Chapter 3

Low mumblings sound from the bedroom as I find myself wandering down the hallway to go check on him. I gently push open the door and he's there in bed, his mom is gone, and he looks a lot worse than before. "Rome"I ask quietly as I sit down on the bed beside him, "mm"he mumbles as he shifts over. He looks at me and the first thing I see is blood that has dribbled onto his mouth and chest. I grab the washcloth out of the bowl and I gently start to clean him up. As I do so his mom comes into the room, "did he just wake up"she asks quielty approaching the bed, "yeah,and he's worse, it looks like he's been coughing up blood"I say. "oh Darling, I think maybe we need to go to the ER"she says gently laying her hand palm down against his forehead, "that might not be a bad idea, I can drive"I say, "k"she says.

Very gently we get him sitting up and I put a tshirt on him from the drawer, and then slip on a pair of tennis shoes. He doesn't fight me as I pick him up,blanket and all,as we head down the stairs. He starts to cough again and his mom gently wipes his mouth with a towel, "shh darling it'll be ok"she murmurs. We get out to the car and I open the door to the backseat, she gets in and I hand him to her. He automatically curls into her side as I close the door,and then I get in the drivers seat and we take off. The coughing resumes through out the whole drive,as she contiunes to wipe his face free of the blood.

We soon enough reach the ER,and after I park I run inside to get a nurse. I find one and explain what's going on and she and doctor come outside with me. We approach the car with a gurney and open the back door, "what's his name"she asks, "Roman"his mother replies, "k roman we're going to take care of you tonight alright, i'm doctor reily"she says. Very gently they lift him up out of the car and onto the gurney, "we need to get him inside now,this isn't good"the doctor says looking at all of the blood. He curls up on his side and they take him in leaving us to wonder what will happen next.