Chapter 4.3: The Peak

After Eric finished he collapsed next to her. Their bodies covered in sweat and both panting heavily. Words failed both of them, both caught in the pure primal instinct of one love to another. He grabbed the blankets and pulled them around them, wrapping them up together. He lay on his back and she laid her head against his chest. She grabbed his hand and wrapped it around her body, playing with his fingers. "What are you thinking about?" She broke the silence. "For the first time in my life I'm trying not to." he said. "You, not thinking? I don't think that is physically possible." She smiled. "Everyone is a comedian." He said. "So, there is something I've been meaning to talk to you about." She said, rubbing his hand. "Oh? And what might that be?" He said. "Well a few things actually. I think I'm ready to go back to work now. As much as I love it here with you I'm getting a little stir crazy." She said. "I don't blame you. What is the second?" He said, softly stroking her hair and her cheek with the back of his hand. "My lease is up here in a few months. As much as I like it here I wanted to know what you thought. I really want to move in with you but I wanted to wait to make the final decision after talking to you. "She said. "Nell, there is nothing I would rather have in this work then you living with me. I don't care if it is here or there, or even if we find a new place. All I care about is having you with me. Now, let's get some sleep. Tomorrow is the last day of our vacation. And I want to enjoy every second of it

Nell and Eric walked down the boardwalk, hand in hand. The day had been a busy one. They had both notified Hetty that they were coming back and they had been flooded by messages from the others. They hadn't seen much of them the past few weeks, and they were all excited to be a whole team again. Eric had seemed distant most of the day and Nell knew it. She decided she didn't want to push him and would let him come to her. They stepped up against the railing and looked out over the setting sun. The waves were crashing around them. Eric sighed. "Are you OK?" She said, squeezing his arm. "You know, there are sometimes I wish I could just run away. Just drop everything and disappear. We see so much death, so much hatred, and so much ugliness in the world. But not right now. Right now I see nothing but beauty. This is what I want my world to be." He said. "I know what you mean, Eric. But if it wasn't for people like Callen, people like Deeks or Kensi. Even people like you or me then the people who only wish ugliness in the world will get what they want. It's not that easy to run away from it." She said, softly stroking his cheek. A tear welled in her eye because the man she loved was hurting. She wished she could provide that kind of world for Eric. "Yea, I know I can't run away from it. But I can do what I can to make sure the beauty overtakes to ugliness. And that, Nell, brings me to you." Eric grabbed her hand. "2 months ago my world almost came crashing down. Everything I knew, everything I loved was almost taken from me in an instant. And these past few weeks have been the happiest of my life. In fact the happiest moments of the past few years have all been because of you. But I want more now. As Kensi put it to Deeks "I want to be bold". It's time to be bold, Nell." He got down on one knee and grabbed the lotus box from his pocket. "Nell Jones, you are my angel, my partner, and the woman I love. Nell, will you marry me?" He said opening the box. Nell could barely contain her tears. She covered her mouth with her hand and started sobbing. Taking a second to compose herself she dropped her hands and nodded. She was able to barely squeak out the word "Yes". Eric smiled and grabbed her into a hug that was so powerful he lifted her off of the ground. He pulled her into him and kissed her with all his might. He set her down and pulled the ring out and slipped it on her finger. "I love you, Nell. Now and always" He said. "I love you too, Eric. Always and beyond" She said back

The next Monday the Mission was bustling. People slowly started to make their way into the office and begin their duties. Hetty made her morning rounds as Eric and Nell came down the hallway and into the main area. "Hetty!" Nell said excitedly as she ran up to her and hugged her. "Ms Jones. It is so good to have you back. We have missed you. And you too, Eric." Hetty said smiling at the both of them. "We need to talk to you about something. Before the others get here." Nell said, slightly biting her lip. Hetty waved over to the couch and sat down.

