Don't own LOK :D
-I updated this story-
Fu sat on the street, head down and hands stretched out in hope for spare change from people who passing by. He gave a hiss as his stomach jolted in pain, demanding the food he had none to give it.
What I would do from some chow right now...
Standing up, the seven year old proceeded to walk down the street, searching desperately for a pocket to pick. Unfortunately, most of the people walking around were either too poor to have anything or too meaty to risk getting near.
To top it off, he had noticed that all the pick pocketers like himself were beginning to sulk back into the alleys instead of robbing in plain sight. Ever since the Great Uniter showed up, her forces have been sweeping up criminals all around the city.
Most people would be happy about this of course. But not Fu. He heard the stories. The tales of a power hungry woman out to gain power from Ba-Sing-Sae. Her forces would find you, package you up, and ship you up to some 'concentration camp'.
In other words, a shiver running down his spine, a torture camp...maybe it's not a good idea to rob someone right no-...
The thought hadn't even left his mind when the glint of a golden bracelet caught his eyes. Locating the source, he found a gigantic man with a wooden club strapped to his back. The cold and murderous glint in his eyes were literally shouting 'rob me if you dare'. Being the smart boy Fu was, he knew he had located his new target
Judging by his enormous mass and large structure, the brute wouldn't even be able to comprehend what had happened...right?
The gathering cloud of hesitance vanished immediately after another flash of the gold coming from the pocket .
Alright, casually walking behind the man, I can do this. Just have to not think about the awful, terrifying, disturbing, gruesome, and painful consequences of getting caught.
Reaching with the skill of a true thief, he swiped the bracelet and immediately turned around, walking in the opposite direction. He glanced back momentarily before slipping into a nearby alleyway and observed his prize with greed.
Man, this thing can buy me food for a month! What luck!
But before he could take another step, a load shout erupted from the street he had slipped away from. Stopping, he quickly backtracked and peeked out of the ally.
Oh crap.
A frail old woman, shaking in fear as the beefy man towered over her menacingly.
"YOU TAKE MY BRACLET LADY?!" he bellowed. Immediately, everyone currently on the street scuttled away for cover.
Poor conscious is really hitting me hard right now.
When Fu saw the man reaching for his wooden club, he groaned inwardly at his good mind and jumped out of his cover.
Immediately, the brute whipped his head around, searching for the source of his new foe. Once he spotted Fu, he gave a hearty laugh and merely shooed him away with a hand.
"Get out of here boy," death written all over his expression. "If you know what's good for you, you'd leave now."
Turning back to the shaking lady, he drew his club and readied to strike.
"WHAT?!" the man shouted annoyed. Turning around, he raised his club threatingly at the boy, but stopped suddenly. His eyes widened in shock as he saw his bracelet being thrust out of the pocket of the kid.
I am so dead...
Seconds past, and for what seemed like an eternity, the man finally charged.
Fu literally saw his life flash before his eyes before finally getting a grip and turning to run. Glancing back, he managed to catch a glimpse of the man gaining on him.
Panting hard, he attempted in looking back again, but ended up tripping on a piece of wood lying on the ground.
As he stumbled back onto his feet, a strong hand grabbed his arm and roughly yanked his body back to the ground.
Looking up desperately, Fu managed to catch sight of a muscled arm being raised before the club came down hard on his left leg. Pain immediately shot up his spine and he let out a cry of pain.
"Can't run anywhere now you little runt," the man laughed. "Now for the other leg!"
Fu looked up into the eyes of the brute. There was not an ounce of mercy in the eyes that stared back. There was no empathy, no pity.
This is gonna huuurt...
Not being able to suppress a whimper of fear, he shut his eyes and readied himself for the pain soon to come.
But the pain never came. A muffled shout told him that something wasn't right. Shuffles of feet and the sound of orders being shouted around caused him to open his eyes.
Pulling himself up into a sitting position, he observed the scene around him. Soldiers with masks were piling around the now stringed up brute whose club lay uselessly next to his feet. Metal cables were wrapped around the man's arms like string, immobilizing his struggled movements. Pulling the man to his feet, two of the soldiers led the struggling brute away from the area. The rest began to approach Fu.
Crap. It's the Great Uniter's goons! I know I should be happy that they saved me... but no way am I going to those camps!
Blinking away tears, Fu quickly attempted to stand up. The instant he put pressure on his hurt leg however, jolts of pain filled his body and he collapsed heavily to the ground. Looking back, he watched the soldiers continuing to approach him, this time with their hands raised up in a calming gesture.
