This is the final chapter of The Snow Fox's Struggle. I have nothing else to add to the snow fox's story, and while I would like to continue even more than I already have with this story, this just feels like the right time to finally complete this.
Here's the finale, everyone.
Two weeks went by since Weiss' talk with Wraak, and things seemed to be getting back to normal for everyone at Beacon. Some went on their way to their homes, while others were getting back into their school work.
"Hey." Ruby smiled as she walked over to her wife who was sitting on a chair on one of the balconies. "I had a feeling I'd find my snow fox here." She leaned down and kissed her wife's cheek, who returned a smile of her own.
"And I knew you would find me here eventually." Weiss gently took Ruby's hand in her own and pulled her a little closer. "How has the paperwork been?"
Ruby gently sat on her wife's lap and felt the snow fox pull her in. "Boring, but now I'm free to do whatever, so I had to find you."
The snow fox wrapped her tail around herself and her wife as she kissed her cheek. "Well, we're here, and at a point in the day where I can feel no stress."
"You're telling me. I had to make a few calls today with Penny about that prison system she's worked on. The one woman that was part of the Cult wasn't able to do anything with her semblance while in there. I think her name was Mira." Ruby noted.
"I see." Weiss simply responded. "Though that is nice to hear, I'd rather like to hear about how you've been, my little rose."
Ruby sighed and snuggled up in the snow fox's tail embrace. "Happy is the best word for how I've been. Everything is getting back to normal, and Dawn is finally more focused on her school work and training."
Weiss playfully rolled her eyes. "You know why that is. After they spoke, it was no surprise that Dawn and Wave would start dating."
"Oh admit it was super cute!" Ruby squealed. "I've never seen Dawn so flustered before, and that was after he agreed to go on a date with her."
Weiss let out a happy sigh and nodded. "It brings me back to our days at Beacon. You and I, and what happened that day." The snow fox said as she lifted her hand to touch her scar.
Ruby reached her hand out and held it over Weiss' hand. "I was…so scared after what happened to you, but, then I was happy about how you kissed me that day."
Weiss lowered her hand with Ruby and nodded. "I still find it funny that I was the one to kiss you." She chuckled lightly at that and saw the blush on her wife's face.
"I was fifteen, and I didn't have any experience with that stuff before you!" Ruby exclaimed. "Besides, I was the one to come out and say how I felt first."
"Yes, you did. And I'm glad you did that day." Weiss said as she ran her hand through some of Ruby's hair. "We've been through quite a lot."
"And we'll go through even more together." Ruby remarked while looking into her wife's eyes. "You know, so many things happened because I saw you in the forest that day."
"I feel like if it were anyone else that found me, I would still be in that cave." Weiss admitted. "Thank you for being the one to save me from myself, Ruby Rose."
Ruby rested her head on Weiss' shoulder. "You were the stronger one that day, but I still am happy that I could bring you out of that. No one should be alone, especially you."
"You love saying all the right things, don't you?" Weiss chuckled, but then grinned at a thought as she got up from her seat, gripping Ruby to make sure not to drop her
Ruby yelped in surprise and wrapped her arms around her wife's neck to hold on. "Whoa! Um, this was unexpected." She blushed when she saw the smirk on her snow fox's face. "W-What are you planning?"
"Does their need to be a complicated plan to simply hold my wife?" Weiss questioned with her smirk staying as she spun her wife around in her arms.
Ruby started to laugh in joy as she was spun around. "W-Weiss! This is so random, but I love it!"
"So when do you wanna tell them we're here, kitty?" Yang whispered while she and Blake were watching the white rose pair.
"Hush. You know they're having a moment, and they deserve it after everything that's happened." Blake whispered back.
Weiss' fox ears twitched and she rolled her eyes, not caring if the other two were eavesdropping on them. "I wish we could stay like this forever." Weiss said. She then leaned in to kiss her wife on the lips after she stopped spinning her around.
Yang smiled and looked to Blake. "So…wanna kiss like-."
Blake pulled Yang in by the shirt collar and kissed her. Blake didn't waste time and stuck her tongue inside her wife's mouth, wanting to surprise her more than anything. After the kiss, Blake pulled away with a smirk. "Yes."
