disclaimer: i don't own eyeshield 21 or kuroko no basuke
title: Masaka
summary: Agon meets Aomine.
dedication: bloopdewhoopy (i don't even know what that means forgive me)
notes: i can't even know what writing who is why did i WHY DID AGON HAVE TO DO THAT AOMINE'S GUNNA KILL HIM NO MATTER HOW AGON'S GOOD AT TACKLING
"The only one who can defeat me is me!"
"Who do you think you are, trash?"
"Who're you calling trash?!"
"You, trash."
The sound of fighting could be heard one early morning at the sports stadium. One special feature about this particular dome was that they could switch out fields. The grass was all synthetic and was easily replaced with hard painted basketball court. However, fate had unfortunately brought these two individuals to meet as one's basketball match ended and the other's football match was nearly beginning.
The locker rooms were empty sides the two of them, and if anyone else were in it, the air would begin to feel almost stiflingly electric.
With a growl, Aomine shot at Agon with near light speed, but Agon merely stepped aside with a bored look on his face.
"Like I said, trash," he sneered. "People who are born without talent shouldn't even try."
Smirking, all the blue haired basketball player did was suddenly change his footwork and wrap his long arms around Agon's side, completing a intricate web of stepping that was one of his signature moves that he commonly executed to pass Kagami. "Who's trash now, loser?"
Agon's eyes widened at Aomine's natural lightning-fast movements. 'His reactions are fast, if not faster than mine,' he thought, as loathe as he was to admit it. It seemed like he would have to pull some of those defensive moves out of his invisible top hat. Without blinking, he twisted around and slammed Aomine to the floor in what would be called a sky-high or blue sky in football.
"Shit," Aomine cursed. "Masaka..."
Agon stared at him in contempt, eyes flaring behind the glasses. "You aren't even worth my time, weakling," he scoffed, then sat on the tanned basketball player.
"Shut up, fucking dreads," Aomine responded.
"You sound just like that other trash."
Without warning, the door slammed open. "Aomine!" Momoi cried out. "We're leaving. Hurry-" Her mouth fell open.
"Sure, sure, I'll be out as soon as this heavy asshole gets off me," Aomine replied. Seeing as she wasn't leaving, he sighed. "You're gonna catch flies, Satsuki."
"-up, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you two," she finished, then slammed the door.
In a flash, Agon was gone and out the door after her.
"Hey!" Aomine yelled. "We're not done yet! The only one who can defeat me is me!"
But he was met only with silence, until he heard Agon's voice strike up from the other side of the door. He leaned in closer, eager to see the results of his challenge.
"Hey, cutie, you've got a nice rack. Wanna go to the movies later, let's say, after this game of mine?"
Oh fuck no, he wasn't going to hit on Satsuki and get away with this. With a roar, Aomine charged out of the room.
"You bastard!"
what even