Before I finish I would like to say that it has been a joy working on this fanfiction. It was a lot of work but and equal amount of fun. Offer criticism of my work and if you like it please offer your vote. Thank You.

5/11/45 - 12:00AM - Royal Palace Dining Hall - Themiscyra

"So you guys really belted it out of the park." Hal Jordan said happily while he watched his son and Lara holding hands while he heard then end of their story.

"Actually his head was lodged in the spear, but if I wanted to I think I could have thrown it to Mars... but that wouldn't make J'onn happy."

"I'm just happy you're back Lar." Marty said as he kissed Lara on her cheek.

"We all are happy that you are back Lara." Diana said as she looked next to her at the head of the table.

"So were there any problems from me and the rest of the League, anything at all?" Clark said.

"Well." Lara had drawn out the word. "Lois was the pain in the butt I always expected she'd be, but you were wonderful dad. Just before you left you called me little princess for the first time."

Clark took his daughter's hand from across the table and pressed it to his lips. "I love you dear. I'm so happy you are back."

"I also like to say that dad you were right about Bruce. He took on Cyborg while I was blasted and barely conscious, cornered he found it in himself to fly. It gave us the opening we needed to finish off Cyborg." Lara then looked towards her brother as she took her time with a well deserved apology. "I'm so sorry bro. You are more than capable of being a Teen Titan, heck Young Justice would be happy to have you."

"Thanks Sissy." said Bruce. "But I just got the call from Blue Lantern Razer. I'm going to start the summer training to master my power and he's going to train me himself."

"Cool." said two grown girls name Lyta and Tess at the same time.

"Still." said Lyta. "We'd be more than happy to bring you over to the Young Justice."

"And we'd be willing to bring you aboard the Titans said the younger children Aaron and Antiope Rayner."

"Just remember." said Tess. "Leave the other girls alone."

"No promises cousins." said Bruce as he then looked towards Livie and her parents, Oliver and Dinah Queen.

Livie had her hand held by her mother as she was so proud of her as well. "So how did it feel seeing Chloe."

"I can see why dad liked her." Livie said. "Smart, funny and very nice. Everything big bro said she was and more."

"But I love you two together mom. Oh and I believe this is yours."

Dinah then looked in her daughters hand as she saw a small pink ring as she was overjoyed at being worthy of such a power.

"How did I look?" said Dinah.

"Before or after the ring?" Livie said. "Mom, you are still pretty, but who knows how hot you look with that back on your finger. Though if what Bruce told me was right, you looked were sexy and fierce as a Star Sapphire. Gives something for dad to look forward for tonight."

"Olivia Queen!" Both Dinah and her husband Oliver said again as they did in the past.

"Come on Dad! Tell me you aren't at least a bit curious?"

Times like these Oliver Queen was glad he wore a beard, it made it easier to hide the redness of his face. Dinah however looked somewhat mischievious.

"I'm still a little angry that I had to be done at all. I'm really sorry you had to know how weak I was guys." Oliver said as he looked at Clark's kids.

"Your wife saved you. That's what matters Mr. Queen." said Lara as she then directed her gaze toward her big brother who she noticed was still gazing into his wife's eyes, holding her hand as they were being so affectionate with each other. She then remembered something else as she spoke in their direction. "By the way Z didn't you say that you wanted to tell us something important?"

Zatanna had just kissed Jon on the lips as she then grabbed a small spoon and rang a glass of cider as she made an announcement.

"Guys. I wanted to say this in some confidence. But... we are all family and I'm happy to say that the family is about to get bigger."

Lara and Bruce could barely believe what was coming next but they knew in their heart what was about to be said next.

"We are going to have our first child." Jon said as he raised a glass of wine as they took in the adulation of their friends and family.

"How far along are you?" said Lara.

"Four weeks." Zatanna said. "Which means that spring break in Cabo that week before you left..."

"Don't offer details." Lara said as she raised her hand as some of the slightly immature glances were shared amongst the teens and a few adults.

"Congratulations." said Diana as she was so glad to be a grandmother herself. Having just heard about her children meeting her grandmother, she was more than happy that her eldest son had obeyed his grandmother's advise long before she gave it. Diana held up her glass along with several other members of their friends and family.

"So this means no magical tour in Japan or Thailand?" said Bruce.

"No. Its still on only its going to be cut in half." said Zatanna. "Also its not going to be Japan. Can't eat their food and lately I have been craving Thai food. Where else better than at the source."

"Perhaps I'll have Ferdinand make you something." Diana said. "Believe me he went above and beyond the duty serving me during my time carrying all my children."

Warm and happy laughter had been around the table as the news just continued to grow. Then Lara heard her big brother whisper to his wife.