"Ha…yeah…right…woo…" Yang was blushing, since the kiss was more unexpected than anything. "Um…can we do that again?" Blake rolled her eyes and looked over at the white rose pair, who was actually still kissing. "Dang, those two can last…wanna show them we can too?"
"Shut up." Blake simply responded. "Still, it's nice to see this instead of a battlefield."
Yang nodded in agreement. "You can say that again. Oh, and did you hear about the little gift Lightning got for Mana?"
"Oh? I haven't heard about this yet." Blake said.
"Lightning went out into the forest to find a flower for Mana. You should've seen Mana's face when she brought the flower to show me." Yang chuckled.
Blake's ears perked up in joy at hearing that her daughter had someone like that. "You'll have to show me that when you can."
"Trust me, you'll see it soon. Mana keeps it on the table. She also…kinda…sorta defends it when someone gets close to it. It's honestly really cute." Yang remarked.
"You know you both stopped whispering, right?" Weiss said after she put her wife down from their kiss, causing the bumbleby pair to gasp. "Seriously, even when you were whispering, it was obvious." Weiss and Ruby walked up to the bumbleby pair.
"Don't be so hard on them, Weiss. Blake is still the sneakiest one here. It's just Yang bringing her down is all." Ruby joked.
Yang growled at her sister and tackled her to the ground, making the headmistress yelp in surprise. "And now I brought you down, sis!" The two began to wrestle on the ground and Weiss sighed.
"We were having a moment…" Weiss complained and looked to Blake. "I'm blaming you for this, since those two are too busy on the ground."
Blake shrugged. "Sorry about ruining the moment, but there is another reason why we came looking for you two. I was thinking maybe we could spend some time…relaxing. You know, just take in the day we have."
The snow fox's ears twitched a bit and she smiled, but then pointed down at the sisters. "Well, until those two are done, we'll need to wait on that."
"I'm patient. I did marry Yang after all." Blake remarked.
"You did…and I married the sister." Weiss jokingly said and used her glyphs to pull the sisters from each other. "You two are done now." They both pouted and tried to slap at each other, making Weiss groan. "Enough. Blake wants to spend a day together just…taking in a peaceful day for once. Now behave."
"Ugh…fine, but only because Blakey wants to have a peaceful day." Yang crossed her arms and Weiss let her go.
Ruby was let go too. "Okay, so how about we just stay on the balcony?"
"You three stay here. I need to go take care of something for a bit." Weiss said and kissed her wife before heading out.
"What do you think snow fox is doing?" Yang asked.
"I have an idea, so let's just relax for a bit while we wait." Ruby suggested as she sat on the chair Weiss was sitting on before.
"I still don't know why I'm even here, Angel." Thomas said to the fox Faunus. "Two weeks and yet even you want me to stick around for some reason."
"You're still a person, Thomas. So please, take a moment to understand that while some people may not be able to forgive the things you've done, you still have those who care for you." Angel assured.
Clara spoke up. "Still, whining about help is really not the best thing to do. So take her advice and just try to live your life without running from your family."
"Clara…" Angel knew that Clara would be blunt about it, but she still wished she weren't.
"I can't really argue with you about that anymore. You are right, but something holds me back." Thomas explained.
They turned their attention to the door when Weiss walked in. "You're all here. Good, I needed to talk." Angel and Clara both walked over and hugged the snow fox. "How are you both?"
"Old, but still kicking." Clara smirked as she sat on the bed. "You've known me long enough to know that old age won't keep me down."
Angel playfully rolled her eyes at that and ran her hand through her daughter's hair. "I'm okay, sweetie. How have you been now that things have calmed down?"
"Better…so much better, but I still need to make sure that everything is settled." Weiss looked over her mom's shoulder to see her father. "Dad."
Thomas sighed and stood up from the bed. "Weiss, I think you showing up here was a sign after all." He walked over to the snow fox and took a breath. "You chose to save me because you care about me. Your mother has said it…and it's obvious enough to me, but still…do I deserve that?"
"Some people would say no, some would say yes. But me, I don't care what others have to say on the matter. I choose to forgive you, and I choose to have you in my life…so please." Weiss held her arms out.
Thomas was shocked when he saw her do that. "A hug? But why now?"
"Because I want this." Weiss smiled and kept her arms out.
