Hello everyone! Welcome back to those who read the prequel (if you didn't, I strongly suggest you do if you want to keep up). Here's the first chapter of the sequel. Enjoy and and review! :)

Little reminder: splitter is a dangerous drug.

"So there's nothing we can do besides sit our asses in HQ?" Complained Hanji. "These guys have been doing a lot of damage since we took down Dok."

"There is nothing we can do, four eyes. The ones we catch are either so high they can't even form a complete sentence, or are already on stage 2." Said Levi.

"Splitter is a really nasty thing." Added Erwin. "And Sina's researchers aren't even close to getting a way to treat it."

"Those old government geysers are too slow!"

"Don't say that Hanji. They are the best in the country. But they have a strict procedure to apply when researching and it takes time." Continued the lawyer.

"Which is exactly why you should let me do my own research on it!"

"That is out of the question. Having you guys chase down the Titans is enough. Besides, you don't have the right material to study that drug, nor do you have a sample."

"But you could..."

"Hanji! No! Stop insisting. I know you're brilliant but we just can't take the risk. If it is discovered that the government is asking help from thugs, the Scouts will be in big trouble."

"Not to mention your career as a law doctor will be over." Said Levi, with a bored expression.

"Still, chief, can we really do nothing?" Asked Eld.

"Not really."

"You could let me take a look at Eren, Armin and Mikasa. The three of them have been exposed to splitter." Said Hanji.

"Not a chance, four-eyes." The Scout's leader snapped.

"But why?"

"First, it was damn long ago, it's not like you're gonna find traces of that shit anywhere in their systems. Second, there really is no need to bring up the past with them, especially Jaeger."

"You've got a point..."

Hanji, sighted loudly and let herself fall in her chair. Erwin got up. "Well, it's already late, I'm gonna have to go. But there is one more thing, I'd like to discuss with you. How about integrating Petra to the lieutenant circle?"

Hanji raised an eyebrow. Everyone turned to look at the short thug. Levi frowned and stared into space for a second before speaking. "I already gave her plenty of responsibility and I don't need another lieutenant. Hanji, Eld, Gunther, Oluo and Mike are just what I need. Why the sudden interest in the ex-commander's daughter?"

"She seems to be quite a formidable member, why do you reject her? I thought you were one to reward the worthy ones."

"That's Scout's business Erwin, don't put your nose everywhere."

"Don't be angry, it was just an innocent observation. Well then, I'll be taking my leave now. Gentlemen." He said as he got up and put his coat on.

"Tch. You don't have to be so damn formal you know, this is Maria. Why do you feel the need to be so polite?"

"Because you never are, and I was raised that way. Hanji, everyone." He saluted once more before leaving."

"Damn him." Growled the annoyed thug. "You guys are dismissed."

The second (Mike), third (Eld), fourth (Gunther) and fifth (Oluo) lieutenants of the Scouts left without adding anything. However Hanji stayed in her seat. She stared at her chief with a funny smirk on her face. Levi frowned more. "What?" He snapped.

"I was just thinking, you're more aggressive than usual when it comes to our little miss Ral."

"What are you getting at?"

"I can't decide. Are you keeping her from being promoted because she wouldn't have enough time for you, or do you just want to keep her away from trouble?" She snickered.

"Non of the above four-eyes, she's too immature to be given such a big responsibility."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She can't follow a single order she disagrees with."

"Yet you let her handle the combat training..."

"In that domain, she's the best. That's why."

"You like her don't you, shorty?"

"Irrelevant to our current problem."

"There have been some rumors going around you know..."

"Do you really listen to everything the brats say around here?"

"Do I have a reason not to?"

"Just listening to what they say about you, would make all of Maria believe that we do human experimentation here." He got up and started walking out.

"Wait, what? What are the rumors about me?! Come on tell me!"

"I already told you, I don't listen."

"Now you're just being mean!" Hanji ran after her chief.

Petra's POV.

I quickly grabbed her arm and kicked her in the ankles so she would fall. My best friend crashed on the blue mat of the training room. "Not bad Kris, you're getting better and better every day. But you're still too hesitant to put your full strength into your punches."