"Plus you get to have me on those warm beaches all day long." Jon spoke as quiet as his wife could hear as she smiled happily.

"Why wait? Lets show our baby how much you love me." Zatanna then stopped whispering as she turned towards Diana. "Could you please excuse me Diana, I'm not feeling too well, could I find a place to rest up for a while?"

"Sure Z. You may join her as well, Jon." Diana said as she then noticed how he seemed to eager to join his wife for helping her get better. Then it occurred to her what three weeks without her beloved would do to a woman.

Lara and Bruce both shook their heads knowing full well what was going on. Eventually Lara had continued eating the strawberry desserts that their mother had set them up as a recompense for missing out on the Strawberry festival. She was also were glad that her father was able to cover for both her and her brothers. She and Jon were told they were covering the fiasco at Centennial Park and Bruce's school was told of a family emergency as he would be given a week to catch up on some exams.

Diana also made it clear that despite the lateness in the hour that they could stay a while and enjoy a good old fashioned party but wanted to make sure that they were chaperoned by their aunts and uncles as Diana wanted to go back to Smallville with Clark to deal with Bruce's school the next day. The Queens would return back, the First Gentleman and the President back to Washington, D.C., though their daughter could stay.

The party was respectively wholesome as the rest of the Kents and Rayners children enjoyed themselves. However the wholesomeness was limited only towards the teenagers as Bruce had seen his uncle and aunts whisk themselves away from their chaperoning duty. Bruce caught his aunt and uncle being very frisky. Conner delivered a loud slap on wife Cassandra's behind as she giggled as they ran to the room they kept on Themiscyra ready to go to bed. While Lara saw her aunt Donna ripping off her husbands shirt as they found their room as well. Their older brother, well they could only guess he was doing with his wife as that grossed her out for a moment as the rest of the night continued. The party was still guarded by Amazons as Aaron and Antiope Rayner joined their cousin Bruce while marveling at his new costume and newfound powers. Tess and Lyta joined their younger cousin and her best friend in singing the night away. Lara singing her ballad to her boyfriend Marty and Bruce receiving another by Livie. Even Krypto was happily playing with his masters family as he joined the Rayner children after Bruce decided to leave. He eventually decided to leave the party area to venture into the hall of the statues of the Gods and Goddesses as he looked upon the statue of Artemis and Athena with pride.

"Oh boy I owe you two so much." said Bruce

"None more so than me, grandson." said a tall bearded man which Bruce knew could have been only one man. Zeus himself.

"Hey grandpa." said Bruce as Zeus approached him with a firm grasp of his shoulder. He then realized what his grandfather had meant. "That was you. You spoke to me that day in the arena."

"But it was your will and your hope that won the day." said Zeus. "Not many praise divinity when they know its there, but over-praise is just as damaging. You felt that presence, recognized and acted upon it. As a demigod you should be proud of what you did."

"You also don't have to sacrifice the whole Kent family stock to satisfy your aunt." said Zeus. "Though she wouldn't say no to a little hunting trip with her nephew. She has been looking for someone to help her hunt a pretty nice Ceryneian Hind that was let lose and by pretty nice I mean wild and untamed. No thanks to some macho human hunters interfering in a god's affairs." Zeus continued. "You may be a boy, but she'll appreciate your assistance. It'll be a nice opportunity to see what hope can bring to the table. Especially given how that training you'll receive as a Blue Lantern Corpsman. Ganthet tells me your teacher is an exceptional Lantern."

"So I've heard grandpa. But tell me the truth. Why are you here?" said Bruce as he looked upon his grandfather.

"You certainly are your mother's son." Zeus said as he took out a small staff etched like a lightning bolt as it glowed to life. "I was going to find all of you when this happened, but I wanted to make it clear to you all... Well here." Zeus brought the tip of his staff towards his son's chest. At around the same time the symbol of the lighting bolt was etched on Lara's earpiece as it was also etched on Jon's medallion as he was lying next to his wife having just made love to her. The symbol then appeared on Diana's gauntlet back at the house in Smallville as they all heard a voice reverberate in their hearts and mind.


It was the voice of Hippolyta and it brought a smile to all their faces.

"Thank you grandpa." said Bruce as he extended his arm in a strong handshake. "Thank You."

Lara had heard her voice as she dedicated her next song to her grandmother Hippolyta.

Jon woke up his wife and made love to her again.

Diana back at Smallville hugged her husband happily as she had made a confession to her husband. She was painfully jealous that her son was having his first child, that she really brought him back to Smallville not just to deal with their son's teachers but to ask for another child. Their last as she promised. As Clark not only agreed but immediately demanded they start right away as they made love too.