Thomas looked to Angel, who simply nodded. "I…would like your sister here as well, if that is okay."
The snow fox chuckled. "Winter, you heard him." Winter walked into the room after she heard her sister give her the signal. "Dawn, you too."
"W-What?" Thomas watched as his other daughter and granddaughter walked in. "You planned this, didn't you?" He asked his fox Faunus daughter, who simply smiled and nodded. "I shouldn't be surprised…You and planning tend to work well together."
"No more drama is needed here, dad." Weiss said as she walked over and hugged her father. Winter walked over and did the same, not wanting to let a moment like that slip away.
Dawn was a little hesitant at first, since she barely knew the man, but when she saw her grandmother nod to her she knew it was best to join in. The young fox Faunus walked over and hugged her grandfather with her mom and aunt.
Angel looked on at the man who she once was able to call a love. While he hurt her in the past, she felt that the hug was something he needed after so long. "You know, even I have to admit this is a sight to see." Clara whispered as she hugged Angel from behind.
Thomas closed his eyes and thought about the Arancia, the girl who spoke with him in the park about reconnecting with his family. "You all have made yourselves into your own people. I could do nothing…I did nothing to have that change take effect. Thank you."
Weiss pulled away. "We did change because of you, dad. While your influence was…not the best, it did help us become the people we are today. I wouldn't have met Ruby if my life didn't go the way it did…" Weiss looked to Dawn who had pulled away from the hug too. "And my little fox wouldn't have been born."
Dawn smiled and hugged her mother, while Winter pulled away and spoke up. "Dad, I have a lot more to talk to you about…if you're interested. It's about my training and everything I've done. You know, ever since I moved in with…uh…"
"It's okay, Winter." Thomas assured and looked to Angel. "I still need to thank you for taking care of Winter for all these years." He then looked to Clara. "And I need to thank you for taking care of Weiss when she…you know."
Clara chuckled a bit. "Weiss was always a tough one, so she pretty much took care of herself back then. I just helped a bit was all."
"You still did more than I, but I think you've all heard enough of me speaking in such a way…Weiss, Winter, Dawn, Angel. You all are my family, and while I wasn't the man I should've been, I'll at least spend the remainder of my life doing better." Thomas said.
"You know you never have to promise something like that. I just want you to be able to live your life without feeling guilty anymore." Weiss responded.
"Hmm…that is what you all want?" Thomas asked the others, and they all gave him a nod, surprising the man, so he chuckled. "Okay…Okay. I will."
Weiss hugged him again and wrapped her tail around her father. "Thank you, dad. I love you."
"I love you too." Thomas rubbed his daughter's back and finally let himself live without the guilt holding him down.
With Weiss giving him the talk he needed to finally hear, Thomas made his way to the park where he met Arancia. "I wonder if she's around."
"You're okay!" Arancia ran over when she saw him. "You haven't been here in some time and I assumed the worse."
Thomas chuckled. "There were a few things I needed to take care of. One of those being my time spent with my family."
Arancia smiled at that and sat next to him on the bench. "You need to tell me everything."
Thomas took his hat off and held it in his lap. "Everything? My, that is a long story…Okay, well it first started when I met this beautiful woman. Her name was Angel."
Weiss was back with the rest of Team RWBY, all sitting happily on the balcony together. "Man, this was a good idea after all." Yang noted.
"It really is." Blake snuggled up on Yang. "You aren't going to make it loud, are you?"
Yang rubbed Blake's ears and chuckled. "Nah, but inviting the others wouldn't be a bad idea either. I mean, this kind of feeling is great."
Weiss spoke up as she was being held by her wife. "Dawn and Mana would like this."
Ruby already had her scroll out and sent a message to the two. "Way ahead of you."
The snow fox smiled and kissed Ruby's cheek. "I hope my father will be okay. That talk finally got to him, but...I still worry about him."
Ruby put her scroll away after sending the message. "He will be. You were able to get through to him, and he knows what to do now."
"Do you think everyone involved with the last mission…do you think they'll all be okay?" Weiss asked, thinking back to everyone who was involved.
"Some need time, others need their loved ones to help them. But in the end, I know the people involved will be okay. Even the ones on the other side of things." Ruby answered.