"I'm telling you G. Connery is and always will be the better Bond. He made Bond what he was." Sam's voice could be heard coming down. "I was more of a Moore fan myself." Callen said in response. "Ok. Cause if you were going to say Lazenby I was going to have to find a new partner." Sam responded as the rounded the corner. Kensi and Deeks followed closely behind. They all sat down and started their paperwork when Nell and Eric came down the stairs. Nell fiddled with her hands as she walked up to the bullpen. "Hi, guys" She said. They all looked up and saw who was there. Callen and Deeks had a big grin, Sam had his smirk, and Kensi jumped up and almost tackled Nell in a big hug. "Oooh it is so good to see you." Kensi said. "I know. I missed you all." She said. Hetty walked up into the bullpen. "Save your celebrations. In a few seconds you will have something to celebrate more than the return of a friend." She said. They started to look between them, trying to figure out what Hetty meant. Hetty nodded to Eric and Nell. "We are getting married." Nell said, holding up her hand showing the ring. They all got up and stepped over to the couple to congratulate them. Deeks squeezed Eric's shoulder. "See what happens when you stop thinking and act?" He said. "Settle down, settle down. Now, I have been speaking with Eric and Nell and they have decided to have two ceremonies. There is going to be a small, legal one here in Los Angeles with their family from NCIS, and a larger formal ceremony with Nell's family in Minnesota. Nate has agreed to officiate it, being an ordained minister now." Hetty explained. "Do we want to know why Nate is a minster?" Callen asked. "No. Mr. Callen, you don't. Mr. Deeks, Eric has requested you be his best man, followed by Callen and Sam as groomsmen. Mr. Hanna, you will also have special privilege of walking Ms. Jones down the aisle." Same looked at Nell. "I would be honored, Nell" He said, placing his hand over his heart. She smiled. "Thanks, Sam". "Kensi, Nell would like you as the maid of honor followed by Rose and Michelle. Sam, if your daughter would be willing we would love to have her as the flower girl. And I can think of no better animal for the ring bearer them Monty, if that is fine by you. Mr. Deeks." Hetty continued. "Of course." Deeks said. "Now I will need to make some calls to have dresses made and tuxedos fitted. Over the next few days I will need to get each of your measurements as well as Mrs. Hanna and their daughter. Until then, we have work to do. Mr. Beale, I believe there is something you haven't done in a long time." Hetty said. Eric and Nell looked at each other, took each other's hands and walked up the stairs. The stopped at the top of the stairs, turned toward the team and in unison, brought their fingers to their lips and whistled. The rest of the team followed up the stairs and into Ops

Two weeks later on the same boardwalk where Eric proposed a small crowd was gathering. Two small tents were pitched on opposite sides of a grouping of chairs. The men all stood in one tent checking their wardrobes. Eric was adjusting his tie for the 20th time. "Whoa, whoa, stop there. You are messing it up. Here, let me show you how it is done, Dr. Who" Deeks said as he fixed the bow tie. "Thanks. I'm just real nervous." Eric said, his hands shaking slightly. "Everyone is when they get married, Eric. You'll do fine." Sam said as he adjusted the last bit of his dress uniform. "Besides, the first job of the best man is to make sure the groom doesn't make an ass out of himself." Callen said adjusting his coat. "Usually that is saved for the bachelor party" Deeks said. "Thanks for not doing anything rowdy by the way. I doubt I could have handled it". Eric responded. Eric's bachelor party consisted of the 4 of them and Nate all sitting on the beach around a camp fire drinking beers. Eric was glad just to spend a night with his closest friends and family "I'm going to go check on the women." Sam said as he stepped out of the tent and walked over to the women's tent. "It's Sam. Am I clear to come in?" He said. "Yes, Mr. Hanna." He heard Hetty said. He moved the flap and stepped inside. Kensi and Michelle were putting the last few touches on Sam's daughter's dress. He couldn't help but smile. "You look beautiful, honey." He said, kissing her forehead. Sam turned to see Nell in her dress being doted on by Hetty and Rose. It was a short, strapless dress that ended just at her ankles. It was silver with black highlights and hugged every curve. "Wow, Hetty. You have outdone yourself." Sam said. Nell blushed a bit. "Oh, stop it, Sam. I can't go out their blushing." Nell teased. "Are you all ready?" Sam asked. "Just a few moments and we will be. Go ahead and let Nate know." Hetty said. Sam walked out and nodded to Nate who was standing at the other side of the chairs. There were only a few rows since this was a small ceremony. McGee, Delilah, and Abby had come in from DC. Vance was also in attendance. Even Kelly from the 5-0 Task force was able to make it. Sam walked over to the men's tent. "Ok. We are up." Eric breathed in and out slowly. "Don't worry, Eric. You will be fine." Deeks clapped him on the shoulder. Eric walked out followed by Deeks and Callen. They took their spots next to Nate. Kensi, Rose, and Michelle walked out with Kamran leading Monty next. She handed Monty's leash to Deeks and took her place in front of Kensi. Nate then motioned for everyone to stand. They all stood and turned around as Sam came down with Nell holding his arm. Hetty was following close behind her. When they made it to the front they stopped and Hetty moved around Nell and stood on her left. Nate nodded for everyone to sit. "Who gives this woman today?" He asked. "I do. I recognize the bond between these two and give my blessing on the union" She said as she took Nell's hand and kissed her cheek. "And who will speak for the groom?" Nate asked. "I will. I recognize the bond between these two and give my blessing on the union" Callen repeated. "Is there anyone present who believes these two should not be joined?" He asked. Everyone knew there was only one answer to that question and it was a definite No. Eric reached out and took Nell's hand as she walked in front of Nate and faced him. Both of them were smiling and holding back tears. Sam moved to take his place behind Callen. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union between Eric Beale and Nell Jones. Before the formal vows both Eric and Nell have some things to say. Nell?" Nate said. Nell nodded to him and looked at Eric. Her voice cracked a few times but she finally was able to start speaking. "Eric. You have been my best friend and partner for 4 years and counting. When we first met I know I rubbed you the wrong way and I knew I wasn't real liked. Two months ago I suffered more than I have ever in my life. Not a minute went by where I didn't wonder if it was going to be my last, if I was ever going to make it out alive. But I knew that I had to, because I wanted to see you again. And I had better say this quick because the second I finish it Nate is probably going to kidnap me and throw me in a padded room because he will think I've gone completely crazy." Everyone chuckled at her analogy. "But if I ever had the choice to go through that again then the answer will always be yes because of what came from that pain. From that blackness the brightest light I have ever experience came and that light was you Eric. Could we have been to this point without it? Probably, but who knows? There is always the possibility of the opposite happening and we would have never reached this point. I love you, Eric, now and always." Nell said. There were more than a few wet eyes after that. Nate looked at Eric and nodded. "When I left the note saying that I was running some errands I was lying. What really happened that day was I asked Deeks to meet me because I wanted to talk to him about you. We sat on the beach and I told him how when I looked over the past 4 years since we met and I look at all the memories where I was happy there was always one thing they had it common. You, Nell, you were always there. When I almost lost you I couldn't stop thinking about life without you." His voice started to crack. "And it scared me. More than I have ever been scared in my life. You are such an integral part of my life that I couldn't even stomach the thought of going without you. But now we are here, and I never want to look back. Will we have problems? Yes. Will I hurt you? Unfortunately that is a reality of being a couple. But I would gladly face all of our challenges head on with you by my side then live one day without you. I love you, Nell, always and beyond." Eric said. Nell was fighting a losing battle with the tears coming out of her eyes. Hetty handed her a silk handkerchief so she could dab her eyes. Nate nodded to Deeks who bent down and retrieved the rings from Monty's collar. He handed them to Nate and Nate handed Eric's ring to Nell and vice versa. Eric took Nell's hand as Nate spoke the traditional vow and Eric repeated it. When he finished he slid the ring onto Nell's finger. Then Nell did the same. They looked at Nate and both nodded and he returned it. "By the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss the bride." Nate said. Everyone stood and clapped as Eric reached over and placed his hand on Nell's neck, pulling her close so their foreheads touched in the same way they did on the couch weeks ago. "I love you." They whispered to each other and brought their lips together in a kiss.

