Tim rubbed his legs. He could feel them a little bit. It was almost as if they were in a deep sleep and refusing to wake up. Two times he pinched his legs but nothing happened. Sighing, he sat back before wheeling himself over to the door.

He could tell that he wasn't used to rolling a wheelchair. Going up to the door, he opened it slowly, peeking out before looking back and forth. There was no one in the hallway. Opening the door all the way, Tim moved out of the room, closing the door again carefully. It was a little harder to roll down the carpeted hall and Tim looked down.

There were no imprints of wheelchair patterns or any sign that a wheelchair even went up or down the hallway. That was something he filed away for a later time. When Tim made it to the stairs, he looked around and saw maids and a few butlers roaming around doing chores. An odd sight. Looking over at the elevator lift that was added to the stairs, it looked new.

Going to it, Tim thought about turning it on when a hand fell on his shoulder. Freezing up, Tim looked up to see Jason standing over him. Jason was smiling at him. Quickly, Tim searched for any signs of his brother, Jason Todd. However, those eyes were blue and not tinted with the Lazarus Pit's water. There were no white bangs and no hardened look.

"You need help?"

"Yes," Tim said calmly before looking back at the elevator lift. "I want to go downstairs for a while."

"Let's go down together." Jason reached over, pressing the button so it opened. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." Tim was tense when Jason wheeled him in and stood next to him. "Where are you heading?"

"I just wanted to go around the house is all." Tim put a reassuring smile on. "So, you want to be a priest?"

"Yes. Dad said we'll talk about it more before a decision is made."

Nodding, Tim took a deep breath as the ding from the elevator was heard. Jason wheeled him out and Tim had expected him to just put him somewhere and leave until he noticed that Jason was going to be pushing him around.

"There's an activity at the church tonight. Want to come?" Jason's voice was light and happy. "I promise you'll have fun. We're going to hear form the bishop and then tomorrow we're going to make food boxes for the poor. Maybe you want to come and help?"

"Maybe," Tim said, looking around at everything when he jolted as a hand patted his head.

"You're really jumpy, Tim," Jason said, his voice faltering just a bit. "Is something bothering you?"

"No, I'm fine," Tim assured. "So, what time is dinner?"

"At seven."

"Um, Jason, I think I want to be alone for a little while, so why don't you go and read the bible for a little while?"

"Are you sure? Do you want to at least watch TV or something?"

"No, it's fine." Tim smiled. "I'll just roam around."

"Alright, I guess." Stepping back, Jason waved at him. "See you at dinner."

Nodding, Tim waited until he was gone before looking around. He could see the office where they had the entrance to the cave. A few minutes passed before he rolled into the study. Going up to the clock, he opened the glass and reached for the little finger scanner and pulled on the cable chain and waited for the slight click.

It didn't click.

Blinking, Tim tried it again, hoping that it had just glitched. A few more times and still nothing happened. Frowning, Tim moved back a little, feeling the sides of the clock before he paused, feeling a slight space. Pushing the clock a little, he tried to see the entrance. Just a little more and it should open.

Suddenly the clock snagged on the carpet. Before Tim could even try to get a better grip on it, the clock crashed to the ground, letting out a loud crashing sound, and the floor shook with the impact for a few seconds.

Pausing, Tim quickly realized he had a few minutes before someone came. Looking up, Tim found he was looking at the cave entrance and froze, his mind jolting to a stop. Where the entrance should have been was just the wall. It was the same color as the rest with no fading or even lightening of the color. Reaching out, Tim felt for the edges that had to be there.

Except they weren't.

"Impossible," Tim whispered.

The door banged open with a few maids and a butler rushing in, asking what happened. Tim stayed silent as he was quickly taken away and the servants started to clean up. As they did, he heard the maids whispering about something happening again.

Just as he was taken into the main entrance he saw Damian coming down the stairs. "There you are. Father's away on business and won't return for two whole days."

"With Wayne Enterprise?"

"Of course, where else would he- Oh." Damian looked up at the butler and said in a slightly lower voice as if Tim couldn't hear him. "The clock thing again?"

"Yes, sir. He knocked it over this time."

"I see." Damian looked back at Tim. "Yes, it's uh… a mission. It was Two-Hands."

Tim frowned at him. "Two-Face?"

"Yes, that's what it was." Damian crossed his arms. "Why don't you go read something or watch TV and I'll see you at dinner time, huh?"

"That was a close one," Dick grumbled. "If you hand't done such a good job of hiding that entrance, he might have figured it out."

"I did it because if you had been the one, you would have screwed it up." Damian glared. "You better keep a better eye on him when it's your turn. If Jason hadn't seen him go to the elevator then who knows what else he might have figured out."

"What do you want me to do, beg for forgiveness?"

"Do not tempt me, Richard," Damian hissed. "Just be grateful it was I who saw you and not Father."

That made Richard flinch and he remained silent for a minute. "Now what?"

"Well, some people don't exist, remember?" Damian took out a gun. "You and Jason go make sure that everything around them ceases to exist as well."

