A/N) Hello All. Unfortunately I have been struggling with my mental health and depression kept me away from this story (which is like my baby) and I do intend to eventually finish this. I cannot promise regular updates, but I will do what I can, when I can. Thank you all so much for the support and love for this story. I enjoy writing it knowing people love it! But, ill shut up now! Enjoy the story!

Eren laid in bed staring at Levi's sweaty body that mimicked his own. He smiled a goofy grin at Levi, who returned it with a smirk.

"That was fun." Eren said.

"Yes it was." Levi replied while cleaning up with some tissues.

"You know, I love doing this, but it makes me miss your touch."

"I get it. I miss feeling you. My hand is not better than you."

Eren frowned "You are such a jerk."

"I love you too. This took a while so you need to get ready to go."

Eren sighed "I would rather sit here, and talk to you all day!"

"Don't be such a brat. Go enjoy life. I'll be here waiting when you get back. I'm going to eat these chocolates guilt free."

"Yeah, I'm going to sit here judging you while you eat it."

They talked and laughed a bit more before Eren decided to go and take a shower. As he stood in the hot water, he hung his head and began to sob softly. Being away from Levi was getting tough. Not all the texts in the world could ease the loneliness in his heart. After living with Levi he became accustomed to the soft breathing, and the cuddling. This wasn't just about sex. It was about a physical touch. It sounded selfish, but Eren knew he would kill to feel Levi's warm and strong embrace. He took a deep breath of the hot air, and pulled himself together. He finished his shower, and went to get dressed. As he pulled on some pants, there was a knock on his door

"Come on in." He called out. He recognized the knock. Connie had a very distinct knock.

"Hey, Eren. You ready?" Connie asked.

"Yeah, almost." Eren replied "Did Sasha like her gifts?"

"Ate about half the chocolate while we were

talking." Connie replied with a laugh. "Levi like your gift?"

Eren came out into the living room fully dressed "Yeah. I'm glad. It's so hard to shop for a guy who can buy whatever he wants whenever he wants, you know?

Connie shrugged "I couldn't imagine. You really lucked out snagging some big time lawyer."

"It's not his money I'm attracted to. It's him. Levi seems cold, but deep down he's very sweet and treats me really well."

"Obviously! Look at this place! Much nicer than my dorm."

"I told you, I have a second bedroom. You're more than welcome to stay in it."

Connie blushed "Well, I have my own dorm, and I need the privacy. You know, when I miss Sasha."

Eren laughed "I get it. Trust me. Well, you are more than welcome to stay over when you want. We can order some take out, stay in, and be lonely together."

"You got yourself a deal. Now let's get going."

Eren grabbed his jacket, and they left the apartment. The place they were going wasn't terribly far, so they decided to just rent mopeds and head out.

When they got there it was not exactly what he thought it would be. Then again, this being his first time, he wasn't sure what to expect. The main themes were gold and black seeing as the whole place was done up in those colors. Golden staircases, red tapestries, and even a chandelier which just added to the gaudy, yet grand appearance of the place. There was even a large golden lion atop a platform as they walked in.

"Fancy, eh?" Connie asked.

"Kind of cheesy. But I guess when your going to see shows of barely clad people, it can't be helped." Eren answered with a shrug.

They split up agreeing to meet up in two hours when the shows were over. They had to split up, seeing as the girls were on one side, and the men were on the other. It wasn't that Eren didn't want to see girls, it was just if he had a choice, he'd rather watch men. He could always add a feminine body to his drawing if he wanted to, if he got inspiration from the show.

He took a seat in the show room with lots of women, and a few men scattered about. There was light chatter going on, but Eren took to texting Levi idly while waiting. He really wished he could just spend his day facetiming with the older man, but he did need to experience new things. The chatter died down as music and fog began to fill the room. The last text Eren got was

'Don't fall in love with someone.'

Eren chuckled softly. As if something like that could happen. He was completely devoted to Levi, nothing would get between what they had.

