
After a depressing farewell with Yu in the station, the whole team split comeback to their activity with a sad face in their face. However, despite their sadness, they were glad that they can bid their dear friend farewell with no mysteries left whatsoever. Yosuke is going to Junes to be a wage slave today as well, accompanied by Kuma. While he was working, his cell rang. It was from Chie.

"Yo Chie.. What's up?" Yosuke answered.
"Are you free to talk right now?" Chie asked.
"'fraid not, I'm still at work right now" Yosuke explained.
"Oh.. Okay," Chie said.
"Hmm.. How about the break hour? You can come here if you really want to talk," Yosuke suggested.
"Okay.. But you better buy me steak," Chie said.
"What?! Anyway.. I'll talk to you later," Yosuke said while he hung up the phone.


Yosuke spot Chie sitting in the usual spot where The Investigation Team used to gathered discussing the murder case. He immediately approach her after order a grilled steak.

"Here you go! So what's you want to talk about?" Yosuke asked as he hand a steak to Chie and put his apron on the table.
"Wow, I don't expect it. I should come here more often," Chie seems pleased.
"Hey hey.. Don't get your hopes up or anything, it's just for that time you help me on Halloween, it just occurred to me that I haven't pay you back for that," Yosuke tried to explain.
"Oh.. That.. I already forget about that," Chie said while eating her steak.
"Oh.. Good.. However since then, it's been pretty busy in the department I work in, I overworked just because I was the store manager's son and on top of that tons of people asked me for granted. I used to think no one thinking about me," Yosuke seems complaining.
"But that's not how I feel now, hanging out with you and the others help me realize that one constant thing in my life is people relying on me, and when I'm doing things for other people, it helps me try harder," Yosuke said with a happy face.
Chie put a little smile on her face. She was happy that she can help Yosuke to be a more mature person that he used to be.
"Hey Yosuke.. There's something I want you to hear.. I was so nervous that I haven't even tell Yukiko and my parents," Chie said.
"Yeah? and what is that?" Yosuke wondered.
"I want to become a police officer! Because of you and the others, I really like this town now. I didn't hate it before but it didn't really mean anything to me. Now though, all my friends and family here, you, Yukiko, mom, and the others are here. So, I thought I'd become a strong cop and protect those who matters most to me, especially you" Chie tried to explained while blushing.

Yosuke shocked to hear what Chie has said. But the mood is right, so Yosuke just said the first thing that come to his mind.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Huh...?!" Chie froze the for a moment.
"Ummm... Okay... You sure? This is me we're talking about," Chie said as she still doesn't believe what's happening.
"Of course I'm being serious you idiot!" Yosuke yelled out of panic.
"Hey don't call me idiot, idiot!" Chie yelled back.
"See? Is that how a cop supposed to talk?!" Yosuke yelled.

Before they know it, they already in each other throat for quite a time, just like they usually do. But thanks to it, it manages to lift the tension they had between them earlier.

"Okay okay.. Allright.. I should really get back to work now," Yosuke said as he wearing back his apron.
"Hey Yosuke, it must be really hard for you that Yu is not here anymore huh?" Chie looked worried.
"Meh.. It's sad, yeah, but it's not like we never gonna see him again. Beside, we can't rely on him forever you know? Alright see you later" Yosuke winked as he stand and get back to be a wage slave.
"Yeah.. I guess you're right," said Chie.

Chie can't help but smile when he sees Yosuke going away from her, he seems to be more enjoying what he does now. After a few moments she then realized what just happened earlier before the yelling started. Her face suddenly as red as a fresh harvested tomato. She go out of the food court in a hurry, leaving her new boyfriend behind in there.