Yeah right.
Still helplessly attempting to get away, Fu managed to scramble backwards before hitting his back to a wall.
This...this doesn't feel like a wall.
He shakily turned his head around and observed behind himself.
Definitely not a wall, he judged from the military boots. His gaze traveled from the boots, up to leggings, and finally met with the stern jade gaze of a woman.
Looking back at the fast approaching soldiers, Fu made a quick and rash decision. Scrambling behind the lady, he made her as a shield from him and the imminent soldiers. The women looked back at him in surprise before calmly putting up a hand, signaling for the soldiers to stop. Kneeling down to his line of sight, the women examined Fu as he examined her herself.
Wait a second, he thought with dread. She just gave the order for the soldiers to stop. On top of that, his face went pale, she's wearing the same uniform as the soldiers...and it looks a lot more high ranked than the rest.
Gears whizzed in his mind, connecting the dots slowly. Suddenly, it clicked.
OH CRAP, SHE'S the lady. SHE'S the Great Uniter...I've gotta get out of he-
But before Fu could react in any way, he felt gloved hands rub his dirt smeared face.
"Just like me", she muttered to herself, her eyes now distant.
His confusion soon morphed to realization that this woman...this cruel and merciless dictator...was comparing himself to herself.
Just like her? JUST LIKE HER?! I'm nothing like her! She never had to experience the pain of being abandoned, the pain of never being loved! Not like it matters. Everyone on the streets knows that you didn't need love to survive.
Closing his eyes as tears sprang from his eyes, he leaned his head further into the gloved hand.
I don't need love.
The gloved hand withdrew from his face gently, and he slowly opened his tearing eyes. Embarrassed at crying, he quickly wiped away the tears and looked back at the women with slight misunderstanding.
"What's your name boy?" she asked softly.
"Where's your mother and father Fu?" she asked quietly.
Looking down, Fu felt the tears beginning to spring back, but quickly wiped his face again and looked back at the Great Uniter.
"Don't have any," he muttered. "They didn't want me, so I don't want them."
She gave a nod. "Well Fu, may I?" she asked, gesturing with her hand if she could observe his injured leg.
He gave her a slow nod, confused as to why this power crazed woman would actually care. He watched as the woman rolled his pants up to his thy, discovering the large, now swelling and purple bruise.
"Can you walk?"
"Y-Yes!" he stuttered quickly. Fu had already cried in front of the Great Uniter, there was no way he was going to have her see him look any weaker.
Struggling from the pain, he finally managed to stand, supporting all his weight on his right leg. Looking up at the woman, he gave her a fierce glare, as if saying 'told ya'. The Great Uniter only raised a skeptical eyebrow and began ordering her soldiers to continue watch on the area.
Awkwardly, her soldiers shuffled away, mentally reminding themselves to always remember this moment in their lives. Watching as her soldiers walked away, she turned back to Fu and noticing his tense face.
"Are you sure you can walk Fu?" There was doubt in her voice that Fu was determined to get rid of.
"Mm-hm! I can do it!"
"Alright then, why don't you take a step towards me now," she grinned.
Taking on the challenge, Fu raised his left leg and gently put it down in front of him. Immediately, jolts of pain ran up his leg. He could only manage a squeak before finding himself face first on the ground. Groaning, he attempted to stand up again, only to be stopped when he felt strong arms lift his skinny body from the ground.
With one arm under his head, and the other under his knees, Fu was able to lay comfortably without his leg being in pain. He soon blushed when realizing that he was being carried in the arms of complete stranger.
"You didn't have to carry me," he mumbled, although his eyes were shining to the brim with gratitude.
"Oh really," the woman mused.
He gave a light grumble. " Great Uniter?"
"Hm?" she said, stopping in her tracks and looking down at him with concern.
"What's your name?" he quizzed.
"You may call me Kuvira", she said looking back up and continuing to walk. There was a light smile dancing on the edge of her lips that gave Fu further comfort.
Feeling himself getting farther from the harrowing scene that had just taken place, Fu allowed himself the pleasure of closing his eyes from exhaustion. Snuggling his face into Kuvira's shirt, he felt himself drifting off to sleep, feeling strangely safe in the arms of the women he met only five minutes ago.
Looking down at the sleeping child, Kuvira managed a smile.
Maybe this kid isn't so bad...
Thought of this idea a while back, don't really know if I should continue or not. Reviews and criticisms are appreciated! I LOVE YOU KUVIRA! ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER! :D:D