
A/N: I watch the young justice series and i realized the the end of the 2nd session left it perfect for stories involving Kid Flash being transported into other universes and the like, so i decided to try writing one of those. then i remembered someone once challenged me to try writing a gender-swapped story, I considered it and decided try it out, so i wrote a few trial ones before going for one where Kid Flash's mind was transported by the energy in to his counterpart's body at the point of their birth in another universe... only in this one Wallace West was born Evelyn West. from there i decided to add super-girl because i liked 'Maiden of Might (see Freddy's Mercury's Moustache) and i liked the idea of her being in this Young Justice... from there i kinda had crazy idea to add other characters some original, some I've modified, who like Super-girl will appear later on in the story.

New A/N: i decided to add one sidekick meet up, considering the bond between Wally and Dick in the show i realized that it would be better to try my hand at writing about the time where they first meet up in my timeline. since it took so long to write i decided against doing Aqualad's one so sorry there but still... enjoy!

He was surrounded by darkness, and yet he could still feel, was this the afterlife. 'no somehow I don't think this is heaven.' He thought as remembered his final moments of life in the arctic, before he was blasted out of existence by the reach's doomsday weapons energies.

'Artemis I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye.' He thought sadly, as he thought of the woman he came to love so dearly. It was then that he started to hear noise around him; suddenly a bright light hit him as he opened his eyes, unable to make out anything clearly, a barrage of noises reached his ears.

'what's going on how I am still alive?' he thought bewildered at his situation, it got better though when he heard his parents voices devoid of concern, but instead joyful, where was everyone else.

"Oh the baby's beautiful let me hold her Rudy." He could make out his mother's faint tired voice as he felt what must be hands on his small body.

'What the, how I am back to the moment of my birth I did somehow reverse the timelin- wait did she say 'hold her'?' His thoughts were interrupted by his mother's voice sounding from nearby.

"Oh what should we call her Rudy?" she asked with a tired voice, his father sound from the other side of him.

"How about Evelyn?" He said, to which his mother agreed, hugging his tiny body tightly. Poor Wally had no idea what was going on, his brain had gone down into shut down mode. Eventually it rebooted allowing him to take stock of his situation.

'One I'm not dead hooray! Two I'm back at the beginning not great but I can work with that. Three he was a now a she, this was not good, he liked being him, and more importantly he didn't think that his sexuality had changed either… oh my god I can't be with Artemis now.' He thought and felt grief well up inside of him. He didn't know how he was going to cope with it all dying, rebirth, becoming a completely different person, the result of all this upon him caused him to start crying.

Six years later…

"Evelyn honey time for school." His mother called as he came down the stairs, he was now six years old, and frankly was bored out of his mind, since he still had the same mind and memories, he found going through childhood to be pretty much torture as he was forced to endure a lot of demeaning things, throughout his childhood he had only thought about the things that had went wrong in his life... things he could now change, friends he had lost along the way, Tula, Jason. He was now in a position to save them to change it all, he decided that he would fight on as he was after all a hero at heart. it had taken him a while to come to terms with his supposed death and rebirth as the opposite gender, but he was still trying to adjust to it, despite that he was still planning on becoming kid flash once more to help people. He didn't know who had given him this second chance at life but he felt it was for a very special reason. Now he would be starting first grade and was looking forward to the day he could getting his hands on some of the books he had read later in his childhood... especially considering the ones his parents got him right now.

'After all if I've already got a high IQ and a full school education why not show that off to the world.' He thought, pulling one of his pig tails out from behind his neck, he hated long hair but knew better than to argue with his mother. No not his idea on a hair style but still he did have to act somewhat like a six year old. Still he had a long way to go before he could returned to the hero life, he was thirteen when he first attempted the speed-force experiment and this time he had no desire to complete it so imperfectly again; no garage for him, no he would make himself a proper lab.

Six years later…

Finally the day was over; he could get back to his calculations. He was now twelve and was beginning to experience some of the effects of puberty. His hair was now past his shoulders and he was annoyed at how much brushing it took to keep it looking nice.

'How can girls spend all this time on makeup and hair is beyond me? Artemis made it look so easy.' he thought to himself as he entered his room, posters of the justice league littered the wall, he had already 'acquired' the flashes notes from his uncles attic and even now was correcting his mistakes from his first attempt, this time he wouldn't be a lesser flash but his equal in ability and his better as a hero… eventually. At school he had no friends, he was branded a genius by the school after displaying a fraction of his combined knowledge and natural intellect over the years, during that time he had found it difficult to be around other children his age not for a lack of trying, he had his old mind and so had little patience for their childish games and none of them could keep up with him in a conversation, plus he wasn't in to the typical 'girly' things something his mother had been trying to change. despite her best efforts however, when the other girls were busy discussing fashion and boys, he preferred doing advance maths equations and reading the 'cutting edge' science reports.

'Soon enough kid flash will make his debut… or rather her debut.' He thought as he finished the last of the workings smiling like his old self.

'Now i just needed to a place to carry out the experiment and get my hands on some pretty dangerous chemicals, it a good thing Nightwing taught me a thing or two about hacking, ha-ha.' he thought as he opened up his laptop to 'acquire' some funds for his soon to be lab.

