What a place to give birth ...

at that moment Japan and America where settled on the floor of the cave Japan panting heavily hands grasping at his severly swollen middle as it contracted and the life inside it kicked in fear of the pressure around it

America was settled between his legs his trademark jacket was off and laying nearbye to settle there baby in

they had not expected the birth this soon...they had been walking when Japans water broke but just as his water broke so did the clouds pouring down freezing cold rain onto them luckily there was a cave near bye for them to settle down in so Japan and the baby would not get sick America hoped

America woulden't admit it but he was freaked out all the water and blood coming out of his lover was a frightning site that no ghost movie could match

he held Japans hands letting him squeeze the life out of them America hated to think that Japans pain was only just beginning ...he learned about all this up close and personal years ago before but thats for another time

soon enough the asian nation began pushing trying to get the life his body had nurtured and helped grow for 9 months

America encouraged him happily saying he could see the head and with a couple more strong pushes the infant came free

Japan layed like a corpse on the floor feeling gutted and empty panting from the strain till the cries of the baby reached his ears

finding the strength to sit up he looked as his lover held the infant towards him wrapped warmly in his bomber jacket

Japan reached out shakey hands and took the bundle and counted 10 fingers and 10 toes on the babe

the baby which was a girl had black hair like japan and was petite and tiny like her mother also but had bright sapphire blue eyes like her father

little Heiki was here...