?"

"This isn't about your grandmother. If you say this has become a common occurrence, then this is what you're getting yourself into."

"I know," I said putting my head in my hands and covering my eyes. Maybe it would all go away.

"Babe," he said laughing, "you can come out now."

"Ugg. What do you think I should do? I mean I bought a vacuum cleaner."

"One has nothing to do with the other. Why don't you go away for a few days and try to sort things out."

"I don't have the money to go..."


"Oh shit. I forgot all about that. Rangeman has really deposited that much into my account?"

"We have."

"Ugg, another thing to worry about."

"I don't know why you're worrying. I would think it would give you some peace of mind to know you had one less thing to worry about. Come here Babe," he said, taking my hands in his.

It was a nice gesture and he always made me feel safe. I just wished that if I followed my heart it wouldn't get broken. We seemed to be freely asking each other questions so what did I have to lose? Well everything, but what the hell.

"I have something else on my mind," I started. "Remember when we were in Atlantic City and you told me you sometimes think about marrying me? What was that all about?"

"It's true. I've thought about us living together. At times it's a comforting thought."

"And other times?"

"Other times it's scary as hell Babe."

"But it's something you've considered?"

"I thought if we were living together I could keep you safe."

"That's it? Keep me safe? Shows what you know," I added, my heart already a little broken.

I guess he could see my dejection. "Babe the waitress is coming over to take our order. Let's look at the menu; we can talk about this later."

"So what's good here?" I asked, glad for the distraction.

"The Camarones en Ajillo are exceptional and so is the Paella. May I suggest a pitcher of white sangria and the tamale appetizer to start?"

"Why don't we get one of each of them and sure, I'd love an appetizer and some sangria." "I thought tamales were Mexican?" I added.

"Interesting bit of information," he said as our waitress came back with our sangria. He poured us each a glass, looking slightly nervous in my estimation. "Cuban tamales are identical to the tamales found in Mexico City. It's believed that the Mexicans brought them to Cuba between the 1920's and the 1950's during a cultural exchange period we shared, prior to the Castro regime."

"Oh. So it's really like we'll be eating Mexican tamales?"

"I guess you could look at it that way. I saw your face fall before; can we talk about us for a minute."

Shit. Was he going to rub salt in my wounds? "Um, sure."

"This last mission was particularly bad for me. The intel was spotty and more likely than not, it was wrong when it finally arrived. On numerous occasions I thought about you and wondered if I'd ever see you again. On one night that stands out in my mind as the worst, I made a promise to myself that I would talk to you once I got back."

I swallowed hard but didn't say anything, so he continued.

"This is why I asked you earlier about Morelli. I'd like to pursue a relationship with you."

"What do you mean Ranger? You said you don't do relationships."

"I did say that and I meant it at the time. The thought of never seeing you again made me re-think a lot of things. This is going to sound odd coming from me and I've never said this to a woman before but I'd very much like to date you."

"Date me, Ranger?"

"Take you places, show you a good time, spend a day with you. That sort of thing."

"Meet your family?"

"Yes. I'll take you to meet my family if that's what you'd like. You've met my aunt."

"She's not your real aunt."

"You can meet my real aunts."

"Are you looking for an answer from me?" I asked when the conversation suddenly stopped.

"As an example, Tank and Lula are dating again. He's taking her to the philharmonic next week."

"I'm more of the Bon Jovi type, but if that's what you wanted to do, I'd take a chance."


"I'd like that Ranger."

I guessed I'd have to have that awkward conversation with Morelli after all.