One year later…

It was time at last, her secret lab in central city was operational, the funds were all acquired legally (well not even the bats could prove otherwise), and Evelyn was just about to turn the machine on, a lot had changed in the last year, new special school, new outlook on life and finally she was ready to begin her plans by once more becoming Kid Flash. She wondered if puberty might affect how the machine would alter her body, from a scientific point of view the effects of exposure on a developing female body were an unknown since every flash had been a male previously so now she was entering unfamiliar waters so to speak. She hummed a tune as the machine reached critical velocity.

'Ouch time.' She thought as the machine exploded in her face, knocking her out. When she woke up she lying on her lab floor, glad that she had ensured the explosion wouldn't be heard this time, she felt the familiar tingling sensation like she had done after the first time the machine went off.

'If it's anything like the flashes notes and my own personal experience then in about three days' time I'll find out if it worked the same way or not.' She thought cleaning up the place and sending the required messages which would see this place picked clean of anything valuable by the next day.

three days later...

Well it worked out, her calculations had been sound this time and she was finally able to vibrate her molecules which meant she could now even dodge bullets using the technique, though it drained her of more energy as the moving mass had to phase through her molecules.

'Combine this with the self-defense classes my uncle made me take and I'm ready for action.' She thought of wearing the friction suit she had made and going on patrol right now… if not for the central city fund raising gala, hosted by the major companies; Waynetech, lexcorp, star labs, queen consolidated, and a new one she never heard of before X-Tech based in Steelburg city. she looked at herself in the mirror and groaned, despite being a girl now for thirteen years, Evelyn didn't act like one much, sure she wore make-up and got her hair done, but that was just to keep her mum happy. And now she was wearing a black dress which hugged her developing form, with black high heel s and her long red hair brushed behind her ears, black eye liner and deep red lipstick to finish it off. It wasn't that she looked bad, no she looked great, it was just that it wasn't 'him', she knew that she should stop thinking of herself as 'Wally' and start seeing herself as 'Evelyn' instead since thinking of her old life would cause her nothing but pain and sorrow, but it was hard to just change your whole identity, right now she would do anything for the chance to return to her old self but the chances of that happening were unlikely… besides twenty-one wasn't a good age to die at and so even getting this second chance of life was something she should be grateful for... after all Tula and Jason never got that. She carefully walked down the stairs, mastery of the high heel was not one of the large list of skills she could lay claim too. Her uncle was waiting at the bottom for her smiling in his black tie suit a smirk on his face at seeing her difficulty at trying to move.

"You look beautiful Evelyn, though smiling would help out." He said cracking a grin, she finally reached the bottom of the stairs without injury, a miracle in itself, and accepted his outstretched hand.

"Wish i didn't need to wear the heels, they have no practical value expect damaging my ankles and potential leading to my death." She replied nearing falling over, with only Barry's quick arm to stop her.

"You know you are allowed to act like a normal girl Eve... go on shopping sprees, wear high heels daily and putting on make up for more than just special occasions. i'm sure your experiments and tests can wait a few hours for you." he replied with a chuckle as they left the house.

"You'll have plenty of fun, there's tonne of people there that can actually have a prolonged conversation with you and know what you're talking about at the end.' He added as they headed towards the car he owned, it was a bit redundant since both of them could get there faster on foot but that was a secret they had yet to share with each other. ' Plus you'll get to meet the big shots like Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen, who will one day be begging upon hand and kneel for you to work for them."

'It will be nice to see dick again in person.' She thought of her oldest friend, smiling at the memories of the trouble they use to get in at these events. Soon enough they were outside the large building camera's flashing as they walked up the red carpet, Evelyn trying desperately not to fall on her ass on national TV, luckily the camera's weren't that interested in them, ironic considering who they really were.

'A lot different from the other times Uncle Barry would take him to these shindigs.' She thought, considering the fact that she had been Wally then and had been an actual hormonal teenager looking at every cute girl he could. Not that she didn't do the same thing from time to time but at least she wasn't like that this time. She watched two people detach themselves from the crowd and head over to them, she didn't recognise them though, one was a tall man in his forties with blood red hair and brown eyes, wearing a rich black suit, the other was an extremely attractive girl about fifteen, with the same blood red hair that seemed to flow out behind her as she walked, and a pair of sparkling eyes like sapphires with a mole under the left eye, she wore an elegant red dress which matched her hair well.

'I definitely don't remember her.' She thought staring at the beautiful girl.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Barry Allen, and isn't this your prodigy of a niece you kept bragging about at the parties." The man walked up to them, shaking Barry's hand then turning to offer it to her, she accepted it. "Names Richard Xander CEO of X-tech and this is my beautiful, and no doubt bored out of her mind, daughter Abigail." He said, as the girl smiled, but also rolled her eyes offering as her hand to Evelyn, she had seen that look on one other rich kid before, when dick would rather be out patrolling as robin, it was weird to see it on a girl for a change.

"So Richard trying to recruit them before their even out of school, you were always one to do things your own way." A familiar but not welcome voice cut off Richard's next words, Evelyn turned to see none other than Lex Luthor, supervillian and CEO of lexcorp. His bodyguard the cyborg Mercy wasn't far behind, also dressed to impress... with blonde hair.

'odd I thought she was a brunette.' She thought as Lex walked up to her and offered his hand to her as well, which she took reluctantly, she didn't like luthor for what he had done and was going to do.

"I hope she hasn't signed any contracts before I can get a chance to make an offer of my own." He said light halfheartedly, not seeing Barry glare at him fists tightening.

'time to get out of here' she thought thinking of a good excuse that dick would typical use at these events.

