Standard Fanfic Disclaimer that wouldn't last ten seconds in a court of law: based on characters and situations from Linda Woolverton, Charles Perrault, Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, Walt Disney, etc. Some dialogue by Linda Woolverton, taken from the movie. No attempt at intellectual theft or copyright violation. This is an amateur work of fan fiction, done to improve my typing speed and amuse my readers. No profit has been made nor is likely to be made from this bit of scribblement. This story is debuting as 'netfic, and has not been previously published in any fanzine or APA, although it did see the light of day at AO3 before coming to FanFiction-dot-net.
Be My Wings
by Susan M. M.
Diaval had seen her before, the beautiful fairy princess with the dark wings and the two black horns. He was a raven. Ravens flew everywhere; ravens saw everything. He had seen her soar through the skies. He had seen her at the borders of the Moors, holding off the human king's soldiers. It was disappointing when she did that, for dead soldiers made delicious carrion. Still, she was comely, for one of the Fair Folk.
He was surprised when he saw her in the ruins of the abandoned castle. He wasn't even sure it was her at first. She was female, with two black horns on her head, but she had no wings. He landed on the castle wall to take a look at her, trying to determine whether or not it was Maleficent. Humanoids tended to all look alike to a bird's eyes. She saw him looking at her, and shoo'd him off, using a pinch of eldritch energy to enforce her wishes.
The next time Diaval saw Maleficent, both of their lives changed forever.