A human-like, white, faceless figure stood in the middle of the dark room. Its knees shook as if something heavy was weighing it down. And it whimpered as it struggled to return the grip of the one who stood beside it - a boy.

"I will not let go," the figure reminded itself monotonously. "I will hold on until you no longer need me. Until you decide to set me free."

The boy could only stare at it in response. He was holding on to the figure just as hard as it does to him. He was holding on tight so it won't go away, so that it won't disappear. He wondered why he didn't wasn't to let go. He wondered why he felt so attached to the figure when he can't remember who the figure was. He wondered why he still insisted on keeping the figure by his side. He wondered why the figure why the figure won't stop shuddering. He wondered if the figure was in pain. He wondered about many things but he didn't do anything to get any of the answers. The boy didn't want to find out because he was afraid that the answers would cost him his only companion. He was afraid to be alone in this darkness.

"You will never leave me," the boy said almost authoritatively. "You will be with me...even when you die, you will never leave me."

"I will be with you forever," was the figure's response. Somehow, this made the boy feel guilty. But a voice inside him, a voice not his, told him that he was doing the right thing. That boy should keep this faceless being in his hands because this thing was his to keep, his doll. This made him forget even more the guilt that he felt and what the figure really is.


"As you wish, I promise."

Inside his head, a voice proudly told him that he did a good job. But strangely, he didn't think he did something good. He felt like he did the exact opposite of it.

Makoto jolted with a start. He tried to calm his erratic breathing as he wiped the sweat on his forehead. I dozed off?

He glanced around him and noticed that he was sitting on one of the dorm's sofas. He wasn't sure what time it was, but seeing how dark it is, it was still too early for anyone to be up. He sighed and thought of what he should do now. He didn't feel like sleeping because he never wanted to see that dream again. For the numerous times he had seen it, it had never failed to give him the feeling of immense guilt. At first, he never knew why he felt that way. But after everything that happened, he had an idea why.

"Hate me...please. Hate me so much that you'd wish I never came to your life, that I never existed." These words echoed in his mind to make sure that he won't ever forget again. To make him remember of what he should've done but he didn't.

At that time, he never understood why Minako said that. Back then, it always confused him why she suddenly stabbed him in the back after gaining his trust and friendship. But at one point of his life, when it was already too late, it was finally clear to him. She needed him to sever their bond so that she could leave peacefully. But he never gave it to her at the right time, and now he can barely do anything to make things go back to the way they used to be. He could only watch as his friends fight their way and as they try to speculate the outcome of defeating every opponent on their way. He could only watch them fight without knowing what they would lose. Makoto felt his mood plummet further down as his thoughts grew more negative by the second. Self-loathing, regret, and shame made his shoulders heavier. I have to think of another solution for this, he thought. But when he tried, nothing successful came to mind. They all end up into one big failure where either the earth exploded like a bomb or disappeared like money in a wallet.

Makoto sighed again and decided to examine the fridge; his insatiable hunger has surfaced again. He was only a step further from the fridge when he felt something bumping his leg. He ignored it and opened the fridge. He felt it again. The blue-haired boy looked down and saw Koromaru excitedly wagging his tail. Makoto thought at first that the dog saw him, but then he dismissed it, thinking that it was just one of the tantalizing effects of the treasure box called refrigerator. He returned to the fridge. "What should I borrow?"

Koromaru barked. Makoto instantly flinched. He knelt and thought of what he should do to keep the dog silent. Once his knees reached the floor the dog pounced at him and barked again. "Koromaru, please be quiet!" he whispered desperately. He tried to get a hold on the dog when he realized something. "You can see me?" Koromaru licked him, as if answering his question. "No way..." He stroked the dog's head with an incredulous look on his face before embracing the dog. He pulled away and smiled.

"Paw," he said sticking his hand out. Koromaru place his paw on the Makoto's hand, making the boy grin wider. He ruffled the dog's head again. "Good boy!" Koromaru barked and barked, while Makoto chuckled goofily. For a moment the boy forgot about what time it was until he heard footsteps coming from the stairs. He quickly pondered whether he should hide or not, but before he could decide, the person was already walking their way.

"Koromaru-san?" It was Aigis. Koromaru turned towards the blonde maiden, tail still wagging. Makoto, on the other hand, stopped breathing as she came closer to where he and the dog were. When she was a few feet away from them, Makoto noticed that her eyes were wide.

Can she see me? he mentally asked with hope. He stood up and gulped. He took a deep breath and said, with slight desperation, "Aigis."