"I need the toilet, I be right back Uncle Barry." She said looking at her feet, leaving them to their discussion and headed towards the bathroom, she couldn't be anywhere near the guy after what he did to the original Roy Harper, and all those people he had hurt for his own selfish gain.

"Excuse me miss i couldn't help but see you were talking with both Lex Luthor and Richard Xander, my i inquire as to what they were talking about?" Asked a female voice from behind her, turning she was met by none other than Lois Lane, ace reporter from the daily planet, her cameraman was taking a few shots of some important CEO from one of the smaller contributing companies.

"I don't see how it concerns you." she replied before turning away, not to be deterred, Lois put a hand on her shoulder.

"It wouldn't be about possibly recruiting you once you've finished school Miss West?" she asked a bit more forcefully, Evelyn's eyes narrowed.

"How do you know my name Miss Lane?" She asked coldly, she didn't like people invading her privacy, it stemmed from a fear of someone discovering her old life as unlikely as it was to happen. at this the reporter smiled smugly.

"A good reporter stays on top of current events, like any new admissions to the Higher Institute of Varied Education, like you did last year." she said, looking at before getting out a recorder mike. "i don't suppose you'd like to talk about your experiences so far of the H.I.V.E?"

"No and if i did i'd go to my Aunt; Iris West-Allen." Evelyn told her slightly enjoying the look that formed on Lane's face, she knew how Lois and Iris were rivals when ever their were in each others city's. with that she turned and walked on, she needed something eat right now; one thing she had foolishly forgotten to consider was the level of calories wally needed as kid flash, that figure paled in comparison to what she had estimated that her full powered metabolism now needed. in short she would probably need to start using weight gain supplements or face placing financial pressure on her family from the level of calories she now needed; but that could be solved later, for now she had a belly to fuel, so she headed off in search of food.

She walked on wards looking left and right, until she walked into someone knocking them both to the ground. 'Damn heels!' she cursed trying to get back to her feet, she wouldn't wear the damned things again no matter what her mom said, having to now take an hour to get ready in morning she could handle, but the heels no fucking way.

"Here let me help you up." she looked up and smiled when she saw who it was, 'hello robin.' She looked into the face of her old friend, Richard Grayson, looking good for an eleven year old superhero, wearing a midnight black suit and with his hair sleeked back. "I'm sorry for knocking you over miss?"

"West, Evelyn West, and you'll find that it's equally my fault Mr Grayson." She couldn't help but say, not surprised that he would expect her to know his name, he smiled as he helped her up, carefully not to fall over again.

"So you're the genius that Barry goes on about whenever he talks to Bruce." He said, as they walked over to a refreshment table,she loaded her plate to the surprise of dick.

"He failed to mention your rather ravenous appetite." He added watching her wolf the food down, albeit not as messily as she had once done as Wally,something her mother had drummed into her.

"I skipped a few meals while working on a pet project, and now I'm making up for it." She answered curtly as she finished the last morsel of food.

"Oh would that be the one where you cure all diseases on earth, or the one where you solve world hunger." Dick said sarcastically still smiling. 'because according to your uncle you're a day from doing either one of those."

'Very funny dick.' she thought giving him a bemused smile.

"So what's it like to be the ward of a billionaire like Wayne." She asked already knowing the answer, dick went on to explain what life was like, neglecting to mention his crime fighting aspect. They went on like this talking about the differences in life in central city to Gotham, computer stuff, which this time Evelyn was able to keep up with Dick. Eventually the gala ended but she left happy at having gotten to finally meet up with one of the team again.

Next day…

Now that it was the weekend and the time had finally come for the return of the streak, remembering the flash's old nickname, the one that Aunt Iris coined. She was suited up, yellow and red like before, but this time a full face mask that had a section which could be pulled up or down to cover her mouth, and complete with green lens goggles leaving only her red hair flowing out behind her. The suit clung to her like a second skin, but with padding in places to so as not to emphasis her curves, she didn't want to become eye candy. She had a utility belt as well as shock gloves and a storage compartment for small energy bars and a specialised energy drink in a flask, as Wally she had learned from Nightwing the value of gadgets in the field and with the ability to make these toys she knew would come in handy she was hopefully ready for anything, and now that she was a fully powered flash she needed a lot more energy than she did as Wally so she managed with help from her school friends under the guise of a project to design a high energy bar for her, taste like shit but hey it works.

[Attention all units robbery at both central city bank and an armored truck heist in the industrial district.] The police scanner lit up singing her tune, 'clever move, hitting two places on the opposite side of the city, not even the flash can be in two places at once.' she thought and by quick calculation she determined that the flash would go for the bank which contained hostages and more bystanders to protect, leaving her with the truck heist, 'show time.' She was gone in the blink of an eye, weaving between cars at breakneck speed, clocking roughly seven hundred miles per hour a blur of the distinct yellow lightening that she, Barry and Jay seemed to produce as they ran.

"Where's the flash when you need him." The female guard thought grimly as she returned fire with her side arm, her partners had been killed when the front of the truck had been hit by a rocket, they had somehow busted the back door with another one, and Hench she was now trading firing from the bullet ridding door frame. But she knew she couldn't last much longer, suddenly she was grabbed and pulled from the truck; one of them must have sneaked up from the side.

"Well aren't you a pretty thing, maybe I'll let you live if you can persuade me." He leered at her, revolver pointed at her head. She spat at him, not the wisest thing she'd ever done. He smashed the pistol into her head, before pointing the gun back at her temple. "Any last words bitch?"

