Chapter 1

Seattle 1997

Charlie's POV

"Come on Ren, just a little bit more!" I screamed.

"Charlie I cant do this. It hurts to badly," she whimpers. We have been at this for almost an hour and I can tell she is tired... having a baby makes you tired.

We shouldn't be having a baby. I mean we are only 14 but 9 months ago my beautiful girl Renee came to me terrified because ... she was pregnant. Keeping this a secret from our parents have been the hardest thing ever but we didn't know how to tell them something like this. So she wore baggy close and was hardly at home so that made it easier. I know what you are thinking " Why didn't we just get rid of it?" Well we might not want to be parents but I could never kill a child or my child I guess I should say. So we decided to have it and then bring it to this orphanage we found here and seattle over 3 hours away from where we live.

So here we are in a bus station bathroom at 3am giving birth.

"I know you are tired baby but you are almost there. I can see the head just a little more," I soothe trying to keep her from breaking down. "Just one more big push"

After about five more minutes of pushing we finally have a baby girl. She is so tiny and screaming and Im so afraid I'll break her so I try to hand her to Renee.

"No! I don't wanna hold her! Please Charles just take her to that place and come back for me. I just wanna go home and forget about this," she sobs as she pushes me away. As much as it breaks my heart and swaddle the baby in the blanket we brought, kiss her forehead and run out. Promising to be back in no more than a half hour.

As I see the orphanage come into view I look down at the bundle in my arms. She is actually kinda cute, in a wrinkly, swollen kinda way. I have to believe we are doing the right thing as I knock on the door and pray someone answers.

"How can I help you son?" I hear as I look up to see a nun has answered the door. She sees the baby in my arms and gasps. "Oh dear please please come inside," she rambles trying to scoot me in. But I can't.

"No please just take her. I have to get back to my girlfriend. Please just take care of her," I whimper and thrust the baby into her arms as I run away.

"Does she have a name?" the soft voice asks me and I turn around to see her smiling at me. Its not a scowl or a glare. Its not a mean look as if to say "What have you done?" I stop and look at her for just a second before nodding.

"Isabella Marie"

St. Elizabeth's Orphanage for Girls


Esme's POV

"We have lots of girls here that are up for adoption. All with their own story, some good some troublesome but they are all great kids," Sister Catherine states, smiling as she shows us through the main floor.

"What ages?" my husband Carlisle asks as he squeezes my hand.

It was about a year ago at the age of 40 that we have given up on the idea of having our own children. After a complicated pregnancy resulting in the loss of our only son, 12 years ago, has made it next to impossible for me to conceive. We have decided to adopt a child, a little girl, in particular to give a loving home too. Which is what brings us here today.

"We have girls from infancy all the way to our oldest ward which is 15 years of age. The nursery is this way," She states turning into a room. I don't want a baby though. I want an older child that has slim to know chance of having a family. Carlisle smiles down at me in agreement but we follow the nun regardless.

"The children in this room are between the ages of 6 weeks to about 4 months," she states, though I tune her out as I look around and my eyes fall on an older child. She has to be at least a teenager and is helping one of the other nuns tend to an infant over in the corner. Mindlessly I walk over to her and introduce myself.

"Hello, my name is Esme Cullen," I say while sticking my hand out. She looks up in surprise and I gasp quietly at her beauty. Timeless beauty really, she has a heart shaped face with big chocolate brown eyes and chestnut curls that frame her face and reach down to her waist.

"Isabella," she whispers and shakes my hand timidly. "Its nice to meet you."

I see Carlisle making his way toward us with a knowing smile. He shakes her hand and introduces himself to which she blushes and mumbles a greeting in return.

We talk with her for hours. Isabella. Learning all there is to know about her. Like her full name is Isabella Marie Swan, the swan coming from the fact that when she was a baby she loves listening to swan lake all day. She is 15 years old, the oldest and only teenager here and has been here since the day she was born.

The more and more we talk the more I am enchanted by her. The fact that she has never been adopted baffles both Carlisle and myself because who could not want such a warm and beautiful child.

The nuns call her for dinner and she smiles politely as she hurries of to the other children helping them all sit around the table.

"Isabella is has a beautiful soul as you can see," we hear and turn to see Sister Catherine smiling at us.

"How come she has never been adopted?" Carlisle asks as we follow her into the office.

She sits and sighs, "Poor thing is terribly shy. Many couples have come through that door and shown interest in taking her home but they never came back to collect," she says sadly.

I look over to my husband and he nods. This is the girl we have come all the way from Chicago for. The child who I can be a mother to and show her the world outside this place she hasn't left her whole life.

"Can you have the papers ready by tomorrow?" he asks, smiling as he takes my hand.

And that is how Isabella became a Cullen.