Harry hated being the Master of Death! That was all there was to it. He kept being reborn over and over again but this had to be the worst out of them! This was out of the damn question! He could not believe this!
Harry stared up into blue eyes that looked at him curiously. He forced himself to be sick all over the man. A woman shrieked and snatched Harry away. Harry would get Death back for this if was the last damn thing he did!
"What do you think you are doing you stupid boy!" Bellatrix's voice screeched. God she was almost as bad as Petunia and he had to grow up hearing it! " How dare you!"
"Now. Now." The blue eyed man said and cast a cleaning charm on himself and took the baby back. "You must have over fed the little thing. " Payback! He would be getting payback if it was the last damn thing he did! "Hey, Little one." the man said, "My name's Tom and I'm your papa. " The Death Eaters all wisely did not move or speak. Bella looked almost horrified at being scolded by Tom then by the sudden softness when he spoke to their son. " Your name will be Alekxander Magi Riddle."
Well, he'd had worse names he supposed. Harry didn't mind the name and committed himself to getting used to it. He also vaugly wondered how close to his own time he was.
" Alek." Tom smiled, and Alek heard gasps then silence. " Yes, my son and heir. All of you!" He said harshly to his Death Eaters. "I introduce you to Alekxander Magi Riddle the Prince of Darkness and your future Dark Lord!"
Over his dead body! Harry began crying. Letting it be known just how displeased he was with that declaration. The windows of the Manor exploded. Was crumbled and the Manor shook. His famous uncontrolled magic lashed out like a bomb. Harry realising what he was doing reeled his magic in and just kept crying as his new father also known as Tom Riddle also known as Voldemort rocked him and tried to calm him. Harry decided to void himself right in Tom's lap again Bella gave an outraged cry but Tom just chuckled at him.
After being cleaned then bathed he decided to pee on Tom who got even by putting him back in the water. After an hour of throwing a fit and finally realising Death wasn't going to do anything about his situation he shut up much to Bella's pleasure only to shriek once again as he voided in his dipper right in her arms. Well, Harry reasoned he didn't have to be reasonable with this situation and he was baby he should get good use out of this while he could.
Alek Riddle the bane of every Death Eater who crossed his path smirked to himself as he sat reading. He'd given the Death Eaters hell ever since he'd learned to crawl now he was almost 11 years old.
Harry was looking forward to school and had been since he'd found out that he'd been born the same year as his parents, Sirius and Remus. Ofcourse, Harry knew he was going to be in Slytherin. It was expected of him and he'd been in Slytherin ever since his first rebirth. Harry was convinced that Fate had teamed up with Death and the Sorting Hat to make it so he couldn't go into any other House but that one. It really annoyed him.
His bedroom door opened and Tom entered.
"and what are you reading so late?"
" Gradan's Guide to Spell Invention." Harry replied, he saw no point in hiding his Intelligence from anyone. He'd had so many years of study now and practice that it was just natural by now. " Papa, I want to ask you a question."
"Of course, my dear."
"If Albus is so bad and evil why are you sending me to Hogwarts? " Harry marked his page and met his father's eyes. Eye's that still reflected his own. Tom had yet to make the Horacrux's it would seem and really that didn't fit with what Harry had known of him. He was now under the belief he'd been sent here to alter history after all in his time Tom had never had a child with Bella. " I'm sorry but it makes no sense to me."
Tom chuckled and joined Harry in bed pulling Harry close to him arm around him both sitting against the headboard. Harry had noticed that Tom was a very loving father and a cruel Lord but only to those who disobayed or didn't do what he'd told them. To Harry he was always nice and loving and perfect. Harry felt Tom kiss his head.
"He wont be there come school, my prince."
Harry debated the next few minuets then broke down and told Tom all about his past lives he even summoned the Hollows to him. Tom kissed his head and rubbed his back telling him how much he didn't care about all of Harry's past lives just the son he had right now in his arms.
Harry had bit his lip and confessed his biggest secret of all to his Papa. He was gay and had had a huge crush on his old potion's master who he'd be going to school with this year and that the man was a half blood. Then Harry, at Tom's prodding, told Tom all about Severus and his past because Harry had figured out everything about the man as soon as he realized he was in love in his time.
Harry laughed as he came out of the Apperation at Hogwarts it was even grander now. They went into the Entrey Hall to see all the teachers. Tom had taken the school. Harry looked around and the school greeted him.
"Papa!" Harry latched on to him shocking everyone. "This place is great! I get to play here the rest of the summer, Papa?"
"That's right, my little Prince, Hogwarts is your playground from here on out." Harry's eyes shown brightly. Unlimited access to the whole castle. " Do you have something to ask, Albus?"