She was about to speak when she heard a familiar sound and felt herself being picked up before almost immediately afterwards she found herself in ditch to the side of the road, she looked expecting to see the red blur of the flash… instead she saw a yellow streak, heading towards her assailant, she couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise as the streak turned into the form of a young girl wearing a yellow suit complete with yellow lightning bolt in a red circle on her chest, her mouth was covered by a yellow mask, with green eye lenses, but it was open at the top revealing a long wave of red hair. She leaped on to the first man, placing both hands on his shoulders releasing some form of electric current which shocked him into unconsciousness, before pushing off him into the air, the rest of the criminals loosed a hail of lead at her, but to the guards surprise she started to vibrate causing the bullets to seemingly phase through her. Once her feet touched the ground she turned into a streak taking down the one on the far left, disarming him before pivoting to smash the butt of the shotgun into his face, as a batter would strike the ball. She then sped away, only to appear behind two more swinging her leg in a powerful arc which smashed into their back of their legs. Once they were floored she incapacitated them with electric shocks. The last two ran in opposite directions but both only managed a few steps before they too were brought down by this little girl.

'I never knew the flash had a partner... or a kid for that matter.' The guard thought as her mind processed the fight she had witnessed.

"Are you injured?" it took her a moment to realises she was standing in front of her, she shook her head, the girl lowed her head slightly.

"I'm sorry your partners gone, the police will arrive in exactly three minutes keep an eye on these guys for me." She turned to leave.

"WAIT! Who are you?" the guard asked, looking sheepish at how a young girl could take down these six easily. She angled her head to left as if thinking about her question.

"Flash, Kid Flash." Then she was gone, a yellow streak speeding off into the distance.

Next day

"And to finish off we have reports of a new speedster in central city, reports of this 'Kid Flash' have grown by the day, just who she is unknown and exactly what is her connection to the flash, Katie Austin CCNN." Barry turned the TV off before turning to face his thirteen year old niece, who was staring at him, coolly, showing no signs of guilty over lying to him.

"What the hell is wrong with you Evelyn, you could have died!" he yelled at her, she frowned at his words; this only ticked him off more as he began to pace in front of her. "Just because you've got a higher IQ than me and have super speed now, doesn't make you invincible or a hero for that matter, you have no idea what it's like out there, the dangers, you far far too young. This stops now; I will not have you risking your life anymore!"

"Are you finished?" she said, coldly, surprising him and before he could speak she went on, "I will do this again, and again, you can't stop me, you can't take this power away and you can't lock me up. Thus you have two choices one you forbid me, leave and i go out on my own, the second is I work with you as your partner, make your choice, I made mine when I put on that mask." She said getting angry in her own right.

'I know more about sacrifice than any in the league does, I died once for the world and now I have got a second chance at life and I'm throwing myself at villains with greater zeal, to try and save my friends.' She fumed, Barry was taken aback by the raw emotion in her voice, and his niece wasn't known for showing much emotion at all, so to see this was slightly unnerving for him and he worked with batman on a daily basis.

'Shits she's right, I can't actively prevent her from doing this without restricting her life… bats got robin, Green arrow and speedy, I guess I could let her do it under my supervision, the alternative is she'll do it behind my back… and then I won't be there to save her when something goes wrong.' He thought sighing turning to look at her determined and resolute face.

"Fine but we do it on my terms." He said trying to appear as if he was in control…fooling no one.

Superhero team up

20:00 EST Gotham city December 1st 2008

"Yes Mom I'm in the taxi right now... yes i'm heading directly to Wayne manor." Evelyn spoke into her mobile, while simultaneously checking to ensure she was 100 presentable for dicks twelfth birthday party; it had the highlight of the month when she got the invite from him and she had spent ages looking for the right gift.

'Hope he likes his gift, it cost me a lot for that guys work.' She thought readjusting her violet lipstick; she turned to face the driver.

"Whatcha think?" she asked looking at his face in the rear view mirror, the old man driving the taxi cracked a smile.

"A little more eye-shadow and your good to go lass… so Wayne manor was it, can't say I've had many fares there often." he replied with a thick Scottish accent, as they drove past the wrought iron gates and up the mile driveway of Wayne manor.

"It's a special occasion." She replied looking out the window at the lit up front door, where limos and sports cars were pulling up, they stopped a small distance from the front door and Evelyn climbed out turning to face the cabbie. "Here's good enough, keep the change."

"Have fun." He said as he reversed and headed off back to the city, 'I'll try too… though gravel and heels don't mix well.' She was practical crying as she tried to make her way over towards the doorway.

"Careful you don't trip and fall young lady." the familiar voice of Lucius fox, the head of Wayne Enterprises' special projects division… the bat gadgeteer. He held out a hand to guide her over, which she readily accepted. Wally normal stopped short of the doorway to avoid the rich snubs that came out of their luxury cars, but then again Wally didn't wear high heels.

"There we go, next time you might want to get out a little closer to door now." Lucius said with a chuckle, as they walked up the stone steps; she showed her invite off to Alfred who smiled warmly before gesturing them inside. They made their way through the crowds, she split off from Lucius and headed over towards the star of the show; Richard Grayson wearing a nice black suit like he always did, looking a little somber.

He was standing off to one corner of the large ball room talking to two girls; one with auburn hair wearing a nice teal dress around his height, the other had red hair and a rich black dress which was probably worth four times the price of the dress she was currently wearing and who was taller and probably older too. Evelyn made her way over there while Lucius went over to Bruce Wayne who was in conversation with a certain black haired Gotham socialite by the name of Kyle or something.