Aigis gasped. The blue-haired boy found himself grinning and running towards her. The android slowly paced closer as well. But when, Makoto stopped, Aigis slipped past through him. "Koromaru-san, how did you open the refrigerator?" Koromaru said something that made Aigis smile ruefully. "What are you saying? Makoto-san is not here."

Koromaru turned around, but there was nothing behind him except of an open fridge. The dog's ears drooped, and then he whined. Aigis crouched and stroked the dog's head. "You must have had a dream about him," she said gently. "...I miss him too." Aigis gave the dog one last pat before closing the fridge. "There is still four more hours before everyone wakes. Would you like to stay with me in my room, Koromaru-san?" The dog barked yes and they went upstairs, leaving Makoto standing there with a disheartened look on his face.

Makoto's shoulders drooped. He glanced at the fridge then turned away because he lost his appetite. The boy slowly strode to the window to view the moon. "What's happening to me?"

And then he disappeared.

Normal people - or normal persona-users - would say that the tower's entrance is eerily quiet. But Makoto knew otherwise. He heard overlapping voices of the past, each of them asking for something to be granted. "So this is what you hear every day," Makoto muttered, thinking of his auburn-haired friend. "No wonder you wanted those headphones so badly..."

Beside the stairs, further on its left side, is a small, brown, wooden door. He slowly turned the knob and went in the white room. When he closed the door, the voices ceased.

There was a tug on his sleeve. He turned around and smiled at the child he saw behind him. "Mako-chan," a child's voice said. "Why are you here?"

"I have nothing to do," he replied, walking away from the door. After the incident with Koromaru and Aigis, the boy decided to go far away from the dorm to relieve his slightly crushed heart. Though he hasn't sure if this would make him feel any better, he still went knowing there was someone there that he could talk to.

The girl followed him and pouted. "You're wasting time you know."

"No I'm not. Our friends are doing a good job with fixing things."

"I'm not talking about that." The girl, six-year-old Minako plopped down the floor. Once her back touched the cold surface, their surroundings changed to an open field under the night sky. "Cut ties with me as soon as possible," the girl said, sounding more mature than she looked. "And think of another way to fix things. I know you can do it."

"I can't just sever our bond," Makoto said. He lied down beside the girl and stared at the stars scattered on the sky. "I know you know that. If I did that, then you'll..." The boy found it hard to continue.

"Yeah that, and then there will still be some loose ends that you guys - well probably you - will have to fix." The girl raised her arms to emphasize, "A whole lot of loose ends." She let her hands fall to her chest. "But won't it be best that way? The tower will disappear and you won't have to worry about people losing their memories."

"It's hard to take you seriously when you're a kid."

The girl scoffed. "It's hard to talk to you when you aren't listening."

Makoto chuckled before rolling to his side, his back facing the girl. His smile fell. No words were said for a moment as the boy tried to imagine what it would be like if he took the girl's suggestion. Once he had enough, he broke the silence. "No matter how tempting it sounds, I won't do it. If I did, Aragaki and Ryoji will also have to leave you know. Do you really want to do that to them?"

"Of course I know that...but what's a little sacrifice for everyone's sake?" the child asked softly. "Forget about me and just do it."

"I can't."

"Yes you can. It only hurts now, but soon after you do it, you'll forget and you won't even remember what happened."

"...I still can't."

The girl groaned and got up. She glared at the teen beside her and threw herself at him, making the boy wince. "I can't...breathe."

"Eventually you'll have to do it you know," the girl snapped. She pulled away and sat with her legs outstretched, and her hands touching the ground behind her back. "Better do it now before something goes wrong, or before the other me decides to do things her way."

"I'll do it when the time is right. For now, please just live for me, okay? You, Ryoji, and Aragak, the three of you deserve another chance to live."

"So do you."

The two gazed until the wind lulled them to sleep. When Makoto woke up, he was lying on the white floor of the white room. The young Minako was gone and he wondered if she will ever come back.

"Teddie, what am I going to do?" Minako asked in misery. Her body was slumped over the cafe's table, her cheek touching the questionably-clean surface. "Golden Week is almost over and Ryoji and Shinji still won't talk to me."

"I'm beary hurt Mina-chan," the blond said in mock hurt. "We're finally on a date and you still insist of talking about those two dumb guys."

"Date?" The girl said, confused.

"Nevermind." He already expected that as her response. And he already knew it wasn't a date the moment he saw her wearing those boyish clothes. Still, it made Teddie elated to be out with his friend, he could only hope that he could hang out with them now. But he knew that he can't always be with them and vice versa. He knew that there are times that they simply need space from each other. "Just let them be," he said.

Their order came. Despite the chilly weather, the two both got chocolate milkshake to satisfy their stomach.

