It had been a long morning for Anna. The representatives from the agricultural unions had been unwilling to compromise in their disagreement with the mining union over land usage, the centerpieces for the up-coming state dinner had been lost, and the baby would not stop kicking. The only thing the princess wanted to do was lay down and rest for a little before lunch. Anna was walking down an empty corridor, absent mindedly rubbing her belly, when a strange thumping noise was heard from one of the spare bedrooms. Anna smirked, assuming it was one of the guards and a maid until a voice drifted beyond the closed door. "Okay, again. Harder!"

Anna stopped in her tracks. That was Elsa's voice. The princess heard a rather manly grunt next, giving the redhead a decent idea of what was happening in that room. Her silent snickering was only intensified when she heard Elsa again. "That's the wrong hole!"

"No wonder it didn't fit." The male voice replied. Anna stopped laughing immediately as her brow furrowed. That voice sounded like Kristoff; but it couldn't be Kristoff. He was married to Anna. She was pregnant with his baby! Tears came to the princess' eyes. Kristoff would never… and with Elsa?

"Elsa…" Kristoff's voice called in a moan.

"Leave it in there for a second, or you will make a mess!" Elsa replied quickly.

That was the last straw. Anna burst into the room to be greeted with two wide-eyed blondes. "Anna!" Kristoff squeaked in surprise. "We can explain." He glanced at Elsa to continue.

"Ahh, yes, Kristoff came to me for help. He just wanted to surprise you with the new crib."

Anna was about to start yelling when the word 'crib' caught her attention. Glancing around the room for the first time, Anna took in the pieces of shaped wood lying on the floor. Kristoff was kneeling to the left holding most of a headboard with his had stretched out to Elsa who was standing a few feet away with an old towel.

Instead of yelling, Anna burst into tears. Elsa threw the towel at Kristoff and was at her sister's side in seconds, trying to calm the younger girl down. "Anna, shh shh shh. It's okay. Tell me what's wrong."

"I heard you in the hall, and…and… I thought… Kristoff was cheating… on me! With you!" Anna managed to choke out between her sobs. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Anna felt her sister gasp next to her and Kristoff's large hand gently pat her shoulder. "Anna," the man spoke gently, "I love you." At his words, the redhead turned into her husband's chest. Kristoff wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back gently.

After a few moments, Anna murmured, "Kristoff, you still have a crib to finish." Anna then gave a small groan of pain.

"Are you alright?" Kristoff asked, worry evident in his face.

Anna nodded. "The baby, it's been kicking all morning." The redhead's eyes drifted towards her sister. "Elsa, do you think," she started out hesitantly. "Well, it's just that the baby seems to really like you, so I was wondering if you could help me."

Elsa gave her sister a soft smile. "I'll do whatever you need."

Anna pointed towards the wall. "Could you sit over there with me?" Elsa nodded, picking up the instructions for the crib on the way. Anna followed and crawled into her sister's lap once Elsa was seated. She wrapped Elsa's free arm around her back, resting her palm on her pregnant stomach. With a content sigh, Anna rested her head against Elsa's shoulder. "Thank you for doing this, Elsa, and I'm sorry I overreacted."

Elsa shook her head. "I'm sorry we scared you."

"You're going to be an awesome aunt."

"You and Kristoff are already wonderful parents."

Anna smiled drifting to sleep in her sister's arms.