Eventually everyone of the children became tired and went to their rooms, Aaron and Antiope went to bed. Tess and Lyta went to sleep. While Lara and Marty stayed in a small studio watching a movie together as they held each other as they eventually fell asleep in their arms.

Bruce was beginning to learn some relaxation techniques that were being passed from his ring as he slowly gained some skill by standing before the statue of Athena hearing her wisdom as his aunt Artemis then appeared before him, dressed to kill. Dark haired, with a fair complexion and dressed in armor that was more mid-twenty first century than ancient Greek.

"So nephew, what's your answer." she responded in a dusky voice.

"Yes, of course its yes. But on one condition."

"Name it."

"I was okay with that arrow, it was taught to me one weekend when Livie Queen took me to a firing range and taught me how to fire a few. Barely managed to make one. Now why was I able to do it when your statue happened to be there at the time?"

Artemis began to giggle. "Nephew it was still you. Like my father said. All I did was give you the perfect nudge."

"Yeah. Anyway. I'd like her to join us on that hunting trip if that's not too much of a problem."

"Hmm." Artemis stood conflicted as she approached. "A Ceryneian Hind gone wild is difficult. You know how I love those animals above all the rest. I want to bring it down so that it comes back home to me. Having a mortal though gifted with a power akin to an avian might be useful. Her mother taught her to be a skilled hunter for her American second amendment beliefs and to go hunting with her friends but it takes exceptional skill to fight an animal and bring it back alive. With your Hope ring and the meditation techniques and mercy ingrained by your father is useful but your friend... as long as she follows my lead and only kills animals for food. Goats and certain fowl and many days of water and wine. This will be an adventure to test her as well as you. You'd have to ask her for her consent."

"I consent." said Livie as she said outside the temple door as she approached the goddess.

"Well that's it then." said Artemis. "But you are still young so get your parents permission as well."

"Of course, but I also have a condition of your nephew and that will be private."

Artemis wondered what her condition was as she then looked above as she saw a statue of Aphrodite as she saw the marble in the image of her sister wink.

"I understand. Until then farewell." A gust of wind and a blink of an eye and she was gone.

"Wow! You aunt is badass!" said Livie.

"How long have you been listening to our conversation."

"Somewhere along the lines of 'A Ceryneian Hind gone wild is difficult.' Seeing you and the inspiration for Katniss Everdeen talk about a hunt? Lets just say I'm all in. But if I know my mom and dad they'll throw a fit. But maybe they'll listen to reason. But before they say yes or no to me you have to say yes or no to me."

"What do you want?" Bruce asked

"What do I want?" Livie said as she walked down with her hands behind her back and coyly walking with each foot in front of the other as she smiled wide.

"Your parents are at home, your aunts and uncles are all asleep. Lar and Marty are watching a movie together and..."

"Spill it." said Bruce.

"You have a new Blue Lantern ring and I... have a new blue bathing suit and I'd like to try out at your folks swimming pool... swimwear still on of course. I am not Avia."

"Nothing ever happened between me and Avia. She never even got naked." said Bruce. "Almost. Besides she scared me, turning an innocent mistake into a pass."

"You mistook her leg for you armrest for over an hour at your brother's wedding. She locked you in a room and told you how much she liked it and made out with you during the entire reception."

"That wasn't my fault!" said Bruce.

"Then she found a racy love letter about her body parts written by you."

"That was private. Also have you seen her? 6'4'', long legs, long black hair and a very nice backside." Bruce countered. "Plus that note was never meant to be found by her and something tells me Lara sent that so she hoped my thoughts would get me a kick in the jewels."

"Either way Avia appeared to take it as an invitation and every day during your spring break she turned your home's back forty into a soft-core movie... and don't pretend you didn't enjoy it."

"She threatened to have her way me if I left the house." Bruce countered again. "I told her that we were both too young to do... you know."

"Still. After your parents caught her fighting me in a jealous rage and grounding Lar for sending that note you still went to see her after her parents grounded her."

"As her friend." said Bruce. "Besides I was curious."

"Curious." Livie asked.

"To see if she was as great a basketball player in regulation attire as she was shooting hoops at my house's basket... in lingerie. Plus my dad told me that our tractor runs better that it ever did before she performed some mechanic work on it while dressed in a black bikini. Apparently she's 'good with her hands.'"

"Yeah." said Livie angrily. "I'm pretty sure that catfight between me and her was beneficial to the back forty as well."

"You got to test your skills against an Apokaliptan. Besides you won that fight."

