Hiro fell flat on his bed after a long day of school and patrolling the city.
"I am satisfied with my care." Hiro said wearily prompting his inflatable partner and friend, Baymax to power down like always.
As Baymax deflated into his charging dock, Hiro tried to do the same and get some rest. But he was soon awoken by a flashing light on his dual monitors. He approached his half asleep sat in his desk chair and shook his computer mouse to wake up the monitors. it was an email, from GoGo.
"Hey runt. Tomorrow after class we're talking. Got it?"
That was it. Straight to the point as always. The cool and stern GoGo. Hiro admired her a lot, not only for brains and strength but also for her beauty. He'd never tell her that though. Hiro's eyes were getting heavy, his bed allured him and attempted to sleep again. Bzzt Bzzt.
"What now?" Hiro said disgruntled "A text? From Honey?"
"Hey hey Hirooo! Hope you aren't asleep yet! XD I was thinking that we should talk tomoz. K? XOXOXO Night night!"
"so obnoxious, but thats her catch i guess. First GoGo and now Honey… I'll leave it be for now and see whats up tomorrow." he thought to himself
"A-an experiment?" Hiro stuttered
"Oh i'm sorry. Did it sound like I stuttered?" GoGo said in her usual attitude
GoGo and Hiro both had a free period and Hiro decided that he should talk to GoGo first since it was convinent
"N-no nothing like that but i don't think i fully comprehend whats going on…"
"Look. My dad keeps asking me why i'm not in a relationship and-" GoGo paused to blow her gum up
GoGo popped her gum and turned her back to hire
"And I have no idea what it means to be in a relationship." she said embarrassed
"Hehehe so it was something like that huh?" Hiro laughed
"Are you mocking me?" GoGo growled quickly reverting to her usual self
"Aha of course not!" Hiro said freightend
"So thats that." GoGo sighed crossing her arms "I want you to practice with me…"
"Alright I guess it can't be helped." Hiro said rubbing his bushy black hair
Hiro acted reluctant but secretly he was totally into the idea of dating GoGo, even if it was only pretend. For the sake of his dignity he hid his true feelings.
"Good. Tomorrow. After patrol, we start." GoGo parted with those words and didn't give Hiro the chance to respond.
Inside Hiro's mind, he was fist bumping himself not stop.
It was now Honey's turn to converse with Hiro so he headed over to the Nerd Lab, where Honey spend most of her time.
"Theres my Hiro!" Honey shouted enthusiastically "haha get it?"
"Hey Honey Lemon." Hiro said as he walked through the sliding doors "Yes yes i get it… So you didn't call me all this way to make bad puns did you?"
"Don't be silly, I wouldn't bring you here to tell you bad puns." she laughed "I asked you here because I have ask you a favour."
"And that is?" he asked curiously
Honey reached into her purse and pulled out what appeared to be a thin book.
"Flip through this if you please."
She handed the thin book to Hiro and he did as she asked.
"This is our comic book, "Big Hero 6", that is published by that famous company ran by Fred's dad. Is there something new I'm so supposed to gather from this?" he said unamused
"Look at my character, don't you see any contrast between me and the me in the comic?"
Hiro looked at the comic then to Honey then back to the comic then back to Honey until he figured it out.
"Oh! She has bigger bo- er uh a bigger chest then you." he said reservedly
"YES! That's exactly my problem." Honey cried in agony
"Your problem is that a fictitious version of you is well endowed?" Hiro asked puzzled
She nodded her head
"Uh huh! What if our fans end up liking the fake version of me more because of that?" she asked back concerned
"I don't thin-"
"Help me grow a chest that i can puff out with pride!" Honey said cutting Hiro off
"WHAT?" Hiro shouted recoiling in surprise
"Hey hey keep it down." Honey whispered "It's not a big deal, i just want to be able to stay true to the comic."
"I can think of about ten different things that is wrong with your motive."
"So you won't help me?" Honey said frowning
Hiro appeared to be thinking over the proposal but in his mind, he'd already made up his mind.
"Hmmm i don't know how much help I'll be but i'll do what i can. I'll consult with Baymax if you'd like." Hiro acting reluctant again
"No no you can't tell anyone about this not even your aunt not Baymax not even your cat!" Honey demanded
This startled Hiro quite a bit. Honey had never been this uptight before. Which made the matter more serious.
"Ok Honey, I swear i won't tell anyone." Hiro said firmly
"Excellent" Honey switched back to her happy demeanour "Contact me if anything comes up and vice versa."
"Baymax, when did my life turn into such a mess?" Hiro asked rhetorically
Baymax looked up then down.
"I fail to see what you mean, perhaps you are referring to "puberty". It is common for boys going through "puberty" to have messy rooms most commonly littered with tissues containing the clear fluid known as semen and obscene magazines." Baymax explained
"Just what the hell did Tadashi program you with? Its not like that, ah forget it. My mistake, sometimes i forget that you're a robot…"
Baymax tilted his head in confusion.
"Are you not satisfied with your care? My sensors indicate that your heart rate is slightly faster then normal. This could indicate anger. Are you angry with me?" Baymax asked
"Don't be ridiculous." Hiro sat up in his bed "My hearts probably beating faster because I'm excited. I am very satisfied with the care you give me."
Baymax powered off.