A/N: Kreacher eats a doughnut for the first time. slightly Crack!fic. I do not own Harry Potter.
Submission for:
Musical Chairs - Revolving Prompts [A Daily Speed-writing Competition]: Kreacher encounters a sprinkle donut for the first time
New Years Millionaire Fanfiction Resolutions & Goals Competition!: Humor
JANUARY Fanfiction Scavenger Hunt: Crack!fic
Kreacher muttered to himself as he moved through the elf-passages hidden in the walls of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Those blood-traitors were planning something special tonight for that Potter boy and Kreacher wanted no part of this. He longed for a time when his mistress would hold grand galas in the parlour room and he oversaw the preparations, not the filth that had taken over his mistress' home.
He was walking through the one of the dining room walls when he heard voices on the other side. He paused, pressing his ear up against the rotted wood.
"Can't I just have one?" a male's voice asked before Kreacher heard a soft slapping sound.
"No, Ron. These are for the party later," a female said, the Muggleborn, of course. Kreacher would recognize her voice anywhere. That meant her companion must be the Weasley.
He grumbled as their footsteps walked to the centre of the room and they exited the room together.
Kreacher pushed through the secret door to his right and stepped into the dining room, wondering what the Muggleborn was denying the Weasley. He stepped up to the table to see a tray of colourful food, puffy doughy circles covered in melted sugar and little white squares. House-elves never usually ate sweet foods, preferring stale bread and fruit (what their masters usually fed them), but Kreacher always wondered what sugar would taste like.
Kreacher looked beyond the opening of the room to the foyer to see if the Muggleborn and Weasley were coming back, but the house seemed empty once more. He had to act quickly.
He snatched one of the colourful circles and smelled it. It was definitely sweet, the surface of it slightly sticky and melting from the warmth of his hands. Deeming it edible and not poisoned by the Muggleborn, Kreacher took a small bite.
Kreacher's eyes widened from the immediate sugar rush. All his senses were heightened as his heart sped up and the hairs on his arms stood on end. The sunlight coming through the partly opened window seemed brighter, bathing the room in a slightly pink glow. This was amazing.
He looked back to the tray of doughy circles. He had to have them all. He grabbed the tray and ducked back through the elf-door in the wall.
Just as it closed, he heard the footsteps returning, halting him in his steps. Had the Muggleborn and Weasley spotted him? He waited for any sounds or screams.
There was a muffled gasp before a hard slap. "Hermione!" the Weasley complained.
"You couldn't leave the doughnuts alone, could you, Ron!" the Muggleborn screamed.
"I was with you the entire time. It wasn't me," the Weasley said.
"Then who took them all?"
Kreacher looked back to the doughy circle in his hands. "Precious," he murmured before taking another bite and carrying the tray back to his cot.