"True." Live smiled at the memory. "Still I want to take my time to listen to some advise I heard back in time from Courtney when she said those little words. She said you loved it when you two went swimming. Lets see if you can share that experience with me."

Bruce approached Livie as he looked upon her with a smile, she really was very pretty and though he was only three years younger he found it odd that though she lived a bit farther from her he had to admire her healthy persistence. She was very charming as well as being really gorgeous, but he was barely entering high school and he wanted to meet a lot of girls before spending time making Ms. Right into his Mrs. Right. He just wanted some good clean fun.

"Sure thing." Bruce said as Livie smiled. "Give you ten minutes to change?"

"Five." said Livie as she left.

Sometime had gone by as Jon was asleep in his room under the sheets as he was happy to once again be sleeping next to his beautiful wife. He placed his hands over her stomach as he felt the presence of his child... no... children. Oh she's going to love hearing this news. thought Jon at the prospect of having twins. During his time with Z he felt her become tender in certain areas but she was still relatively comfortable. He loved feeling her belly, giving it kisses as well as feeling the life within her. He was going to be a father and she was going to be a mother again.

He was just about to go to sleep when he felt it again.

Lara felt the sensation as it transferred from her older brother while she was sleeping on the couch by herself as she saw Marty had awoke and was respectively sleeping in another room.

Bruce felt the sensation as he took a comfortable lap as he was of course taken completely by how gorgeous Livie looked in her bathing suit. Wondering what was going on.

Jon however did know what was going on as Zatanna woke up wondering what was going on.

"Jon. What is it? Is something wrong?"

Jon then started to laugh as he realized what just happened wasn't exactly wrong but in actuality was actually good news.

"Z" Jon said. "In my replaying of a vision from my mom's memory I felt her presence and my dad's beget another child when she time travelled that time to stop Hardcastle. I just felt that spark of life not moments ago. I don't have to tell you what that means."

"Yeah." Zatanna smiled. "So."

"I think you made my mother jealous that you were having a child. And after three weeks of facing the possibility that we were all going to die. She and my father went back home and successfully begot another child.

"So your mom is going to have her fourth child. Wonderful!"

"Is that supposed to be a joke? Because I was going to say it first"

Zatanna continued to smile and hold her husband happily. "Love is what truly matters. Plus I don't think we are the only ones having a nice night. Heavens knows what Dinah and Oliver are doing in the White House tonight!"

Jon and Zatanna laughed happily as they eventually fell asleep.

"I sure hope its a daughter. I want things to be equal footing at home once I leave. It would also be awesome for my little brother to learn some responsibility."

"Oh come one Lar." Marty said as he remembered being woken up and explained what she just felt. "He'll be a great big brother. He's already learned from the best."

Lara looked on happily as Marty gave her a kiss goodnight as he returned to the couch as he agreed Lara should sleep on her bed. Both loved each other very much, give another year or two Marty would plan to marry her. But he was patient and so was she and when the time came to sleep in the same room. It will be worth it. More importantly on that first night, they both had the same idea. They would not sleep on their wedding night.

"I'm not going to be getting any sleep tonight." said Bruce as he was somewhat disappointed as he sat by the edge of the pool next to Livie taking in the news.

"Oh come on Bruce." Livie said as she gazed at him happily. "You'll be a great big brother and be a great hero. If its another brother you'll be able to teach him a lot. If its another girl than she'll be able to help you get girls. If you are still planning to stay single for long think of all the younger women she'll introduce you to. Heck a man in a baby stroller is quiet a turn on for girls." she continued as she laughed a little.

"Would you want to stick around as I help put my new sibling to sleep or change their diapers?" said Bruce.

"Bruce. I have an older brother and three younger brothers, dealing with them is always an adventure. Though I have to admit I would prefer eating goats and drinking water for three months on end. But hey death-defying adventures come and go. Family will always matter."

Bruce smiled wide as he gave Livie a kiss on the lips. "Yeah, your right Liv. Race you back and forth for a couple minutes more?"

Livie smiled happily at not just the kiss but at a new nickname happy that it came from a boy that liked her, one that she was more than happy to love as she jumped back into the water as they swam as promised as they ended up sleeping in separate rooms. Everyone else would awake to a great breakfast as they would be joined by their parents again. Once that would end the rest of the families would leave. The rest of the Jordans would return to Coast City. The rest of the Queens back in D.C. The Rayners would stay on Themiscyra while Donna stayed as the steward to her sister's throne. Jon Kent's family would return to Shadowcrest with the hope that it would fill its many rooms with children. Conner Kent's family back to the Luthor Mansion which had been rebuilt brick for brick into a more comfortable home while the family of Clark Kent returned to the Kent Farm in Smallville.