"Hi dick happy birthday… nice place you've got by the way I think you shed's bigger than my entire house." She said as approached dick, she knew from her old life that it was in fact bigger; she handed him his present while smiling warmly. The edge of his mouth twitched at her words as he accepted the offered gift.

"Who's your friend dick, I don't think I've ever seen her before?" Asked the Auburnette, Evelyn wasn't that surprised when she saw that it was none other than a eleven year old Barbara Gordon, police Commissioner Gordon's daughter and future batgirl. She was looking at her with curiosity and perhaps a hint of jealousy, remembering her feelings for dick.

"Evelyn West I'm from central city, we meet at the fund raising gala a few weeks ago; Thanks again for the invite." She told them holding out her hand to the girl who accepted it.

"Barbara Gordon." Barbara said before the girl next to her spoke up.

"I'm Katharine Kane but you can call me Kathy, I go to Gotham academy along with Dick and Barbs here." The girl said holding out her hand which Evelyn also accepted, looking at her Evelyn guessed that she must be around her age and hieght too, odd since Evelyn was rather tall for her age.

"So Evelyn what did you get the birthday boy here?" Barbara asked her ever inquisitive nature poking through; Dick opened the box and took something out of it. It was a glass figurine of a woman; her face and clothes were a mixture of red, green and yellow coloured glass.

"This is my mother's face." He said simply, staring down at the figurine before placing it down and examining the rest in tow. "There of all my family… how did you do this?"

"I know I guy who's a master at that this sort of stuff, I provided the program which did some aging calculations so they would be what they would have looked like when you turned twelve… I thought you'd prefer that little touch… am I wrong?" she added slightly nervous that she might have upset him, it had seemed like a good idea to do at the time but now.

"Its…its…thank you." He said simply hugging her tightly; they were like that for a few moments until they heard the sounds of bickering getting closer. Curious they turned to see Abigail Xander once more adorned in her blood red dress, along with a ruby necklace and diamond earrings coming over with tall guy of about eighteen years old with straw coloured hair and brown eyes, wearing a black suit and carrying a large wrapped up portrait they were arguing in hushed voices as the guy pulled at his collar. She looked up and smiled brightly when she saw them all.

"Happy birthday Dick." She said walking up and giving him a tight hug lifting him off the ground, she looked back at her companion and tilted her head for him to come over; He sighed and lugged the gift over to them.

"Here you go little man happy birthday." He said holding it up for dick to rip the paper off of it. 'Wow.' Was all Evelyn could think as she looked at the masterpiece in front of her; It was a painting of a circus act, specifically a trapeze performance with the entire flying Grayson's present.

"I had a deep thought on what to get you and well… family was always the most precious thing to you and Bruce… I can see that now." She trailed off looking down, tears streaking down her face, as it was dicks turn to hug her tightly, as she started to sob quietly, her friend spoke up at this point.

"Say little man mind showing me where I could hang this thing up." he said loudly to which dick nodded and gestured for him to follow. Evelyn knew why he did it; he wanted Abby to get some time to compose herself before seeing dick again; it would make her feel worse if she thought she put a damper on his special day.

"I'm sorry about what happened to your dad Abigail." Evelyn said giving her a hug, remembering about hearing the massacre on the news. Kathy handed her a handkerchief which she accepted dabbing at her eyes.

"Thanks… I'm just can't get to terms with why she did it, she was such a nice bright girl when I met her a few years back." She said looking at them, her eyes glittering. "I mean she wouldn't shut up about steam powered giraffe for god sake! It makes no sense as to why she killed and hurt all those people, she killed her dad and paralyzed her own sister."

"But that's not what gets to me.' She was speaking softly at this point, as if afraid to share her thoughts with them. 'No what shocks me was how she kept saying she was innocence through the trail; how she couldn't remember a thing, I saw the look in her eyes when they played the footage… I actually believed her."

The group were silent after that Evelyn, Barbara and Kathy glanced at one another while the older girl cleaned herself up. It was Kathy who broke the atmosphere by changing the subject; turning to face Evelyn she said brightly.

"So Evelyn what's life like in central city; I heard you guys got another speedster, this time a girl." She asked, while Barbara helped Abigail fix up her make up.

"Well I've only seen a few photos of her in the newspapers but it seems she's a relative of flash, though she seems to hid all of her face so it isn't easy to tell apart from the fact she's a red head like me, so maybe the flash is one too." Evelyn told them; being almost completely honest with them. She was a relative of the flash, his niece, she did see her photo in the paper and she did cover up her face so only her red hair was visible. "As to life in central city well, it's not bad, we don't have wackjobs like the joker running around but we've got our fair share of super villains… I like life there although i also enjoy going to the H.I.V.E in Jump City too."

"You go to the H.I.V.E?" asked Barbs, her voice filled with awe. "I thought only geniuses went there."

"Well I do go there so I guess that makes me a genius." Evelyn said with a smile, Barbs was staring at her like she was superman or wonder woman.

"Is it true they gave you a million dollar grant for your first year project, and that you have state of the art equipment, and that it has all sorts of recreation facilities that put the ones at Gotham academy to shame!" She asked excitedly, Evelyn opened her mouth to answer when the sound of gunfire shattered the night's peace.

