The next morning, Scar and Lex were returning to their home. I smiled and hugged Lex hard, our foreheads pressing into one another warmly.

"Travel well, my sister." I said to her. She gave a soft hum.

"Hunt freely, my sister." she answered, and I smiled happily at her. She then walked back towards Scar who was waiting for her at the entrance of the forest. Lex smiled up at him and took his hand, and I waved at them as they disappeared into the forest.

"You have been very quiet my sun god." I noted looking over my shoulder at Ra who was in his casual attire, his mask off. He looked down at me, his mandibles clicking.

"I have been thinking. Maybe it is good to not always be hunting. Maybe I can use this time...to spend every second with you." he replied, and I smiled and looked up at him.

"You will get bored. How about we spend our days traveling the world? You can hunt and bring home trophies. Then we can also explore the lands marking the world with our bodies." I purred wrapping my arms around him. He rested his arms a bit on my shoulders and pulled me in.

"If this is what you wish, then we must pack up and go tonight. I want to go to Africa and hunt who ever is worthy enough." he said happily, and I grinned.

"You just got done killing an evil yautja who wanted us dead. Don't you want to rest some?" I asked. He looked up in thought, his mandibles clicking in thought. He lifted me up in his arms and purred.

"Yes...let us...rest." he replied, and I laughed as he carried me inside, and we continued to live our lives in New York and travel the world as Ra hunted his prey.

2 years later

Pink plus is positive and blue minus is negative. I was pacing around the bathroom of our home in New York, my fingers ran through my hair slowly. I cramped badly, I missed two periods. I didn't go to see a doctor just yet. After ten seconds I looked at it. Pink. Plus. Positive. I inhaled slowly and looked up at the window of the city. Then there was a bright light, and soon nothing. I felt air hitting my face, and my brain was all fuzzy. I opened my eyes and saw white for a moment and then blue water. My head was spinning. I looked up and saw a white sheet. I looked around more with a light head, and then looked down to see nothing was beneath my feet, but the ground below was soon coming to me. I blinked a few seconds mumbling and groaning to myself.

Ra. Where was he? I did not see him and slowly I landed on the ground and I moaned softly and soon I began to hear and see clearly. I slowly sat up and looked around wondering what had just happened.

"Ra?" I asked, and got to answer. I was not familiar with this forest, and I had seen most. I looked around. "Ra!" My head began to whip around as panic began fill me slowly. No. No this was not true. Where was I? No I know where.

"No." I whispered. "RA!" my voice echoed through the air, and I knew what had happened. I knew, and I couldn't even begin to accept that I had grasped the truth... I was taken from Earth and placed on a yautja game preserve.

To be Continued.

Author's notes

Hey all thanks for sticking with me. Now it's time to throw Royce in the crew into the mix. I will update sometime in the week. Have a good day and evening!