When dinner time rolled around, Tim was still in a bit of shock. How was it possible that the entrance for the cave wasn't there? There was no sign that a door had ever been there. Of course this was a Bat family, therefore there existed the possibly of it being well hidden from sight. Later he would go back down and figure out what they had done to it. For now he just sat there wondering why in the world Dick and Jason were just standing by their seats.

After a few more minutes Damian came in and took the seat at the head of the table, and soon the others followed suit by taking their seats. Tim was on the right-hand side and across form him sat Jason, and next to him, Dick. Tim frowned before remembering that in proper high-class families the biological child sat at the head of the table when the head of the household was not present. Tim was adopted, but also from a high-class family, therefore it was his right to be on the right-hand side of the table and also the fact he was Bruce's heir. However, that didn't explain why Dick and Jason's sitting positions were switched.

"How come Jason is the first one on the left side of the table?"

Dick gave him a dirty look but said nothing. In fact, no one said anything and Jason pressed his finger to his lips to tell Tim to be silent. Glancing around he could see that no one was speaking. Soon the servants brought in their appetizers, setting them down before moving away.

Damian moved first to cut a piece off of his before putting it into his mouth. Tim recognized that as a sign that they could eat now. All three of them started to eat. It seemed this was also the time to start talking, because Jason was the first to stop eating.

"We should say a prayer."

"Say it on your own, Jason, I'm starving," Damian said, taking another bite, this time bigger to show that he wasn't going to stop. "Not a word, Richard."

"No one cares about prayers, Jay," Dick spoke anyways. "And for your information, Tim, it's because I screwed up something at the company and told him that I hated the family, so he gave the Holy One my seat."

"You can only blame yourself," Damian said, before looking at Tim. "You should eat. You don't want to get sick again."

"Yes, you frightened us this morning when you fell off your bed." A soft smile crossed Jason's face as he seemed to relax happily. "However, I'm glad you remember us, little brother."

"You two talk about it like he won't forget in the morning." Dick let out a laugh as if it was a funny joke. "Come on, we all know how these episodes work. One day he remembers, the next he's in a new fantasy land."

"I think he's getting better. After all, he hasn't gone back yet, and God says that if we believe in him and pray he will answer us in miracles whether they be big or small."

"Oh, and I guess this Bat world of his is a miracle?" A snicker left the oldest. "Or the, uh, what were they? The Lords one? Where there're these Justice Lords?"

"I like that one," Damian said, taking a drink of his wine. "Reminds me of that movie we saw a couple years back."

"I like the Teen Titans," Dick added. "I get my own whole team in that fantasy. Oh, and I fight that bad guy. Tim, what was his name? Wade? No, it was... was..."

"Slade?" Jason offered. "And that one where Red X was supposed to be right?"

"Yeah, and you were all being evil and walking between the line of good and evil, kinda stuff."

They continued to talk about all the things that had happened as if they were some kind of interesting movie or book. The way they talked about some of the things made Tim's mind swim in panic. His heart started to pound, his anxieties shooting up and his stomach twisting horribly.

Tim almost jolted when the servants came back to take away their food, but suddenly his was placed back in front of him. The table was silent and the other three were staring at him, waiting. Looking down at the plate, he looked at Dick, who rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

No help there. Looking at Jason he saw that the other was making gestures that he should eat the rest of the food. Tim didn't want to. He was fine with what he'd eaten, so Tim shook his head.

"Eat your food," Damian pretty much ordered.

"I don't want it, thanks."

"Oh, god, here we go again." Dick groaned, plopping back. "We won't get our food until midnight again."


"Tim, we all have to finish all our food before we get the next course of the meal, remember?" Jason prompted kindly. "We can't eat until you do."

Looking at the food, Tim looked back at them. It would maybe take three more bites, so he took his fork and knife, cutting it up before eating the food a little faster than normal until it was gone. Setting his utensils down, he looked up as a servant took the plate.

The main course was served next. It was a large steak with mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a nice fluffy biscuit. Again they waited until Damian took the first bite before they ate.

Now Tim would admit he didn't eat at the same time as normal people because of his work and then there was his night job, but Tim wasn't a big eater. He could tell at the moment he wouldn't finish it. Well, he could if he tried, but Tim's mind was trying to go into panic mode.

About halfway through, Tim paused suddenly. His stomach made a noise that went unnoticed, and there it was, something that made Tim sure he wasn't going crazy. It had only been a day if he was correct, and that meant his body hadn't recovered from his illness. The shock of this strange family must have been just enough to hold it back, but now with what was about to happen, Tim could only feel relief.

That is until right in the middle of Dick telling a joke Tim suddenly vomited onto the table, causing the other three to yell out in shock and jump back. Holding onto his stomach, Tim shook from the pain and pressure throwing up put on his body and the aches rising up. A second passed before it happened again, this time he was gasping and using one hand to support himself on the table and the other over his stomach to try and calm it down.


"We need to pray!"

"Call the doctor!" Damian demanded, rushing to Tim's side. "What's wrong? What's wrong?!"

