Hai! New Fanfic! Rejoice! If you haven't read the prologue, you probably should. It's not a necessity, but you might understand things better that way. It's on my account, just click on my name. It's called 'Who's that girl?'. Read it? Good. Prepare yourself! Let's begin! Oh hold on. Disclaimer. I don't own pokemon or its many amazing characters. If I did, Pokeshipping and Geekchicshipping would be canon.

Misty's POV

Misty wasn't sure whether or not the stain on the airplane seat was wet or not. It looked like grape juice, but its overpowering aroma said apple juice. Misty was quite disgusted. However, this WAS the seat she'd bought, and she'd have to sit on it if she was going to get to Kalos. Misty didn't want to touch it in case it was wet. Misty compromised by perching on the very edge of her seat. It goes without saying that it was an uncomfortable plane ride. Misty was very disgruntled when she got off the plane, but her first breath of Kalos air seemed to change that. It was full of flowers and rainbows and sunlit days and lazy afternoons on the beach and beautiful goodbyes and warm reunions. Misty stood at the top of the steps, just drinking it in. Without having to go into the rich history or the beautiful landscape, Misty understood why Kalos was called the region of love. The air itself inspired scenes from romance novels to unfold in real life. But Misty couldn't stand there breathing forever, she had a stupid-head to locate. She took a step down the ladder. Then another. Her first step on Kalos soil was all she could have hoped for. Misty let out a sigh of happiness. This was exactly what she'd needed without realizing she needed something.

"Hello," She said to the lady behind the information counter. "I'm from Kanto, so I don't know my way around. Is there a map or something?"

"Of course. Here is the Kalos tour map, with restaurant recommendations, Boutique locations, and information on the gyms." Misty grinned.

"Excellent." If she knew Ash, he'd go to the gyms and try to enter the Kalos league. And the one thing she knew for certain about Ash was his love of battles. So she was going to the first gym.

Clemont's POV

Serena was at it again. Flirting with Ash. Clemont kept telling himself he didn't care. But he did. As much as he didn't want to, he cared.

"So Ash, you want to do something together later?"

"Not now Serena. I'm going to give Hawlucha some special training. Maybe Bonnie wants to hang out." Serena pouted. How thick can you get? Clemont wondered. It was bleakly obvious that Serena had a crush on Ash. Bleak because that meant she'd never like Clemont. Bonnie was picking berries on a bush next to him. She looked like she was enjoying herself immensely.

"You want one Clemont?" She was so adorable. He couldn't resist the face of his little sister.

"Ah, sure."

"Have a Pecha berry!" She held it up to his face, her eyes peeking out from behind it. Clemont accepted it with a sigh.

"Oooh! Pretty!" Bonnie ran off into the field of flowers to help Serena make a daisy chain. Clemont sat down dejectedly and absentmindedly bit into the pecha berry. It exploded in his mouth. Fireworks. Like his stomach when he looked at Serena.

Ash's POV

"Okay Hawlucha! You haven't battled too many water types, so we're going FISHING!" Ash proclaimed. He grinned. He'd fished many times, but after the fight with Dawn, he learned to only fish with this particular lure when he was alone. Reaching into the inside pocket of his jacket, the one close to his heart, he pulled out the special lure. The Misty lure. Pikachu grinned happily.


"Hawlucha, this is a very special fishing lure, given to me by a good friend. It always brings me luck, so let's use it for training!" Ash scooped up a stick, and just like Misty taught him, fashioned a rod out of the environment. Grinning, with his two pokemon running at his side, Ash sprinted to the river.

"Ready Hawlucha?" Hawlucha nodded. "GO FISH!" Ash yelled casting his line. He was ready to train. With the Misty lure, it was almost like Misty was there again to help him train. May and Dawn were coordinators, so training with them was never about battling. Iris was a little better for that kind of thing, but she was anything but supportive. Serena… Liked pretty clothes. Bonnie and Max weren't helpful, but he couldn't blame them because they didn't have pokemon. Misty, Brock, Cilan, and Clemont were all reasonably helpful. But nobody pushed him as hard as Misty. He shook himself mentally. The likelihood was that he was never going to see her again. There was no point missing her. She was probably flourishing at the gym anyway. There was no point missing her! No point missing her. No point missing her. He kept repeating it in his head. And I don't! We're both happy. But deep inside Ash knew he'd be happier if Misty was traveling with him. He'd give anything to be hit by her mallet one more time. Little did he know that he soon would be.

Wahhh! It's so short, and very boring! I just wanted to give you guys something.