Under the Moon

Summary: Tzipporah is a future leader of the shifter clan of panthers. She has known Thorin since she was a little girl and he considers her like his daughter before she was taken back. Now she's returned and an outsider to her clan. She catches a certain thief's eye and love blossoms. Will her past come back to haunt her? (PRE-QUEST)

AN: Shifters are like skin changers but they got control over their animal selves unlike skin changers. And she's a shifter where her whole clan are panthers. Please. Its my story. So no complaining. This is before the quest and the first chapter is how Thorin and her form the relationship and then a year or so before the quest with her life in Ered Luin. If you don't like this, feel free and not read it.

A Father and Daughter Bond Form

10 years before Smaug

I followed my father as we headed towards Erebor. I was five years old and the eldest daughter of 8 kids, but I was small for my age and considered the runt of the litter, but future leader of

"But dad. I don't want to stay with the dwarves. I want to stay with my mom and brothers and sisters." I said. I flinch as he turns on me, afraid I was going to get slapped.

"You will do as your told with no arguing." My father said. I nod and follow him into Erebor. Dwarves eyed us with curiosity and hesitation as we walked towards the throne room. The Dwarf King Thror was sitting on the throne with the Arkenstone above his head. Two Dwarfs that were the son and grandson were standing on either side of the King.

"Alexander. I wasn't expecting you for a few more days. This is unexpected." Thror said.

"Well I decided to come early. Here's the girl I mentioned that would be staying to learn more about your culture." My father said, pushing me forward. I looked up at the king.

"What's your name, lass?" Thror asked.

"Tzipporah, your majesty." I said.

"A beautiful name. Thorin will be in charge of your teaching." Thror said, waving his hand to Thorin. Thorin didn't look happy.

"But Grandfather..." Thorin said.

"No buts. How long will she be staying?" Thror asked.

"A few months and I will come back for her." My father said. I had a feeling he was lying on that. He never wanted daughters, only sons. He got two daughters. My sister, Maria, and I. I was the eldest and future leader of our clan. Thror nodded and father left. I didn't cry. Father always said that crying was a sign of weakness.

"Lass." A voice said. I looked up and realized that it was the Prince that was in charge of me.

"My lord." I said.

"Just Thorin, Tzipporah. Come. I'll show you where you will be sleeping." Thorin said. I move away as he reached for my arm.

"I can walk by myself." I said, quietly. Thorin looked surprised that I moved from his reach. After suffering from abuse since I was four, it was a reaction, though I knew that. I was lead to the royal chambers where there were two dwarvs. Both looked like men, but one was dressed in a dress and I knew women dwarves wore dresses.

"Who's this?" The man dwarf asked.

"This is Tzipporah. She will be staying with us. Tzipporah. This is my brother Frerin and my sister Dis." Thorin said.

"Hello." I said, quietly.

"Welcome to Erebor. Hope you enjoy your stay." Dis said. I nod as she shows me my room. I set my bag on the bed and looked around. It was not as small as my room at home that I shared with my sister. I sat on the bed and put my face in my hands, letting dry sobs fill me.

Few days later. Thorin's POV. The shifter girl was different and I feared that she suffered from abuse her life, because the slightest movement of my hand and she was flinching and would move away when I reached for her. I didn't know what to do. She would shut me out when I asked or my sister and brother asked.

"Thorin. Tzipporah's missing." Dis said, coming into my study. I had yelled at her for dropping her bowl and she ran to her room, but apparently she ran away.

"I thought she was in her room." I said, standing.

"She's not in any of the chambers. A guard said he saw her run out of the chambers and into the halls of Erebor." Dis said. I swore in dwarvish and hurried out of my studies. Father wouldn't be happy if I lost the girl that I was in charge of. I asked where she went and the guard pointed in the direction. Towards the forges. I ran towards the direction. I looked around. I heard sniffling and found her in one of the cabnets.

"Don't cry, lass." I said.

"Crying is a weakness. I don't cry." Tzipporah said.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm not use to having a little girl around since my sister was little." I said. She looked at me. She had her legs brought up to her chest and arms wrapped around them.

"Its fine." She said.

"You suffered abuse haven't you." I ask. Her eyes widen and she moves further back. I knew then and there that she has. "Who? Who did it to you?" She looks away.

"My father. He never wanted daughters, but he got two. I'm the eldest and next in line to take the leadership from my father. I don't know how to fight or cook yet. Mom never taught me to cook and fighting, father said that I didn't need it for another few years." Tzipporah said.

"Dwarves learn at your age. Why don't I teach you with a good friend of mine. Dis can teach you to cook and woman stuff. You deserve to learn." I said. Her eyes turned back to me and I smile at the sparkle I saw in them.

"You would teach me to fight?" Tzipporah asked.

"I would. You would have to learn the fighting your animal side, but we can teach you with your human." I said. She came out and threw her arms around my neck and we hugged. I lifted her up. It was beginning of a relationship that would form into a father daughter.