Weiss' ears drooped. "There was one who I know didn't make it…And because of that, Lyra…Lyra felt terrible. I wish there was something I could've done back then."
"No sense thinking about that, snow fox." Yang said while she looked out at the setting sun. "You've got more stories that need to be told, and more people you gotta meet. I mean, just look at how we met. You literally ran into us."
The snow fox's ears perked up a bit, and Blake continued. "Some roads may be tough to go down, and sometimes we have no way of knowing where it'll lead, but it led you to a place where you've become someone. So to look back on things that could've been would be unjust to you."
Weiss felt Ruby rub her fox ears and she blushed a little. "It's true. You have come a long way. We all have." Ruby said with true sincerity. "It isn't just words we say to make you feel better. It's words that were built because of what you've done."
"You three…" Weiss began to laugh, which confused them. The snow fox couldn't stop laughing either, since what they said really got to her to the point where tears began sliding down her cheeks.
"Whoa, is snow fox doing okay, Rubes?" Yang asked as she looked at the laughing snow fox who was being held tighter by her wife.
"Um…Weiss?" Ruby kept her hold on Weiss, worried she'd fall out of her arms in her laughing state.
"H-Hold on…" Weiss continued to laugh and after a few moments, she wiped away the tears and looked to Blake and Yang. "You three don't need to tell me any of that. I am happy with my life, and I wouldn't change a thing about it."
"But what about the-." Yang was cut off.
"I still do wish I could've helped Lyra back then, yes, but…things did work out, and I will be there for her just like she was always there for me." Weiss assured.
"Mama, we're here." Dawn suddenly said as she and Mana were panting a little, clearly since they both ran over after getting the message from Ruby.
"Sheesh, why did you two run over here so fast?" Yang asked when she turned and saw how out of breath they were.
"S-Sorry…we just…wanted to be here." Dawn took a few breaths and sat next to her parents. "Um, t-thanks for letting me know about grandpa…"
Weiss rubbed her daughter's head and smiled. "We all needed to be there. So thank you for showing up, my little fox."
Mana sat next to her parents and looked to Yang. "I was really happy to meet grandma too. She's so cool."
Yang ruffled her hair and grinned. "Hell yeah she is. And we're gonna be seeing her next weekend when she comes over for a sparring match."
"Really?! Oh you gotta let me in on that! Please!" Mana begged and Blake groaned.
"Mana, please don't get into a spar you can't win…" Blake sighed when she saw her daughter was still giddy with excitement.
While they were enjoying their peaceful time together, others were finding their own ways to enjoy the day. Lyra and Narinj were both in their own home, holding each other close as Lyra even had a smile, showing she was going to be okay after all. And Narinj was glad his wife was able to be happy again. Carmesi and Yelak were both in their house, but not relaxing. Instead, Carmesi was chasing her husband around the house, wanting to wrestle him to the ground, but the wolf Faunus wasn't gonna let it be easy.
Jaune and Pyrrha were both training in the courtyard at Beacon, since they both wanted to stay close enough to their daughter. Nora and Ren were spending time in the dust experiment room, as Nora was too excited to pass up on some more possible explosions.
Amethyst was at her brother's grave, smiling as she was holding Jade's hand in her own. They both knelt by the grave and left flowers on it, showing that she would never forget her brother. Ivory was speaking with Aubrey about the Order, and how things were actually starting to change for the better. And Slate was in the mountains, training as usual. But as he looked out at Beacon, he thought about how he could train more students there if he wanted.
Penny was going through some paper work as she walked past the prison cell Mira was in. Her new aura dampening system worked perfectly and she smiled. Stannisun was there as well working with Penny as a supervisor, since he spent the two weeks working on his life for the better. Penny made sure to call him back though, since she felt he still had a place in the military. Wraak was in one of the cells, but he was more than content being there, since he knew he had to be. Still, he remembered Heiland and was glad he spoke to Weiss that day.
Vale was hitting practice dummies with her gauss rifle and she nodded to herself with each dummy taken down, while Apple pounced on her to congratulate her partner's successful training session. Ebony was checking his clothes to see what he could wear for the next day, while Lima was poking him a few times to get on his nerves. It worked, but Ebony simply shrugged and joined Lima in whatever she had planned for that day instead.
