I know this has been done before but I really like this type of story.

Summary: Hermione is going to the Granger Family reunion. It is four years after the war, she is 22 years old and is engaged to who?

AN: This is Dramione, I will try my best to write it for you Dramione fans.

Side Note: Ron and Hermione did not date or kiss.

Hermione was sitting at her kitchen table eating breakfast when an owl knocked on the window. She stood up and walked over to the window to let the owl in. When the owl landed it stuck out its leg for her to take the letter from it. After she had taken the letter and had given the owl some treats the nocturnal bird flew out the window. She opened up the envelope to discover a letter from her parents.

Dear Hermione,

How are you dear? The two of you should come visit more often. Anyway I just wrote to tell you of the family reunion coming up in two weeks. It will last three days from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning after breakfast. Your father and I would really like it if you came, you haven't seen your cousins in many years. I know that you are busy being an auror but it would be nice to see the family again. Apparently your cousin Veronica has some news to share with everybody, anyway it is time to tell the family of your engagment even if you don't introduce him. Please come and join us, that way we won't have to endure it alone this year. Can you believe that it has been five years since our last one? We missed the last one because of you know, but it would fun to see how everyone has changed in ten years don't you think? Anyway just write me back and tell me your answer, or you know come to dinner tomorrow night and tell me your answer. Oh, by the way you will never guess where the reunion will be held at. It is being held at The Serpent King Hotel, isn't that ironic? Love you dear, I will see you tomorrow night for dinner, both of you.

Love your mother,


Hermione sighed as she read the letter from her mom. She couldn't believe that she hadn't seen her family since the summer before her second year at Hogwarts. So much had changed since that reunion, mainly the fact that she is engaged. She had to laugh when she read where the reunion would be held, it was just like her family to hold the reunion at the most expensive hotel in the country. She put the letter down on the counter and leaned against it, rubbing her temple. She felt a pair of arms snake around her waist and hug her from behind.

"Something the matter love?"

Hermione turned around in his arms.

"Who knows Dray, I just received a letter from my mom telling me about a family reunion in two weeks. Oh by the way we are going over to their house for dinner tomorrow night."

"Alright love, what's so wrong about a family reunion?"

"My family is a bunch of snobs, like pureblood snobs."


"Yep, they would have made you seem humble."

"Oh Merlin."

"Yeah, exactly. I didn't really get along with my cousins except for one, Amber."


"Yeah, she was really smart like me and wasn't stuck up. Her mom and my dad are brother and sister, she is the only sibling my dad actually likes, mainly for the fact that she is down to earth, as is her husband and daughter."

"I like them already."

"I knew you would, they'd love you."

"Really? How come?"

"You make me happy, plain and simple. Oh then there is my gran, who isn't snobbish either."

"Do you want me to go?"

"If you want to, but if you do let's keep this a secret for a bit. Oh and you'll never guess where the reunion is being held?"

She smirked as she watched him think for a minute before he finally looked at her again.

"I don't know love, where?"

"The Serpent King Hotel."

"Your serious?"


He started to laugh and soon she joined him. They spent the rest of the day inside the manor just hanging out and spending time together. About mid way through the afternoon they recieved a visitor, a brunette visitor.


"Hey Hermione, Draco."


They all sat down on the couch and got comfortable before Hermione turned her attention towards her best friend.

"So Harry what's up?"

"I came over to tell you that Molly wants the two of you over for dinner one day this week."

"You came all the way over here to tell us this?"

"Ok I also came over so I didn't have to be in the line of fire between Ginny and Molly."

"What are they fighting about now?"

"Wedding plans."

"Why am I not surprised, what this time? The dress? Cake? Guest list?"

"Actually it wasn't those, it was the fact that Molly was trying to plan our wedding for us."

"Potter, hasn't she been doing this since the beginning?"

"Yep. Ginny just cracked this afternoon, when we went over to visit. We were in the sitting room talking about something when Molly brought up the wedding. Ginny started to tell her all that we had decided on when Molly started to interupt and tell her that it would never do and what not. Arthur ran to his shed and I came here, Ginny knows where I went because we devised a plan if Ginny got into a fight with her mom I would come here."

"Why here?"

"Simple, we knew that Molly would try and find me, she can't come through this flew. I flewed back the Grimauld Place then flewed here."


"Thanks, anyway Ginny wanted me to ask you something Mione."

"Alright what is it?"

"Gin wants you to be her maid of honor."


"Yup, she says that you are her best girl friend, besides your my best friend."

"Oh thank you Harry."

"No problem Mione, so tell me what have you two been up to?"

"I got an invite from my mom about a family reunion in two weeks."

"Really? Wasn't the last one you went to summer before second?"

"Yep and guess where it is going to be?"


"The Serpent King Hotel."



"Now that's funny."

Harry started to laugh soon joined by his best friend. After about five minutes the two had stopped laughing and just stared at each other.

"So when is it?"

"In two weeks."

"Count Ron, Luna, Gin, and me in."


"We want to meet your family and see their reactions when they realize who your fiance is."

After about an hour Harry finally left and headed home to his fiancee. For the rest of the day they didn't have anymore guests and were content to just be alone together. When they were in bed and Draco already asleep Hermione couldn't help but think that those three days were going to be interesting. With that thought she followed her fiance into sleep.