"Ladies and gentleman if I can have you attention please, we are in control." Upon hearing the thick Russian accent they all crouched and hide under a table, looking out they saw the sight of several dozen armed soldiers in black gear, carrying assault rifles and wearing red slit visor helmets. In the centre of the group were two people of note, the first was a broad man about six feet in height with black form fitting carapace armor and a trench coat over that. His head was hiding beneath a black helmet with red glowing eyes and two air filters attached on either side of an air scrubber where the mouth would be. However what caught the eye was the larger man standing next to him who must have been at least seven and a half feet tall, with grey armor, a thick bladed sword on his back and numerous weapons hanging from his body, his face was blocked by a great shaggy grey beard and his blue eyes seemed to gleam through it all, his hair was long and tied into a plait which reached to his lower back, in one hand he held a simple grey helmet with green lens and a white skull painted over it.

"Is that the Reaver?" Asked Barbara fear entering her voice which was barely a whisper, Evelyn looked at her.

"Who's the Reaver?" Evelyn whispered, staring as the soldiers moved through the crowd evidently searching for the someone." 'but who Bruce… or someone else.' She thought watching one man shove Bruce Wayne to floor as he passed him by.

"Dad talked about him, former Russian Spetsnaz operative then he was a part of a Russian super soldier program right before the Union collapsed he's been competing with Deathstroke the terminator for the title of greatest mercenary in the world ever since, the guys a beast and he's almost a hundred years old too! " she said looking at Evelyn wide eyed, Evelyn just stared at her. "I may have read some of my dad's computer files on him and other international criminals as well." She added meekly.

"Now then everyone we are here for certain young lady… Miss Katherine Kane would you please come forward, I promise no harm will come to you if you do… if you don't then well… I need you alive, what other condition you're in is irrelevant." The massive Russian said as his men fanning out. Barbara turned to look at Abigail who looked scared.

"What are we going to do?" she asked the commissioner's daughter who looked shocked at the older girl's deference.

"I don't know Evelyn's the one who goes to the H.I.V.E what do you think we should- " she began turning to face the red head, but stopped when she saw that both she and Kathy were gone.

The two the red heads ran down the hallway, Evelyn dragging Katherine along till they reached an intersection.

"Take your heels off." Evelyn told her as she reached down and liberated her sore feet from their tormentors; Katherine just looked at her confused, breathing heavily.

"What there's a bunch of ruthless killers after me and you're worried about damaging your shoes!" she exclaimed shouting in Evelyn's face, her response was to grab the girl and shove against the wall, placing a finger on her lips and leaning in close to her; she noticed the girls eyes get bigger as she stopped a few inches from her face.

"Have you ever seen people running in these shoes… no… you'll only injury yourself, besides you'll be both faster and quieter barefoot." She whispered into the girl's ear, her breathing becoming heavier as she did. "Now then be quiet, we'll slip out and trying hiding somewhere on the Manor grounds, OK?"

When she nodded slowly, Evelyn moved back taking the girls hand she led her down the corridor. She remembered hanging out with dick in Wayne manor back in her old life… unfortunately this universe's Wayne manor had a radically different layer out, meaning she wasn't too sure where she was going.

"So why is the infamous Reaver after you anyway… who did you piss off?" Evelyn asked as they creped down the hallow passing by a few generations of Wayne's, Kathy was shaking from fear as she replied.

"I don't know, my mom died years ago, my sister is in coma, my stepmother is the reason for my family's fortune… it must be my dad General Jacob Kane, he was in charge of some special project… he was supposed to call me before the party but I thought he was just somewhere with restricted communications."

"Well they probably want to grab you as leverage against him, but don't worry I won't let that happen." Evelyn said as they turned a corner and she had a rifle butt rammed into her face, she was knocked back into Katherine blood streaming from her shattered nose, as a black soldier came out from behind the corner.

"Doesn't look quite like it my dear… a pity such valiant bravery will never be known, but we have our orders to kill anyone who stands in our way so..." He said in French accent leveling the rifle at her, Katherine had placed herself between the gun and Evelyn's prone figure, but she could see the girl quaking with fear. There was a whistling sound then a thud… as something shiny was embedded into the soldier's right eye. He fell like a ton of bricks on top of Katherine who fell on top of Evelyn, who with her superhuman reflexes rammed her hand into the girl's mouth to muffle her terrified scream at seeing the man die right in front of her. There was the sound of walking coming from behind them and Evelyn turned to see Abigail's friend coming towards them, a throwing knife in one hand, and blood covering his suit.

"You two ok?" he asked walking over to the soldier and pulling out the knife with a wet sound as blood dripped from the cold steel, Kathy bite down hard on Evelyn's hand as she chocked on another scream." Evelyn felt her eyes water up at the sharp pain and knew the girl had drawn blood. "Come on let's get Miss Kane here out of harm's way… the batman should come and sort out everyone else." He added stripping the soldier of his chest armour and his assault rifle an AK81-A11 the kind the Russian Special Forces use.

"What about Abby?" Evelyn asked through a mouthful of blood, as she removed her hand from Katherine's mouth, blood dripping from the bite marks on it, Katherine muttered a hurried apology to her, but Evelyn waved her off with her free hand.

"She'll be fine, their after her not Scarlett." He replied cocking the gun and gesturing for them to follow him, as he bent low and creped down the hall. "I'm Frankie by the way, Scarlett's friend/ bodyguard/ assistant/ pack mule."

