"Surrender the Padawan or prepare to fight!"

Kanan rolled his eyes, and shot blasts at the Imperial freighter before him, rolling in the air to avoid retaliation.

Aboard said freighter, Kallus grumbled and growled as he barked orders to the pilots.

"After them! Shoot them down if you must! We must retrieve the Jedi!"

On board the shuttle known as the Phantom, Kanan focused on dodging blasts.

The shuttle shook as blast ricochet off the side, and the occupants jostled in their seats.

Sabine gave a frustrated sigh and reached for her comm to contact Hera.

"An Imperial freighter intercepted us. We could use your help."

"On my way. I'll be there in a minute."

When the com went out Zeb gave a grumble, "With Kanan flying, It'd be a miracle if we're still in the air in a minute."

Kanan grumbled in his seat and gave a strained yell over his shoulder.

"Hey, c'mon guys. Have faith in me!"

Just then more shots rattled the shuttle and the crew cursed.

Ezra looked down at Chopper by is side and raised an eyebrow.

"I know that wasn't a nice comment about Kanan."

Chopper droned in response again.

Many shots later, the crew drew a sigh at the sight of the Ghost flying towards them.

The com rang on and the crew listened.

"Looks like you guys managed to get yourselves in a tight situation. I'm going to have to distract as much of the Imperial as I can, while you fly back in and attack the main ship. Once that's been done, you'll attach and we'll get outta here!"

Kanan agreed and watched as Hera swooped in and Imperial began to give chase.

As the TIEs left, Kanan flew back and began shooting at the Imperial ship with Agent Kallus aboard.

Seeing it back off with smoke billowing form it's exterior, Kanan escaped to the skies for Hera.

After successfully getting away form the Imperials with their lives and the stolen supplies, the rebels parked themselves in a hidden place on the planet.

Ezra stood on top the beaten roof of the Phantom and gave a sigh.

He'd been given the task of repairing the ship with Chopper's help, and from the looks of the damage, Ezra and Chopper would be best friends by the end of it. This assumption could not be further from the truth...

"Chopper can you hand me that wrench?" The little droid droned and tossed the whole tool box in Ezra's general direction.

A few thuds and clangs were sounded, followed by a line of curses. "Chopper!"

Turning from his welding, Chopper zoomed his optics to capture Ezra rubbing his forehead and shoulder. Tools sprawled out around the boy like he'd just beaten open a piƱata of equipment. Storing this image in his memory, Chopper chortled. "Hahah didn't know which wrench you needed! Might as well give you all of them so you won't whine about it later!"

Picking up parts of the comment, Ezra grumbled and continued his work of reattaching a plate on the exterior of the Phantom.

Silence engulfed the two as the worked. Quiet chirps, soft clangs, and the sizzle of welding emitted in the air 'til the sun set and Hera called out to them.

"C'mon guys! It's about time for dinner!"

Looking between each other, Ezra and Chopper nodded and slid of the side of the shuttle.

Entering the Ghost, Ezra scowled.

Looking down at Chopper again, he shook his head, giving a few whistles.

And together they both came to a conclusion simultaneously.

"Tonight's Kanan's cooking..."

Well there's the action for this chapter~ xD I felt I needed to include more Ezra and Chopper, so they share a few moments on repairing the Phantom. And to end it on a funnier note, Kanan's cooking is the Empire's (and everyone else's) worst nightmare...

So thanks for reading, and stay tuned! I'm back in business and I'll try to get the next chapter asap!~