"For how long."

Teddie shrugged. "Beary long?" He took a sip as he waited for the girl to reply. He flinched when the girl started dragging her face all over the table. When she stopped, she grabbed her milkshake and sat like a normal person. Teddie stared at girl's red forehead as she sucked almost half of her milkshake.

"I hope they're fine."

"Don't worry, they're probably fine."

The two enjoyed their milkshake for the rest of the time. Minako did her best to not drink too much so she could savor the delectable sweetness of the chocolate. When hers was nearly empty, her phone rang.


"Minako," it was Elizabeth. "There is something we wish to discuss with you. Will you please come here immediately?"

"Okay, I'll be there." She hang up and glanced at Teddie. "I have somewhere to go. Do you mind if I leave first?" The boy nodded. Minako emptied her glass before getting up and waving goodbye to her friend.

"She didn't even say where she was going..." He finished his milkshake, and when he got out he caught a whiff of a familiar sent. He surveyed the mall and saw a woman with black, beautiful and silky hair. He ran too her and glomped her.


"Teddie! Ow, hey let go."

"How did this get here?" Minaoko asked Elizabeth. They were in the tower, and in front of them is a wooden door.

"After the defeat of the Emperor and the Empress, a strange power swirled within the tower. Now all that power is in this room. Along with it, I can sense him strongly behind this door."

"He's here," Minako whispered incredulously.

"Why don't we open this door and find out?"

"We might get attacked," the auburn-haired girl said.

"This door was recently opened and nothing life threatening occurred."

Minako stared at the gorgeous woman before turning to the door. Part of her was curious to see what's on the other side. And another is scared of what she might or might not see. But being afraid won't do me anything, she thought. She grabbed the knob and turned it. She was barely inside when her body froze and met the white floor.

"I'm dead…?"


"All of them...from Port Island...they were never my friends? Do they even now that I exist?"

"I'm sorry…"


"Wipe away all your memories to make the pain disappear. Erase that world so that it will never ever happen to you again."


"You know, I just remembered something…I can also make my own dreams come true."

"No, you can't. Minako, listen to me. Think carefully of what will happen if you grant your wish. I know you understand what I mean. Come on."

"Don't listen to him, it's his fault. He is the reason this whole thing started."

"Makoto...? It's his fault?"

"Minako, I know it's my fault, but please don't listen to him! You can't!"

"Can you shut up…It's my turn to make a wish now. And what I want is for everything to disappear."


"Don't worry, we can still fix this."

"Just let me go."

"She's waking up," Minako heard a voice say while she groaned. She squinted and let her eyes adjust to the bright light above her. When her eyes got used to the room's lighting she realized that she was inside the dorm and that Elizabeth was staring at her anxiously. "Are you alright?" the woman asked.

"What happened?"

"You suddenly lost consciousness so I carried you here." Elizabeth glanced around the lounge, and then looked back at the girl. "How are you feeling?"

Minako blinked, then she sat up and placed a hand on her forehead. "I've had this dream before. Turns out that I was actually remembering something..."

"Is it true?" Elizabeth asked. The auburn-haired girl nodded. The woman knelt and peered at the girl's face. Her eyes widened when she saw the usual light in those vibrant, crimson eyes was gone. "Minako?"

The doors burst open to reveal Aigis with Ryoji and Shinjiro in tow. "Minako-san," the blonde android said, "Are you alright?" Minako nodded.

Elizabeth tapped Aigis. The two moved away to talk, leaving the three alone.

"Where are the others?" Minako asked.

"They're at Hagakure," Ryoji said. He realized that it was the first time he said something to her after a while. "Yukiko-san came back from Inaba you see."


Shinjiro and Ryoji stood awkwardly in front of the dazed girl. They didn't know when she'll move and they didn't expect her to do anything at any moment; that is why it surprised them when the girl suddenly stood and hugged them. They have to bend down because her arms her on their shoulders.

"Hey you," Shinjiro began with mild irritation and embarrassment from the sudden physical contact. But the feeling subsided when he realized the girl was crying. "Hey..."

"I'm sorry you guys...I'll fix this. I promise." After crying for ten minutes, the girl fell asleep with her arms still on the two's shoulders. Aigis took the girl from them and carried Minako to her room.

Happy New Year guys! Sorry for the late update. I'm just undergoing some kind of a phase and I can't guarantee that I can update as frequently as before. Don't worry - if you are worrying - I'm not planning on leaving this.

Anyway thank you readers. And to Rittie, Megami Tensei Emperatriz, Asahar4, and SenpaiNoticedMeXD for the reviews. I'm sorry I can't respond.