An hour later and everyone had gathered in the boat shed for a small reception. Hetty had a cake and champagne prepared and they were all mingling together. The large TV in the main room was turned into a photo wall showing pictures of Eric and Nell together courtesy of McGee. Deeks grabbed his glass and tapped his cake fork against it. "Excuse me, everyone." He said out loud to quiet everyone down. "There is only last thing for me to do in my role as best man. Nell, you and I have shared a few nights on stakeouts and I have gotten to know you better than anyone. You have always been a bright spot in everyone's lives you have come in to. Eric, you are my brother. We may be from different parents but you have been and always will be family to me. I am going to steal a page out of Sam's book but since we are working for the Navy I thought it would be appropriate. Eric and Nell, I wish you both clear horizons. To the bride and groom!" Deeks raised his glass and everyone else followed suit. Hetty stepped toward Eric and Nell. "We have a gift for the two of you." She said as she procured a ticket book. "Two tickets to a private suite on a Train from here to St Paul. Consider this a pre-honeymoon trip." She said. "Hetty, it's perfect. Thank you!" Nell said as she hugged Hetty. "Also I have arranged a moving crew to move the two of you into your new condo by the time you get back." She said. Their eyes widened. "Condo?" Eric said. "We don't own a condo." Nell followed. "You do now. That is the second part of my gift to you." Hetty said with a smile.

Nell leaned back against Eric as the landscape moved by on the train. Eric just stared out the window while Nell wrapped his arm around her and was playing with his hand like she would do at times. "What are you thinking about?" It was his turn to ask her. "About how much things have changed over the past of the last few months." She said. She kissed his hand. "Here we are. Married, moving into a new condo, who knows what other changes will happen when we get back?" She said. "You're not pregnant, are you?" He asked. She grinned. "No" she said as she rolled her eyes. "I don't think I'm ready for that just yet." She said as she placed his hand on her cheek. "But I do want to have your child, some day. I want you to be a father. I know you will be great at it" She said. "Don't sell yourself short there, Mrs. Beale. You will make a great mother." He said leaning down and kissing her forehead. She smiled. "I know. But for now I just want to see what the future holds for us." She said reaching up and stroking his face. "Me too, Nell…me too" Eric said as he looked back out the window at the ocean passing them by

I wanted to give them little relationship memes, such as the Now and forever, forever and beyond mantra or Nell playing with his fingers. The wedding took me a bit to figure out because I wasn't sure who I really want to walk Nell down the isle. It really came down to Callen or Sam and I decided it would be more fitting for Sam to do it. I actually looked up how long the train would take from LA to MN and was pleased to find out it would be a couple days because the train would have to travel north into WA so I thought it was a fitting gift for them instead of flying first class. All in all my first published fic on this site and I am pleased with it. Of course I could have done better but everyone is their own harshest critic so I'm going to try to be content with what I put out. I plan on doing a one shot based on Deeks and Kensi. I wanted to put in here but didn't when I decided to make this an Eric and Nell based story (I'm not going to use the words Neric or Densi or anything like that). Look for that soon. Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave a review if you would like.