"Ready for the next step?" Nick asked after a few minutes of waiting. Nick had been singing while he had prepared everything for the upcoming procedures. He had put the chair up again and Jeff was sitting on it, his legs hanging down in front of it, shaking rapidly.

"Don't know..." Jeff mumbled honestly. His voice was dull and shaky, he was pretty sure that his usually tanned face was white as snow.

Nick smiled. "You can do this, remember? You've had worse done. Just put your earphones in and you won't hear a thing. I'll be done fast, I promise. So just sit down, put the music on, and try to relax," He coaxed.

Jeff put his legs on the chair, looking straight at the ceiling. He tried imagining being somewhere else, but it didn't really help. He was still feeling incredibly nauseous and lightheaded.

"It's gonna be fine, love. Lean back," Nick said to Jeff whom obeyed. When the chair was reclined, Jeff felt close to getting sick. "Press play, you're not going to like the sound. Volume up!" Nick said with a smirk playing at his lips.

How could anyone enjoy this job?
Jeff pressed play and the voice of Tim McIlrath started singing in his ears loudly. Jeff was still looking at Nick, who had turned his head and was now preparing the hand piece. He made a gesture to show Jeff that he was supposed to open his mouth, Jeff's clenching teeth loosened up, and his lips moved apart. Nick shook his head, smiling and moved his hand towards Jeff's mouth. The situation was finally starting to dawn on Jeff and he flinched away. He then sat up.

Nick put on an unfortunate smile, pressed Jeff down gently and put back the drill, before he removed Jeff's headphones. "Baby, you were doing so well. My brave little Jeff, you can do this," Nick said, massaging Jeff's shoulder soothingly.

Jeff nodded. He just wanted to get this over with, but he didn't know if he was even in control of his body anymore.

"I think you should close your eyes, okay?" Nick said in a calm voice. "I can't have you fidgeting while I am working, so is it okay if I hold your head still for a second? I will still stop the moment you want me to, but I think that would make it all easier," Jeff nodded again. "That is very helpful, thank you. You can still place your hand here," Nick placed Jeff's hand back on his knee. "And you can squeeze it as hard as you want," Nick added and received a soft chuckle from Jeff.

"I am sorry, Nick. I don't know... This is making me so scared, sorry," Jeff said.

Nick put on a warm smile. "I know, Jeff. Don't feel sorry; you are scared, but you know that this is not going to be bad, don't you?"
Jeff nodded. "Okay, baby. Can we try again?" Nick asked and Jeff leaned back. He open his mouth again without being asked, after having put the earphones back in.
He felt the tight but gentle grip of Nick's warm hand on his chin; it wasn't bad. He closed his eyes shortly after he felt the vibrations of the drill in his mouth. He tried concentrating on the music, the words, the base. Soon he noticed Nick taking his hand off of his face and moving it to his hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze.

It was taking a while and at one point the music stopped. Jeff should have thought about that, the short EP was over. The earphones did do a great job when music was playing and Jeff didn't hear a thing; but when the music stopped, Jeff could hear everything. The high pitched noise made him remember everything he hated about this, it wasn't actually painful, but in his head the memory was so real; he was sure it hurt. He clenched his eyes tighter and Nick stopped immediately.

"Hey, hey, What's wrong, baby? Did I hurt you?" He asked. Jeff opened his eyes slowly, noticing that his cheek was wet. He shook his head.

"Sorry, it just..." Jeff's words were cut off by a sob. The moment he started talking the tears came just flooding out.

"Hey, everything's fine. I've stopped, you've got this," Nick coaxed.

With a little monitored breathing Jeff was able to control the tears. "Sorry, Nick,"

Nick smiled. "Stop apologising, baby. I told you, I stop if you need a break. What's wrong though, you weren't in pain, were you?"

Jeff shook his head, again. "No, Nick. It wasn't you fault. It's just... The music stopped playing and I could hear everything and... It brought back everything."

Nick kissed Jeff's forehead and hugged him afterwards. "I am so sorry, baby. Do you need some more time?"

Jeff bit his lip, before he reluctantly shook his head again. "No, I'm fine. I'll just putting my phone on shuffle now."

Nick grinned. "You are very brave, my dear. You are almost done anyway, I will fill everything in less than five minutes, okay?"

"Deal!" Jeff said, his tone not really fitting with the attempted bravery of his answer. Nick must have noticed the same thing because a smirk played at his lips.

Jeff leaned back again, put on music, and opened his mouth. He put the volume up to max now, and before the second song ended, he felt the vibration stop.

He opened his eyes again and saw Nick grinning at him; he paused the music.

"Almost done, baby. Keep your mouth open for me now. I am only going to dry it all out with this light, okay?"

I haven't even noticed the speed at which this story went over. It's only one more chapter... But I have a sequel all planned out, and there will be one or two more stories, too :D

This is so much fun, someone should have told me before I started this in my senior year, seriously :D