Tim just shook his head, his body jerking with the need to vomit again even though he was fighting it. Servants came running. They moved Tim back and someone brought him a bag he could throw up in.

After several minutes of fighting and losing, Tim leaned back, feeling lightheaded and worn out. How he hated that. Suddenly he was lifted up out of the wheelchair, and for a second he thought he was going to to fall.

A servant carried him to the bathroom in his supposed room. Tim still thought the white room with gold trim was beyond scary. The servant set him down in the bathroom before leaving. Sighing, Tim wiped the back of his mouth with his arm. What he wanted to do was rinse out his mouth and bathe. Looking down, he patted his legs, cursing them.

Pulling himself up, Tim turned on the water before using the plug so it would fill up with hot water. Something tugged at his back. Jumping, Tim scrambled back.


"I didn't mean to scare you." Jason smiled, kneeling down. "I'm just going to help you wash up. Come on, lift up your arms."

Reluctantly Tim lifted up his arms as his shirt was pulled off. Next the undershirt went before Jason helped him up a little to get the pants off. A towel was handed to him so Tim could put it around his waist, and he smacked Jason's hands away.

"I can take off my own boxers."

"Sorry," Jason stood up, waiting. "Come on, I'll help you into the bath-"


Both of them looked to the door to see Dick there. "Come on, we need to go."

Suspicious, Tim narrowed his eyes slightly. "Where are you going?"

"Unlike people who can't walk, we're going to go have fun." Dick turned around. "Come on and let Damian take care of him. I waited months for this."

"You two go," Damian said, walking into the bathroom. "I'll take care of him."

Tim frowned, wondering why they were all in here when he was naked. "I can bathe myself."

"Sure," Dick said before pushing Jason out. "Come on!"

Once they were gone, Damian turned to him. "Feeling better?"

"A little." Tim shuffled back a little. "I can bathe myself."

"Alright. Here, let me just help you in." Damian walked over to the shelf, taking out a bottle that had some kind of light purple liquid in it. "Here, this will make you feel better."

Tim watched as Damian poured some into the bath before coming over and helping him into the hot water. With a sigh, Tim relaxed, leaning over the edge of the tub. If he leaned back he could go under, and he didn't want that. So he just stayed there half leaning out of the tub. Only from his waist down in the water.

"Do you remember?"

Tim looked up at Damian, who was staring at him with a strange look. "I don't belong here and I'm not part of this family."

"Hm." Damian leaned against the wall. "Alright, who am I tonight? Am I Robin? Or am I Redbird? Or am I dead this time around?"

"You're not real. This isn't real."

Damian turned away, mumbling. "I'm dead in this one..."

Tim suddenly felt trapped. "I want to talk to Bruce."

"Father will be home soon." Damian stood up. "Here, why don't I get you your toothbrush and some mouth rinse? I bet Jason forgot to give it to you."

Nodding uncertainly, Tim took what was handed to him and looked at the waste basket that Damian put in front of him. He watched Damian closely. He knew that the other was up to something, he could feel it.

After washing his mouth out, Tim eyed Damian. "Stop looking at me like that."

"I just want you to remember."

"I remember things just fine." Tim started to move back when suddenly he felt like he had been hit with sleepiness. "...Mm...?"


"I don't... I..." The world started to swirl a bit and Tim slumped over the tub a bit more, trying to shake it off. "What..."

The world went blank. It was as if his eyes were closed with heavy sleep but he could feel himself being pulled out and dried off off, dressed and set in bed. He heard mumbling and something was placed on his head. It was cold. Not metal, but rather like hard plastic. It felt like a band that was maybe an inch wide.

Before Tim could try to picture what it looked like, something shocked him and suddenly he found himself remembering a family outing that he was sure never happened. It couldn't have happened, because Tim was sure that Bruce had never married, and he was pretty sure that none of them had even met each other when Tim was only six years old.

Damian smirked as he set the box down.

A few memories from their own Tim should be enough for this Bat to question his life. They had to replace his memories with their Owl Tim's memories eventually, and what better way than to start off with small, happy ones? Besides, too much too fast could end up killing him.

As Damian watched, his smirk turned into a frown as Tim jerked in his sleep. Was he fighting it? Well, maybe just two memories for tonight. Besides, it wasn't like Tim was going to go anywhere.

Not with that purple potion that would keep his legs useless.

To Renx27: Here is the chapter, enjoy it because I'm planning on rebooting it soon. 8D and no your not greedy, I admit that when I love a story I want it to be up asap but han as it comes to an end I purposely wait like tow or four months and read those last few chapters/chapter until the last sentence and even thought it's wonderuflly at an end I still want more.

To Nightingale1692: Tim's questioning a few things but he's keeping that he knows it's not his life. He's having some issues.

To L. VanDattae: Thank you for the idea L! I loved using it and I'm working that idea out asap. For them keeping Tim in a state, I'm still going to do that but changing it a bit and as for them keeping him there they do have to imprint their Tim's memories into Bat-Tim's mind however... what ever happened to the Owls Tim Drake? O.O