Chapter 1: The Meeting

Author Notes: (MoosieFace is my co-author. This is a collab creation. :D Also... I am somewhat new to writing stuff like this, I wrote one about Jack from Rise of the Guardians, but I never finished it. So I'm writing this one to keep my imagination running. Let me know what you think. :D )

"Hey Maia, wait for me damnit!" My friend Lexi shouted at me as she struggled to catch up. She was 5'6" and I was 5'10" so even though we had a small height difference, I still took longer strides. "Well hurry up you slowpoke!" I paused and waited for her to catch up. Finally she caught up and held my shoulder as she struggled to catch her breath. Once she caught her breath enough, we continued walking and she turned to say,"Why are you in such a hurry? He's just a Youtuber. He's not THAT special." I stopped in my tracks and looked to her with a kind of irritated expression. "Listen, I know you don't watch him very much, but Markiplier is an amazing person with a kind heart. He constantly tries to raise money for charity by doing livestreams and other stuff, along with constantly trying to stay in touch with his fan-base. He's more than just a Youtuber to me." You see, Mark had said on Twitter that he was going to PAX Prime 2015 in Seattle, Washington. My parents finally gave me the OK to go as long as someone came with me. So I took Lexi, since she was a HUGE fan of Yamimash.

He was running a panel at PAX and I decided to go be a part of it, and drag Lexi with me. She wasn't happy about it, but I was sure it would work out for her too. I opened the door to the empty panel and stopped in the doorway then turned to face her. "Are you going to continue to be a pessimist or are you going to actually try to have fun, for once in your life?" She blushed out of irritation and pouted. "I have fun! I just like to focus more on school..." I chuckled and looked at her. "Alright... Just...please try to have fun. Open your mind and let him teach you! I really want to enjoy this...So even if you don't have fun, fake it, for me." I smiled from ear to ear and entered the panel with her following close behind. We sat down towards the front and were there for a full 30 minutes before the panel started filling up. My anxiety was kicking in a tiny bit as I sat there waiting, knowing that in about 20 minutes I'd be able to meet someone I looked up to almost as much as I do my parents. I started nervously looking around the panel, while my leg bounced up and down. Lexi looked over at me and started rubbing my back. "You'll be fine. Stop being so nervous." I looked at her and smiled slightly. "I know...I'm just really nervous. I mean...What if he's not who he seems to be?" Lexi looked sadly at me and shrugged. "Just go with what you believe. I'm sure he is exactly who he portrays himself as." I nodded and looked back at the table as a man walked up with a mic in his hand. He tapped it a few times, causing a little feedback, then put the mic up to his mouth.

"Hey everyone! My name is Matt and welcome to PAX Prime in Seattle, Washington." The crowd roared with excitement. "Now, if you'll all help me give a great warm welcome to the man himself, Markiplier!" Once again the whole room roared with excitement and clapped wildly as Mark came out and accepted the mic from Matt. "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to PAX 2015!" I smiled as I looked at him, he did his intro but changed it to his intro for PAX. My heart was beating a million miles a minute, because I was sitting 5 maybe 10 feet away from Mark. While the crowd lost its mind with excited cheering and clapping, Mark just stood up front and playfully flexed his muscles. He then got serious and waited for the crowd to quiet down, then once the crowd got quiet he put the mic back against his lips and said, "Now, please help me in welcoming two of my favorite people in the world: Yamimash and Jacksepticeye!" My heart might as well have stopped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Now three of my favorite people were in the same room together. As I looked to the door where Mark came out of, sure enough, out came Yamimash followed by the cocky, yet adorable bastard himself, Jacksepticeye.

My friend hit my arm over and over with excitement as she whispered to me, "It's Yamimash! It's fucking Yamimash!" I looked at her then without replying, I looked back at the three men standing at the front of the room. I stood up to go to the bathroom, and my anxiety was too much for me to handle, so my eyesight went black as I passed out, falling to the floor with great force. Mark had saw what had happened, and ran to me falling to his knees as he held my upper body in his arms. Jack and Yami followed, trying to comfort my friend. Lexi was hysterical and the crowd was all up out of their seats as they watched what was going on up front. Jack and Yami tried to block Lexi's line of sight so she wouldn't have to see what had happened. Jack was rubbing her back as Yami braced Lexi's shoulders, trying to get her to calm down. It wasn't working, so Yami hugged Lexi as tight as he could without hurting her. She slowly calmed down, but then ended up crying into Yami's chest. Once the situation was semi-handled, Yami and Jack turned to look at Mark and see what he would do next. They tried not to intervene, no matter how worried they were. Mark knew what he was doing.