"There are at least thirty of them in total; ten patrolling outside while the rest are inside the manor, they've got jammers or something set up on the roof… I noticed when I sneaked out for a smoke. Lost that Grayson kid but he should be fine since he knows the place, I noticed a route we could take to the forest which should give us cover from their squads, its this way." He said as they passed a secondary stairway and headed towards an oak door; which opened in front of them revealing the tall back armoured man from before.

"Fuck it's one of them." Frankie said opening fire at the hulking figure who bull-rushed down the hall way heedless of the bullets bouncing off his armour like juggernaut bearing down on them. "GET HER THE FUCK OUT OF HERE I'LL HOLD HIM OFF... GO!"

Evelyn grabbed Katherine's hand and half led, half dragged the girl up the stairs, the sound of gun fire trailed off after a minute as Frankie was thrown through the door into the wall next to the stairs, the villain didn't wait around as he rushed up the stairs after the girls as Katherine screamed when they reached the top floor and headed to the door at the end of the hallway. 'Please be a panic room, please be a panic room.' Thought Evelyn as they opened the door; it was a storage space for cleaning supplies. 'Oh come on!' she thought dragging the girl inside and closing the door.

"Don't make a sound." She whispered into the frightened girl's ear as she stood behind her, with her back against the wall and her hand over the girls trembling mouth.

The thunder footsteps of the mercanery sounded down the corridor as he headed for the door at the far end, where the trail of blood drops led too. Once he reached it he practically ripped the door off its hinges and looked inside; it was completely void of any terrified girls. His face contorted in confusion then into rage as he drove his hand through the wall.

'This is Sergei I have a signal on the target, switch to tracker locator teams.' His radio sounded in his ear, he growled activating the tracker screen in his helmet. He would not fail his father today.

"what the hell." Mumbled Katherine as they fell through the roof into the room below the supply room, she turned to face Evelyn who was… taking off her clothes, she stared at her. "What are you doing, how did you do that!"

"This dress was expensive, I don't want to risk damaging it, and before you ask... yes I am kid flash." Evelyn told her as her suit popped out of her ring as she quickly put it on. "Can I trust you to keep it secret?" she asked holding out her hand.

"i.. yes I'll keep your secret." Katherine said after a few moments, accepting her hand.

"Good now let's get you the hell out of here and as far away from those crazy Russians as possible." Kid Flash said as they walked out of room, immediately they heard the sounds of guns being cocked behind them.

"This is Bravo team target located she's with Kid Flash, in sector ahhhh." The soldier was cut off when a figure landed on his back knocking him to the ground, as his two comrades turned they round in surprise, the green and red figure then did a split kick into both men's faces before throwing two shock-bolas and bringing his foot down on the guy in front of him; he then turned smiling to face the girls hands on hips.

"You ladies looked like you could use a hand… a bit far from central city aren't we Kid Flash." He said still smirking, as he walked towards them.

"Cut the crap Bird-boy we need to keep Kathy safe from two homicidal Russian super-soldiers and their band of merry men." Evelyn said enjoying the look that developed on dicks face despite herself; Kathy just looked dumbfounded.

"I can't believe the boy wonder is standing in front of me-"she began before Kid Flash cut her off.

"No time for the fan girl routine, so Robin it's your turf what's the plan." She asked as robin activated his wrist computer.

"We need to get her clear… KF run her down to the GCPD headquarters right to Jim Gordon, tell him bats sent you at least there she have a wall of bodies to keep her safe." He said looking up and turning around and running off. "Leave the Russians to us."

She nodded before picking up the girl who squeaked as they sped off and out of the manor in the direction of Gotham city.

"You guys should have never come to Gotham." Robin said grinning as he leaping down onto more two of the soldiers ruining his birthday, he struck left and right bringing the men down like trees with an axe.

"Too easy." He said smirking. 'Robin Reaver's sent his son off into Gotham city, he's tracking Katherine Kane's phone.' "I'm on it bats… wait how do I contact Kid Flash she taking Katherine to Gordon right now?"

'I'll inform Gordon now getting going.' Batman's voice cut out as robin activated his remote control over his motorcycle, 'wonder why kid Flash is in Gotham and why the flash isn't... unless… she is a red head.' he thought as he raced through the wrought iron gates.


"We should be safe here; they probably still think you're in the Manor." Kid Flash said turning to face Kathy, who was sitting on nearby chair. They were currently in the GCPD headquarters surrounded by at least two dozen officers in full swat gear; Jim Gordon had assured them both that nothing was getting past his officers.

"Don't suppose you've got a ring with a fur coat in it?" Asked Kathy shivering, Evelyn walked over to the girl and wrapped an arm around her; an officer came over with two cups of coffee.

"Here you go one regular and one loaded with cream and sugar." The young female officer said handing the mugs over to the two red heads.

"Thanks officer Montoya, as to your question sorry but no luck there, listen I'm sure the league is rescuing your dad as we speak, we just need to keep you safe ok." Evelyn told the girl looking her in the eye; she smiled slightly drinking from the mug. It was then that Montoya's radio burst into life on her waist.

'All officers the Marauder has breached the front door requesting heavy weapons to Arrgg' the radio cut off sharply, as the police formed a wall around Kathy who looked petrified at what was happening.

"Stay here I'll handle this." Kid Flash told them rushing down to the reception, what she saw churned her stomach. There were several broken bodies scattered over the area, with the remaining officers retreating while firing at the black armoured warrior from before… only this time he had two black metal hand axes, thick bladed ones dripping with blood.

"So you are the one that snatched my target and her friend from me at the manor back then.' The brute said in a strangely British accent. 'I'll have to make you pay for wasting my time Kid Flash."