Tzipporah's POV. Father never came like he promised. A few weeks turned into months and months turned into years, but they were wonderful years. Thorin, who became like a father to me that my real father never was, along with his best friend Dwalin and Dwalin's brother, Balin taught me how to fight and I fell in love with fighting with sword and bow and arrow. I was trained by the best and became a skilled warrior.

Balin taught me the history of the dwarves because he knew more then Thorin did. Dis was there with the cooking and the stuff women needed to know. I became skilled at stuff that I knew my father would have never taught me when I was at home. Erebor became my home. Thorin gave me the nickname Zippy and all the dwarves were calling me it. I knew my family wouldn't like that nickname, but I loved it.

I was now turned 15 today and I still missed my mom and my sister along with my twin brother and few brothers I got along with that weren't brainwashed by my father. (AN: This is now two months from when Smaug attacks.)

"Happy Birthday, Zippy." Thorin said as I came into the living room. Dis and Ferin were smiling and I hugged him. He handed me a long package. "I thought you deserved one of them." I opened the package and found a dwarvish made sword sitting in the package. I looked up in surprise and saw Thorin smiling.

"You made this for me?" I ask. Thorin nodded and I hugged him again. I got some books and a dress from my friends. I thanked them. Dis and I went to the market of Erebor. Dwarves stoped to bow for Dis and nodded at me. Thror and Thrain were happy to see that I was improving since I first arrived.

"I have to go talk to someone about fabric. Go find your friends." Dis said. I decided to go for a walk around Erebor. I stopped in the Treasure room hearing someone talking. I stepped in and saw Thror walking around the gold, a look on his face. I knew something was wrong with him like a sickness took overhim. I knew dwarves were gready, but this was totally different. I jumped when a hand came on my shoulder. I turned and saw Thorin standing behind me.

"Come." Thorin whispered. I followed him out.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I don't know. He's not himself." Thorin said. I bit my bottom lip.

"My lord. Alexander is here." A guard said. I paled at his words. Father had come for me. Thorin didn't look happy.

"Go get the King. He might want to be there." Thorin said. The guard left.

"He's come for me. I don't want to go back." I said. Thorin pulled me into a hug.

"I know. But its Grandfather's choice. You might have no choice." Thorin said, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I look down and nodded. We headed to the throne room where my father stood with his second in command, Logan. I groaned lightly. He would be my future mate if my father has his way, but I want to fall in love with someone not be forced into marriage. Thror soon joined us and I stood with my hands folded in front of me beside Thorin.

"I want my daughter back. Its been to long and she needs to learn the ways of her people now." My father said. I dug my nails into my palm.

"Mother wanted me to choose where I wanted to stay and I want to stay here." I said.

"Your mother is dead. Its not up to her anymore." My father said. My eyes widen. I was here in Erebor when my mother died and father was just now telling me. Thorin put a hand on my shoulder.

"Then I release her from Thorin's duty to give her back to you." Thror said. Thorin growled and I ran towards my chambers. Tears were coming down my checks. Dwalin and Balin tried to stop me but I didn't stop. I reached it and packed a bag. I felt arms turn me and came face to face with Thorin. I hugged him.

"We'll see each other again." Thorin said.

"Not if father refuses to let me come back." I said.

"Maybe one day we will. Come." Thorin said. I said goodbye to my friends and family that I had while staying at Erebor. Father grabbed my arm and lead me out. I turned my head and had one last look at Erebor. Thorin, Dwalin, Frerin, Dis, and Balin stood on the balcony watching. I nodded at them as I was pulled away.

"Your back in my control now." Father said. I pulled my arm free.

"I lived among dwarves for a decade. I will be in no ones control but my own." I said. Father looked shocked at my words and I went ahead, head hell high.

The months that came. I was a stronger warrior then any of my people. My brothers taught me to fight in my animal form and I became stronger and more well advanced then everyone including my father. After I left Erebor, I realized that I forgot my sword that was my birthday gift from Thorin. It broke my heart, but I had everything else he gave me along with his siblings. I missed them all including my friends.

Two months after I left Erebor, Smaug took the Mountain and many people lost their lives and the dwarves lost their homeland. I knew Thorin had survived along with his family. I was happy I was not there, but I felt sorry for them.

I stood on the hill with my friends and family looking at the destrution.

"Where will they go?" My twin brother, Marcus asked.

"To wherever the road takes them. One day. They might come back and reclaim it. Till that day happens. Smaug will stay in that mountain in the gold. I knew something was not right and it drew that dragon there." I said. I never knew that when that day will come, I will join. For now, I had a clan to watch and someday run.

AN: There's the first chapter. The next chapter will be when she is reunited with Thorin and why she becomes an ousidesider to her clan. Its a sad one and will tie into the Journey in a way you don't expect. There will be I don't know how many chapters before the quest. I want to do something different. So please no complaining.