Wave was in his little workshop that he had in the dorm, but he wasn't thinking about what to work on for his weapon. He was thinking about Dawn, and what kind of invention he could make to impress her. Lightning was also in the dorm, but she kept her eye on the flower she got Mana, blushing and smiling as she thought about the cat Faunus. She even planned on asking her out at some point in the week.
Taiyang and Raven were both sitting in front of Summer's grave, sighing sadly, but smiling as they were holding each other's hands. Qrow was watching them from a distance while standing against a tree. And Summer herself, though not physically there, looked on at her family from her grave, disappearing as she nodded, happy that Raven and Tai were able to find their love for each other again.
Angel and Clara were both back home, since they only stayed at Beacon to help Thomas move past his mistakes in life. So they both were snuggled on the couch, watching one of their favorite shows together, while Winter was there for a visit. She was petting Eis and Zwei, both dogs very old, but still alive due to the aura animals have. Another reason Winter was there for was the little puppy that was now two weeks old sleeping in between Zwei and Eis.
Thomas was still telling Arancia his stories, getting to the point where he proudly spoke about his daughter beating him when he attempted to attack Vale. Arancia knew why he spoke so proudly of her, even though he was the bad guy then. It was because he loved his daughter, and how he was happy she could stop something like that. Thomas couldn't be any happier telling the story of his daughter.
Mana was sleeping in Blake's arms, since it had gotten late. Yang had an arm wrapped around her wife while watching their daughter sleep.
Weiss rested her head on Ruby's shoulder, while Dawn was lying down across hers and Ruby's laps. "Dawn…We love you very much. Never forget that, my little fox." Weiss said while running her hand through Dawn's hair.
Dawn looked up at her fox mother when she said that and smiled. "I love you both too. I won't ever forget times like this." She sat up and hugged Weiss and Ruby.
Ruby looked over Dawn's head at her wife and smiled, nodding to signal Weiss to wrap her tail around them. The snow fox did so and leaned over, kissing her wife on the lips.
After a few moments, the three pulled away and looked out at the moon. "Wow…it really is beautiful. Thank you for telling us about this, mama."
Ruby kissed her daughter's cheek and nodded. "I couldn't let you miss out on this. Now, why don't you tell us about your future plans with your future husband?"
Dawn blushed heavily and jumped on her human mother, pinning her to the ground. "You know I don't like when you joke about that, mama."
Ruby chuckled and looked over at the snow fox. "Come on, now. Just like when she was a baby."
Weiss lay back with her family and wrapped her arm around Dawn and Ruby, keeping the little fox trapped on top. "Mom…I'm a little trapped right now."
"We know." Weiss simply responded and kissed Ruby's cheek as the headmistress closed her eyes.
Dawn let out a smile at that and snuggled up on her human mom, not caring if anyone else saw, since she wanted to stay with her family. "I love you, mom, mama."
"And we love you, little fox." Ruby replied, holding her daughter close as she opened her eyes again to see her white haired love. "Now and forever more."
Weiss rested her head on Ruby's collarbone and closed her eyes. "You both have helped me get through even more struggles in my life. I love you, now and forever more."
And that's it. If there is anything you feel that was not completely answered in this chapter, PM me and I will do my best to explain what may not have been shown here. I have to say, writing this much for a single story has been an adventure that I am happy to have done. Thank you to everyone who has read even a single chapter of this story. This story brought out my favorite fanfic idea in the RWBY fandom, which is a Faunus Weiss.
A lot has changed since I first started this story. I've met a lot of awesome people, and I managed to grow a following on this story and my other stories too. I never thought I would get past ten followers on this, and it makes me so happy to have readers who continue to follow my work.
I actually did tear up when I finished the last chapter since I was finally able to complete this story, and while I am sad to see it go, I am happy that I was able to share this with you all.
To GoldElite245- Thank you for sticking with my story for so long, and I'm happy that you liked Dawn finally confessing. I wish there was a way I could respond to you after this, but I have no next chapter to respond on. I may try on my other stories to respond to you if you'd like. Whatever happens though, just thank you and everyone else who read this story.
I hoped you all enjoyed…well the whole story. And as always, reviews are welcomed, but not required. See you all in the other stories that I'm telling. Thank you.