Hey so here's a warning
Some people may be OOC in this (Out of character)
There will be character deaths
I will not be able to update every day because I have other stories and I don't want to overwork myself
Well enjoy.
Lucy huffed as she smashed her fists into the bag in front of her.
"Lucy you're overworking yourself again." Loke her Celestrial Spirit warned as he watched the blood come from her bare hands.
"No such thing." She snapped back at him before slamming her fist into the punching bag. He sighed. She used to be such a happy girl. He would ask the question what happened, but he already knew.
She had been here for two months already. She didn't know she got here, but she knew why she was here. To find out who was the strongest mage in Fiore. There were over 100 people here. One day they all woke here in their own beds. They were explained the rules, that once a week there would be a battle between four people. Whoever came last would 'leave' the competition. Everyone eventually found out what leave meant. They were fighting for their lives.
At first Lucy didn't mind all this, she a cheerful girl who thought this was just a fun competition. She didn't know any better either. She was even weak when she arrived here, she didn't care either! She figured she could have some fun and make a few friends. Oh how wrong she was. She regretted that a week later. Lucy made herself a best friend, Cana. It's not that Cana lost, no she was very powerful. It's that someone was playing dirty. Someone had poisoned her, a poison that didn't react instantly. One that took a while to kick in, right when she was about to win. The poison wouldn't kill either, just torture her. No someone took the final blow to her head. Though killing other competitors was illegal, you wouldn't get punished badly for it. Just a few whips, or so she's been told. She had watched her best friend fall to the ground, life less. She wasn't going through that again.
Ever since that day, she had realized this wasn't a game anymore. She trained nonstop in the training room provided. During the week they were all allowed to roam free except for the top floor, no one would go there. Some people tried to befriend her but she just pushed them away. She wasn't going to lose any friends. She rather watch strangers die then friends. To be honest she'd rather watch no one die, but that didn't seem to be an option.
Most people would think that over 100 mages all in trapped in one place? Impossible! They should all be able to escape right? Use their magic right? Wrong. People have tried to escape before but it was impossible. It was like they weren't even on the planet anymore. It didn't matter how much magic power you had you could not defy them. Them. Lucy laughed bitterly to herself. She knew it wasn't them. It was just one person. One person controlling all of this. Though that person was able to create guards and monsters to keep all the mages in order, it was just one person. No one here had seen that one person's face and made it out alive. Sure they've all heard her voice but that was it. It was how they even knew it was a her.
She was the reason Cana was dead.
She was the reason so many people were dead.
She didn't even have the decency to give them her name.
"WHAT?" Lucy snapped back at her Celestrial Spirit, her eyes full of rage.
"Someone wants to talk to you." Loke answered un phased by the tone she had used. She had been using it a lot recently.
She turned to where Loke had pointed to see someone with pink hair holding some gloves, boxing gloves.
"You're hands are going to get bloody if you don't protect them." the man with pink hair said holding the gloves out to her. She only stared at him.
"Do you mind?"
"Yes, I mind that you aren't wearing gloves."
"It's not your problem." Lucy hissed at him. Why should she wear gloves? Cana felt tons of pain before she passed, why couldn't anyone accept that Lucy wanted to feel pain. She needed to. She had to learn to endure it. To keep moving on even when she's hurt.
"I made it my problem when I noticed you weren't protecting yourself," he answered shoving the gloves in my face. She tightened her fist ignoring the red liquid dripping down.
"Leave me alone." Lucy growled at him. He was p^ssing her off. Alot. Couldn't he just leave her alone? This had nothing to do with him. Why would he bother her like this?
"Put the gloves on." He stated keeping eye contact. He wouldn't back down. Lucy laughed silently to herself. She respected him for not backing down. He was still annoying her though.
"I will break your f***ing nose." She threatened her stomach filled with anger. She lifted her fist up to show she wasn't bluffing. He showed no movement. She was about to bring her fist to his face when a bell ring. A dinner bell. Everyone was forced to attend the three meals that was given to them. They all had to go to the cafeteria and take whatever crap that was given to them.
"You won't be so lucky next time," she warned glaring at him. She almost wished looks could kill so he would drop dead.
"Until then," he smiled, a playful smile then left towards the cafeteria.
So..how was it? Good, bad? I'm sorry I killed Cana off in the first chapter it was hard for me too :(. Your lucky it wasn't Levy! Well anyways see yeah later.