"Yes, " Albus said frowning. Harry frowned back he could barley feel any power from the man and his aura was almost gone. "Did you steal someone's son?"
"Squib!" Harry pointed and declared, "No more magic! And Papa is my Papa! He didn't steal me he had me the normal way! Papa is my biological Papa we have the same blood and look just like each other! How dare you insinuate any different! How dare you even accuse him of something so terrible!"
Tom smirked at them all as he knelt down to his son and Harry looked at him anger in his eyes.
"My little Prince, " He said sweetly, " Why don't you go into the library they used to have some amazing books and I know how much you love to read."
"I don't wanna." Harry said giving him a mischivious grin. "Who is my sitter, Papa? I have to know who is going to show me around."
"Hmmmm... " Tom looked at all the teachers. "Minerva will make sure you don't get into any trouble and hurt yourself." Harry made a show of looking at the teachers innocently then beaming at the stern teacher he knew so well."Minerva is the Head of Gryffindor..."
"But Papa!" Harry protested as she took his hand. "I'm a Slytherin! I'm a direct Heir! You said it yourself..."
"She's the Transfigurations prof."
Harry beamed and looked at her.
"Oh, well then you'll be the best one to answer all my questions about Pure bloods like me being born with the ability to become Anamagi." He swung their linked hands unable to keep still. "First off is that true? And is it true there is a potion that will tell you what your anamagi from is? Papa told me you're a cat! That's so wicked! "
And he was off questions he'd wanted to know the answer to for years rolling out of his mouth at 100 miles per hour. He was shocked when she calmly lead him off and began answering his questions one of her rare tight lipped smiles on her face.
Harry loved the fact that he was practicly in charge of Hogwarts and that Albus had been thrown out. He'd had Tom get rid of Divination and fix some of the ciriculems. And add more classes. He had him do away with school uniforms, and let first year take electives after a teacher visited the Muggleborns and explained everything to him. He made it so that some of the old forgotten magic was being taught and that Binns was had loved all his idea's and took them to heart.
Harry now had all teachers under his thumb with his love for learning any thing and everything that was how he had found out that Albus' wand had gone missing so he'd had to get a new one that didn't work as good and he'd lost his fight to Tom who had stripped him of his powers and made him a Muggle. Harry did not feel guilty for taking and hiding the Elder wand.
Right now he was racing toward the Great Hall. He wore tight black jeans calf high black boots, and a form fitting black short sleeve shirt with a half black leather jacket. His black braid flying behind him as he took the steps two at a time and skidded to a stop just short of Minerva. Unfortunatly, that put him in contact with a wall. He lay dazed. He heard her sigh and felt her pull him up healing his nose.
"You almost missed sorting."
"Sorry, Minerva." He said , "I got so caught up in that book you gave me on human transfiguration that I totally lost time!"
"Well, lets go in. Join the other first years."
He instintly went to Severus and Lily and struck up a conversation. The love of his life walked at his side into the Great Hall.
Names began getting called and Harry was interested in everyone who was in the Hall sorted or not. He watched as the Maurders one by one were placed in Gryffindor. When it became Peters turn he cast a confundus charm on the hat to sort him into a different house he'd apologize when he got up there.
Harry removed the charm things would not happen the same way they did before. Not if he had a say. He saw Tom smile at him and beamed back.
"Riddle, Alekxander!"
Harry walked forward the picture of the perfect pure blood heir. People were whispering. He waited but as the hat was lifted it shouted.
Harry jumped up and ran to the table.
'Fine be mad at me.' Harry scoffed, in his head, 'that is so childish I'll talk to him later in papa's room and see if he's calmed down any.'
Harry was almost bouncing as Severus walked over to the Slytherin table looking for a spot. With a well placed charm one opened up right next to him. Lucius Malfoy was not happy but Severus sat down and Harry was. He began chatting right away catching the other boys attention. Harry couldn't look away from those wonderful onyx eyes. He'd been given a chance to have the man of his dreams and he was going to take it god dammit.
They talked about everything through the feast on the way down to the dungeons into the Common Room and to their shared dorm where it was just the two of them. Harry decided there and then that Tom must really love him as much as he had always declared he did. For him this was perfect. He went to the bed he'd been using and slipped out of his jacket. He could feel eyes boring into his back as he pulled his shirt over his head and un did his hair. He sat down and used his veil of black hair to glance at Severus who was also getting undressed. When Harry got his shoes off he slid out of his jeans revealing daisy duke black boxers. He thought he heard a rough swallow and smirked as he lay on his stomach on the bed. He felt his erection as he drew and watched Severus get dressed the rest of the way into his boxers. To Harry it was an amazing sight.