Kid sped forward her fists crackling with static discharge as she raced around the mercenary striking at joints and gaps in his armour as best as she could. The effect was minimal as his armour soaked up most of power of her blows and little went through was clearly not hurting him much.

"That the best you got bitch!" he taunted her even though he couldn't land a hit on her either.

'New plan.' She thought as she peeled off and over to the receptionist metal chair, she grabbed it before spinning faster and faster until… she let go and it sailed forward at a tremendous rate colliding with merc at Mach one, the effect was more visible this time as he was thrown out of the demolished front door and into a police cruiser parked opposite and then into a brick wall beyond that.

"Better plan." She said brightly walking casually out of the station, haft a dozen officer's right behind her forming a shield wall preventing access inside the station.

"You've got to be kidding that thing was travelling at the speed of sound." She shouted in disbelief as the brute lifted himself from the wall ripping off his battered armour revealing well-toned and not mention significantly bruised muscle underneath.

"Before I was just angry with you… NOW I'M PISSED!" he roared throwing several things in the air; these turned out to low timer fragmentation grenades which exploded a few seconds after leaving his hands. They peppered the area with shrapnel causing Kid Flash to have to try to dodge the raining shower of metal as best she could; she still received several dozen cuts and lacerations. She was suddenly tackled by what felt like a freight train.

"You. Are. Mine." he said before he started pounding her in the ground… unfortunately she didn't have invulnerability so it hurt… a lot! He then picked her up by the throat as she clawed feeble at his iron-tight grip.

"Let's see how much force it takes to cave the human skull in." He said before positioning both hands around her head and began to squeeze tightly. She started screaming after a few moments unable to concentration enough to vibrate her molecules. Suddenly there was a whirling sound as several red objects hit the marauder in the back before electrocuting him; he roared in pain dropping the speedster who manged to put some distance between her and the enraged soldier of fortune.

"What would you ever do without me." Came the familiar voice of her old friend robin; once more dragging her ass out of the fire. He did a somersault in mid air before landed next to her twin birdarangs in hand, eyes locked on the brute in front of them both.

"The short version: Marauder has high density skin, bone and muscle, he can lift up to two tonnes and can take a direct tank round with only some light to moderate bruising." He told her as she reached into her utility belt and removed a syringe before sticking it into her arm and replacing it.

"You want to go high and I'll go low." She asked him looking him in face; his grin widened as he nodded before launching both birdarangs and plunging into the fight. She rushed forward already feeling the pain killer take effect and amped the voltage on her shock-dusters to max.

'I think he can handle a few thousand volts and if not then well… malfunctions happen.' She thought smiling when her attacks elicited howls of pain as meta-human tried to fend off both superheroes attacks. Eventually robin managed to land a Bo staff blow onto his temple and he finally was brought down after a two hour long battle in which they both had sustained several more wounds from a mixture of bullets, explosives and god knows what else the Russian/British mercenary was carrying on him.

"OK I have to hand it to him… his reputation of being a bad-ass of bad-asses was well… deserved." Robin gasped out; breathing like a marathon runner. Evelyn was laying on the ground unable to move as she heard the unmistakable sound of the bat mobile arrive… only this world batman had upped the intimidation factor by seemingly have retired the car and replacing it with a… was that thing a tank!

"Cool isn't it; can't wait till I can get behind the wheel of her!" Robin said excitedly helping her up and over to where the Batman was talking with Gordon, while a scared Kathy hid behind a wall of riot shields… in Gotham you expect the worst at any moment, once their were done talking Kathy was escorted over to the bat…tank. Once she was safely inside he walked over to them before glaring down at Evelyn who dispite all she had been through could help but flinch when he brought his hand up to her which she accepted after a moments pause.

"You're assistance was greatly appreciated… don't ever do it with informing the flash or myself again." He said before turning around and heading over to the battank and driving off; where to mostly likely to get Kathy somewhere safe.

"So need a lift." Robin said gesturing to his bike before holding out his hand; she smiled before accepting it. "Let me guess Wayne manor got to pick up your dress miss West."

"Of course can't keep you're guests waiting can we master Greyson." She replied hearing him gasp at her words. "Come on dick, you're an arcrobat so is robin, your parents were murdered by Zuco, who was the first criminal brought down by the boy wonder… Hell you used the same uniform as the Flying Graysons!" there was a silence between them before.

So I guess you'll want to see the cave then." He asked no doubt smiling underneath his helmet.

"HELL YEAH!" she told him as they raced off towards the manor house. 'Lets se what other cool things this batman's got.' she thought excitedly.

New A/N: About the first chapter... i'm not sure how it will be received I've done what I've done for plot reasons but it will seem like the team will be over-powered when it forms, you'll see why. i'll try to balance it out as i personal hate over powered characters without good reasoning behind it all. anyway please leave a review. i know my grammar isn't the best but i work with what i got.

A/N: so how do you like the idea and the story so far, i'm trying something new here so if you'v got any suggestions on things leave a comment, i think, if done right, gender swapped stories can be good, its just that most writers don't know how to make them good is the problem. Oh and with regards to the change from 'he' to 'she' in the writing is to symbolise how wally is starting to letting go of his old male identity and beginning to take up his new one as Evelyn, there should still be some issue's he'll have over it. Also as to the bit about Lois and Iris, at that point in time Iris wasn't a news reader yet.

Sincerely Greywolf41 esquire