Brick was an ass.

An unbelievable, evil, demented ass. He was paying Boomer back...somehow. Boomer wasn't quite sure what for, but he had to be paying him back. There is no other logical reason-

"Why" Boomer exclaimed as he stared Brick and Butch down. He quickly glanced around the ruby red office before etching on his best puppy dog pout."Come on, please Brick let someone else do it. Please".

The redhead rolled his eyes before setting them back on the blonde in front of him. "Cut it out Boomer you know why, our sales are down after that Milan scandal. The customers believe we're just trying to make a quick buck off them".

"But we are trying to just make a quick buck off them" Butch exclaimed. His black jacket was long discarded and the sleeves to his collared shirt was rolled up. His forest green tie had fallen in a loose style. While his eyes, also forest green were narrowed and twitching. He was just as irritated if not more than Boomer. Brick had them wait in his office for two hours, two! Butch hates waiting.

"Yeah Butch that's true, but they don't need to know that. Look, Boomer, you have the best people skills out of all of us. It's only natural that you would do this job. And Butch quit your whining you don't have to go. Actually, I'd prefer if you didn't, you might hurt one of them". Brick said while glaring at the papers in front of him.

Butch growled." Wait, I'm not even going? Then why the fuck did you have me wait in your office for two fucking hours!" he exclaimed. He inched towards Brick with his right hand fisted. If the pretentious prick thought he was going to just wait for moral support, oh he had another thing coming. He had barely managed to grab Brick collar before the redhead smacked his hand away.

"Nows not the time for a petty fight, Butch. You're here because while Boomer heads off, you're going to help me explain the employee handbook to a bunch of slackers", Brick said. His eyes glinted maliciously as he once again glared at the papers which Butch swiftly took.

"Oh come on Brick, please send an employee I have better things to spend my Thursdays with" Boomer sighed as Brick paid him no attention now glaring at the papers over Butch's shoulder. "Brick-

"The address is already plugged in your phone, told the lady you'd be there by 12. It's a middle-class school. Don't want the paparazzi to make it seem like a charity case, make it a volunteer experience, ya know. Shut the door on your way out". Brick quickly replied.

He didn't even spare Boomer a glance as the irritated blonde left the ruby red office in a huff.

"Leaving so soon Mr. Jojo" a secretary with a bad bleach job and too much make up said.

Susie Jenkins had become one of Bricks secretaries last month and had made it a point to flirt with Boomer every chance she got.

Why, he had no idea. There's no way she didn't know he was married, I mean not to toot his own horn but Boomer' and his wife Julie faces grace a tabloid at least once a month. Plus, Susie was definitely the gossip type.

Usually, Boomer would ignore Susie all together. The last thing he needed was a cheating scandal. But because he desperately wished to prolonge Brick little publicity task, he decided it couldn't hurt to speak with her.

"Yeah Susie, you know my brother when he gives you a job he expects it done ASAP" Boomer said as he flashed his teeth a bit while inwardly rolling his eyes.

"Oh yes Mr. Jojo is meticulous like that" Susie said while she gazed lovingly to the door, Boomer smirked. He would have to do the job Brick sent him on but that doesn't mean he can't get a little revenge.

His smirk widened as he leaned a bit on Susie's desk, horribly creasing whatever paperwork she was working on."You know Susie, I'm so glad you started working here. You're exactly what Brick needs in his life".

"Wha- Really" Susie's eyes widen as she gazed at the door once again.

Boomer smirked, honestly this was just too easy.

"Yeah you know him and Princess their having...problems. Don't tell him I told you but he's kind of vulnerable you know. Princess is always bringing him down. He's just not himself. He needs someone that's going to show him affection in front of his peers. Brick told me he can tell your really loving, so I'm just so thankful you spend so much time near him, ya know" Boomer said as he leaned off of her desk.

Susie paused, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Of course, she always thought Boomer was the cutest and his friendly demeanor definitely made him more approachable but Brick. God, who wouldn't go for Brick.

" I d-don't really spend much time with him though. I-i mean I'm one of twenty secretaries...and he's always. Does he really think I'm loving" She said after a moment.

Her response was a quick nod."I know he may seem like a frigid bitch, but Brick can be very...sweet" Boomer finished. He glanced back at the blushing blonde and sighed as she now stared at the red door in wonder.

Yeah, he knows he a bad person, but damnit Brick deserved it.

As Boomer left the lobby, every employee stopped what they were doing to greet him. Some even asked if he required any assistance, to which he just laughed them off. He was used to this attention, as long as he remembered, he had always been the favorite boss.

Brick would fire someone if they stopped working to greet him and Butch... Butch was just downright scary. Brick was right, if anyone could do this little publicity stun it was Boomer. Still, Boomer maintained his frown as the valet threw him his keys and opened the door to his sports car.

In about an hour the same blue sports cars pulled up at an elementary school. Boomer sighed before looking around. The building was already lined up with paparazzi. Some had followed him from his brother's office, some were already there.

They all shouted and yelled for his attention while some shoved a camera in his face. He smiled at the teenagers who skipped class just to get their selfie with him and scowled at the men who left work to do so.

