HELLO EVERYONE! We are back in Boston for the last chapter (sorry it took so long), and since the flashbacks are all caught up to the main story, there won't be one for this chapter. That means it will be some stuff that happened on the remaining stops on the tour, and we'll see how Hero Records is shaping up. Thank you again to anyone and everyone who has been reading this, especially if you favorited/followed/reviewed. I have had so much fun writing this, and I'm glad there were people who chose to come along for the ride. Enjoy those Wednesday nights folks!

As it turned out, Laurel and Ted didn't want to wait until the end of the tour to go ring shopping. Instead, they had begged off bonding time in Chicago and gone wandering through the streets of the city looking for the perfect diamond. The band now sat in its proper place on Laurel's left hand. It was a beautiful cushion cut gem with smaller stones surrounding it, and she showed it off to anyone in the vicinity. Or, she had before Nyssa put a stop to it when she surprised them by popping up backstage before their last show.

"Laurel," Nyssa had said firmly, cutting off on of the woman's rambles, "I know you have a perfect fiancee and a perfect ring and you're going to have a perfect wedding, but if you don't shut up, I'm going to turn down my bridesmaid slot."

Sara, tucked under her girlfriend's arm, had giggled as Laurel's eyes went wide.

"You can't do that! I need four to go with Ted's four groomsman! If you drop out, I'll have to ask cousin Isabel!" Laurel smirked a little as Sara stopped laughing and turned to Nyssa.

"Please don't drop out babe! I cannot spend that much time with Isabel. She's a demon!"

"Fine, fine," Nyssa replied with a sigh. "But seriously Laurel, tone it down a little would you?"

Laurel had obeyed, but had instead developed a habit of toying with the piece of jewelry whenever she needed comfort. She was doing it now, in fact, the diamond going around and around and around as its wearer took a deep breath and started speaking from her place at the head of the table.

"Ok guys, lets go over today one more time!"

For the first months of operation, Hero Records had been mostly getting set up, with the Pretty Rich recording some material. Today, however, they were bringing in four acts to talk to about giving deals. This morning meeting had everyone gathered in the conference room to go over the agenda.

"Oliver and Tommy, you start." Laurel commanded, and Tommy spoke up.

"Ok, so Cindy Alcorn is our first potential. Q sent her to us, said she sings at a lot of clubs back home. She's a little Evanescence-y, she uses Sin as her stage name."

"She doesn't have a band, so we'll put her with some of the studio musicians the the Steeles introduced us to." Oliver said, finishing his boyfriend's explanation.

Laurel nodded her approval. "Roy, what's up with you?"

"Okay, so back when I was on the streets, I ran into this guy Ray Palmer once or twice. Lately, I've been seeing him in coffee shops and stuff. He doesn't have a band, but he does play guitar, and goes by Ray Atom now. He does a lot of ballads." Roy finished with an eyeroll.

They all laughed a little, and Thea squeezed his hand. Everyone new Roy's taste in music ran about as far from ballads as one could get. If he was recommending this Ray guy, it was probably a good idea to invite him in. Sara was the one to speak up next.

"Ok, so just to add a little more variety, the third act stopping by go by the League. They're a duet, Maseo Yamashiro and Tatsu Keitomaro. They're old school friends of Nyssa's. Maseo plays guitar and sings, Tatsu is a drummer, and most of their stuff involves combining traditional Japanese music with more modern genres."

"The variety is excellent." Laurel said when her sister had finished speaking. "We don't want to target too narrow a market, and end up being gobbled up by someone like Star Labs." she continued. "Last but not least, Felicity, you said you invited some people in for the last slot?"

Felicity cleared her throat. "Yes, I did. When we decided we were doing this, I started diving deeper into the local music scene. Ted helped with that," she said, flashing a grin in his direction. "I kept running into this pop-punk group that I really like. It's a three piece act. Caitlin Snow plays bass, Cisco Ramone is their drummer, and Barry Allen sings and plays guitar."

"What do they call themselves?" Ted asked.

"The Flash."