I offered her a hand and helped her up. My best friend was covered in bruises. She'd made me promise not to go easy on her. She grunted quietly and then raised her head, smiling. "I'll keep practicing... Thank you for not going easy on me."

"Still, you didn't have to go that far, Sparky." Said Connie. "You ruined angel's cute face."

"I told you to stop calling me Sparky, you bald shrimp." I snapped. "I can put you in the hospital for a week if you want. By the way, your combat skills are more limited than Krista's. Same goes for you Sasha."

"That's favoritism!"

"Unlike you Krista's making real progress. Now stop goofing around and find a suitable partner. Thomas, practice with Sasha."

"Okay." Replied the cheerful blonde.

"Connie, go with Mikasa."

"Do you want my death?"

"I'll kill you right now if you don't listen."

"Geez, you sound more and more like the chief."


"Uhh. Sorry, sorry! I'm going."

'Geez! These guys give me such a headache. Why on earth did Levi put me in charge of training? They're like rebellious teens. Well they ARE rebellious teens. Although, I'm a teen too, I feel like there is a huge difference between us. I guess this is what it feels like when you're someone with experience. It makes me feel old. Damn you Levi.' I chuckled.


I turned around. Connie was on the floor with a bloody nose. Mikasa was standing in front of him, with her usual pokerface. I thought that was pretty violent for her. Usually she would simply send them to the floor and quickly move on to her next opponent. But in this moment she looked like she was lost in her thoughts. I was about to go to Connie and ask if he was alright, but...


"What, can't take it? Are you afraid of being punched by a girl?"

"WHY YOU..."

Connie jumped on his feet and ran to her, trying to punch her face. With a swift move, Mikasa dodged him, grabbed his arm and twisted it in his back. But she didn't stop there. She kicked him in the stomach, so hard that his breathing got cut off. He fell on the mat grunting. Mikasa then kept twisting his arm harder and harder. "What's the matter, is that all you can take?"

He voice was the same as ever but she was so different. Connie started to grunt out of pure pain. I ran to them and sent my foot flying in the asian girl's face. She let go off him and fell back. "Connie are you alright?"

"AAH, that hurts like hell! I think it's dislocated." He growled.

"Sasha, Thomas, take him to Hanji." I ordered before turning towards Mikasa. "What the heck was that?"

"Do you want some too?"

What the hell was going on? She absolutely wanted to fight. It wasn't like her to provoke her opponents like that. Or hurt her friends. That was too unusual. Could it be that she was trying to take her mind off something? If she was, then it could only mean one thing. 'First things first. I need to calm her down.'

I knew she wouldn't budge, so I didn't waist time and attacked her directly. She was the best among them, but she was still a long way from beating me. But as I was getting closer I realized something. I stopped, my fist half an inch away from her face. "Why aren't you dodging?"

She didn't answer. She just waited for me to do something. I lowered my fist. I turned to face everyone else. "We're done for the day, you guys can do whatever you want."

All the scouts started leaving chatting quietly. Krista came to me and whispered. "What's wrong with Mikasa? You think she's alright?"

"I might have an idea. Can you go make sure Connie's okay?"

"Yeah, of course."

My small best friend walked out of the room. I approached Mikasa once more. She was sitting on the floor against the wall with a towel over her head and holding an open water bottle in one hand. It was leaking, and she was lost in her thoughts again. I stood in front of her, looking down. "What was that all about?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry. Please don't report this to the chief."

Straightforward, blunt and emotionless. Just like her. It pissed me off, so I decided to blackmail her. "I will if you don't tell me what's going on with you."

She got up and started walking away. Before she could leave I shouted. "Something's wrong with Eren, am I wrong?"

She froze. I continued. "I know he's been sick for a few days now. Is it getting worst by any chance?"

"He's fine. Please mind your own business."

"It is my business. Either you tell me or I tell everything to the chief."

'Just when did I become so Levi-like? ' I once more mentally cursed the leader.