After taking his umpteenth selfie and answering one last question Boomer entered the building. It was small but not too small. In the hall he entered there were approximately thirty classes, the standard for a well-established public school.

He calmly walked the corridor while some sneaky paparazzi, fans and even parents took pictures of him. He stopped at the room labeled in a horrible, multi- colored handwriting AppleBerry.

"Because room one is too mainstream" Boomer scoffed before flashing a smile to an ostentatious glitter i-phone.

He knocked once before entering the room. It was brightly colored with hundreds of child crafts hanging from every corner of the room. On the floor was a multi- colored rug and in each square, a child sat.

"You must be Mr. Jojo I recognize you from the magazines. You and your brothers, the youngest CEOs ever. That's quite the resume. "a lady with long brown hair and far too many colorful accessories said. She was plus size so all her free flowing garments seemed tight in certain areas. Her face was free of any make up and her smile was evidence that a dentist was avoided at all cost. Hippie. Definitely a Hippie.

Boomer put on his best sheepish smile, "Heh Thanks I appreciated Miss-

"Oh Sunbeam, Miss. Sunbeam".

"Right Sunbeam it's a pleasure, so did you have the day planned or-

"Oh goodness no. Mornings are registered for learning and afternoon for play. You came at the perfect time. Your brother mentioned something about a free organic stable monetary system, I'm sure the kids would love to hear about that".

Boomer sighed before glancing at the beaming Sunbeam and all the children who sat in front of him. They looked ready to burst.

"I'm not as well informed as my brother on that subject you may want to give him a call, here actually, use my phone he's free at the moment," Boomer said as he tossed his phone at the women not caring in the slightest as she ran to the back room. She didn't seem like a groupie and if Bricks personal number got leaked ….. Not his problem.

As Boomer watched the door with a bit of guilt, one child yelled out "What now".

Oh right, he still needed to entertain 29 kids for an hour.

He winced, "So uh free play, go crazy".

The children stood silent for a moment before chaos erupted. Some started tearing down the crudely drawn pictures, others began playing with the blocks. Toys were being thrown to the left, books to the right. Boomer didn't care, kids made messes. Messes could be cleaned up. Besides it's not like he let any of them outside.

He shrugged his shoulders as he sat into a too-small chair.

An hour of playing babysitter was not ideal..but it's not too bad. These kids were in second grade so he didn't need to watch them too closely and if he ignores the screeching it honestly is way more tolerable than one of Bricks meetings.

Just as he started to feel okay with his situation a group of young girls approached him.

"Uh hi" he said. His response was a flash of a camera phone and a bunch of squeals.

Boomer's brows furrowed before he uttered out "What the-

"Hi, I'm Rachel our mommy's said you're famous and rich and that we should all be really nice to you. Can I have your watch?" a loud little girl with black hair exclaimed.

Instantly the other little girls began to argue.

"No I want his watch"

" No Patty, Rachel said I could get his watch"

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Liar, liar pants on fire".

As all the girls bickered Boomer began to slowly move to the back door. Unfortunately, he was stopped by the Hippie Teacher.

"Oh, Mister Jojo I think somethings wrong with your phone. It just cut off in the middle my conversation with your brother" the colorful teacher said. She quickly handed him the dark blue i-phone before turning her attention to the boy pulling her skirt.

Boomer nodded, moved passed the back door and slipped outside before he could be tormented by anyone else. Once he was outside he let out a sigh of relief.

"Excuse me you're on my dinosaur". Boomer flinched before looking for the source of the voice.

He specifically made sure to watch the door. Who could have slipped by? What monster made their way past the door?

To his surprise, it was a little girl, a really small little girl.

She was shorter than a lot of the kids. With two long blond braids that curled at the ends and long blonde bangs that swept past her forehead behind her ears.

She was dressed in the most colorful outfit Boomer had ever seen. Seriously, the kid pretty much had the entire rainbow on. Her purple tights clashed dramatically with her pink skirt and multicolored shirt. On her wrist were multitude of beaded bracelets and strings. Her bright yellow shoes were so bright they hurt to look at, and yet none this is what really made her stand out.

Her baby blue eyes.

Those eyes stood out the most. They were an icy blue, ones that pierced your soul at every glance. One's Boomer knew too well.

Those eyes, they haunted him in his dreams and even in his memories. He had never seen someone with eyes like that except for... Her. He shook his head to remind himself that this little girl in no way should affect him like this. But when he turned to her again she started smiling.

That's when it got scary.

Her smile. People can have the same eyes, the same hair color but a smile. She smiled too much like Her. And it was killing him just to look at it. He needed to leave, but before he could the little girl started speaking.

"You're our special friend right? Miss. Sunbeam said so, do you wanna play chalk with me? Oh I forgot to introduce myself my aunty said that's really rude and I should always apologize. Sorry. Hahah. I'm Bliss. Bliss Believe. What's your name?"

Alright so whatcha think. I've had this kinda in my head for a while so I was eager to post when i had some spare time today. What do you think of the POV. I always do the character's POV so I thought I'd try something different.

Disclaimer: I don't own PPG

Claimer: I do own ?