"...I think he'll be sick for another day or so..." Stated Mikasa.

"Did Hanji take a look at him?"

"Yes. May I be excused? I need to go see him."


"Thank you."

I knew Mikasa was overprotective of Eren, so it was natural for her to act like that. But I felt like something was off. 'Ah, maybe I'm just tired after all this training.' I stretched my whole body up and yawned loudly.

"Well that was unladylike." Said a deep voice behind me.

I turned around. "Well excuse me. If you didn't want to see that, you shouldn't have named me official trainer."

"Watch your mouth. You're still not good enough to be cocky with me."

"We haven't fought in a while. I might have improved."

"Care to give it a try?"

One minute and thirty seconds later, Levi threw me over his shoulder and I landed flat on my back on the mat. "Well that was embarrassing." I stated.

"No more than usual brat. You're distracted. What's wrong?"

"I've only been instructor for a week, give me a break. I don't have the kind of authority you have. I have to deal with back talking rebellious teenagers. It's driving me nuts."

"Don't they remind you of someone?" He declared as he helped me up. "I have in my acquaintances a certain brat who can't seem to shut her mouth or obey orders when she disagrees with them."

"Oh come on, I followed every damn order you gave me since the Dok affair."

"Tch. We'll see how long that will last."

"Did you have anything in particular you wanted?"

"Do I need a reason to see my girlfriend?" He simply stated.

I blushed at the sudden declaration. I remembered we had confessed our feelings for each other, sort of. I didn't think he'd be so blunt about it.' He noticed and got closer to me.

"You're embarrassed." He stated.

"Sorry, I'm still not use to it. Besides I'm not really your girlfriend, we're not dating. And you said that even if you like me you wouldn't act differently with me."

"I wasn't asking for an explanation."

He was one step away from me. I was tempted to move away but I didn't budge. This kind of situation made me feel very uncomfortable. On one hand, he still scared the hell out of me yet he could be gentle. I guess I would be less freaked out if he would feel a bit more like me. Maybe he was, but no matter how he felt, Levi always had the same face. He grabbed a lock of my hair and pulled on it a bit and said. "Aside from our awkward relationship, is anything else bothering you?"

"Don't say it like that! And yes, I'm worried about Mikasa."

"I'm waiting for your report, Ral."

"She's been too distracted since Eren got sick."

"You're worried about our homicidal maniac? Four-eyes said he only had a little fever. That's not gonna keep him in bed long. His hate for Titans is as strong as ever. She said he should be able to start working again tomorrow."

"That's good. What the job?"

"We got some information about a possible hide out for splitter. You're going too."

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm in charge?"

"You wish. You're going with Eld's team. And I actually have a special assignment for you. You're going to watch shifter boy for me."

"So you are worried about him?"

"The brat's not bad but he can easily loose it when it comes to Titans. Since Mikasa's going to be on an other assignment, you're the babysitter this time."

"What is it with you calling us brats all the time?" I rolled my eyes.

"You are brats to me."

"How old are you, old geezer?" I laughed.

"Twenty five."

I stopped and stared. 'Wow. I didn't realize he was that old. Then again, this guy has an ageless face.' Every time I got this kind of banal information from him, I could feel the distance between us. It was weird that I could be attracted to such a mystery.

"Doesn't it bother you that I'm eight years older than you?" He asked.

"Not really. My parents were eleven years apart. They still hold the record."

"Good to know. You should go rest, it's already late."

"I have to walk Krista back to her place first."

I didn't move wondering what I should do. Levi was tough to read. He let go off my hair and said. "Be careful."

He started walking away, as if he understood my uneasiness. But he stopped midway and turned his head back. "Before you do anything else, take a shower. You stink of sweat."

That was it. I took my wet towel off my shoulder, quickly folded it in a ball and threw it as hard as I could at him. It landed right on his head. Before, Mr clean-freak could react and kill me, I ran out the back door, laughing as hard as I could.

Before going to sleep, I thought of the next day's mission. "Fighting Titans and babysitting Eren? Why not? They say women are good at multitasking."