The music got a little louder. It was a sultry beat. Eren found his foot tapping to the beat, but stopped when the curtain rose and there were quite a few men on the stage, in all manners of dress. Some in fedoras and suit pants with suspenders and tanks. Some in, what Eren assumed, what women would wear like leather bodices and nipple tassels.

"Bongiourno. Today, we plan to show off two different forms of burlesque. The original burlesque, which was comical and parody like, and also the Americanized sexual form of burlesque. We will begin with the American version, and wrap up with the Italian version. Please enjoy the show." The man in the middle said to everyone.

He was in suspenders. Eren for some odd reason could feel his heart pounding. Suspenders were a real kink for him. He had even got Levi ditching the belt so he could grab those suspenders, and yank him close for heavy kisses. He shifted in his seat. This was going to be rough.

He met up with Connie wiping tears from his eyes still. He had laughed until he cried. The parody was hilarious. A very large contrast to the very sexual display that had him almost bursting at the seams. It was so hot he could barely contain himself. Then men were all very attractive showing off just enough to keep you curious, and use your imagination. Dancing and ripping off clothes like strippers had him covering his crotch to hide his embarrassing problem. He was grateful the parody was last because it would have been really awkward to meet up with Connie rock hard making it seem like he had no self control.

"Have a good time?" Connie asked.

"Oh man, that was awesome! What about you?"

"The women were beautiful, and I loved their costumes. But seeing women dressed like that had me both aroused, and guilty for feeling that way!"

Eren laughed "I feel the same way, but hey it's an experience not many people can say they have done. And you aren't bringing a girl home, so you are doing great. Oh, hey we have class tomorrow. Why don't you stay the night so you don't have to go home alone? It's already dark."

Connie nodded "Yeah. That sounds good. Thanks Eren."

They returned the mopeds, and then stopped at a nearby cart for something to eat to avoid any restaurants full of couples in love. They wanted to be lonely together.

As they walked into Eren's apartment his phone began to ring. He answered it before looking at the caller ID assuming it was Levi but was surprised by the voice

"Happy Valentines Day, Eren." Armin and Mikasa said.

"Hey guys. Happy valentines day. I assume you are getting ready to head out?"

Armin answered first "Yup. Erwin is taking me to some high class restaurant."

"I'm lucky Hange can break away from studying. This dissertation and stuff is really killing them. I said we didn't have to go out but they insisted on at least getting dinner." Mikasa said.

"Sounds like Hange." Eren said with a laugh. He waved to Connie, and opened the door to his guest bedroom "the other bathroom is down the hall. Some extra blankets are in the closet. I like it cold when I sleep."

"Is someone there with you?" Armin asked concern laced in his voice.

"Calm down. It's just Connie. We spent a lonely lovers day with each other, and it's late here so he's staying the night."

"Oh well that's nice."

"We shouldn't keep you from your guest." Mikasa said "besides I still have to get ready. I love you Eren."

"Love you too Mikasa, don't have too much fun." Eren told her.

"Yeah guess I should get ready, too. Hope you had a nice day Eren."

"I did. You have fun on your date. Love you."

"Love you too Eren. Bye."

Eren clicked end and sighed. He looked at Connie "wanna eat and watch a horror movie after setting up your bed?"

Connie smiled "Sure sounds great."

Levi wasn't one to cry, but he could get angry. A piece of him wanted to go and smash shit around the house, but knowing Eren would be upset kept him from doing that. It had only been a little over a month. Why did not seeing Eren make him so uneasy, and just plain angry? it was almost like he felt Eren was gone forever or something, when in reality he was just hours away. Many hours, too many hours. And right now, all his friends were romancing their sweethearts and he was bitter and lonely. He contemplated going for a run, but decided against it. He walked over to the movies he had in the living room. Nothing caught his interest. He idly walked through the house. Eren was everywhere he walked. Paintings through the house, each one with a story. He idly walked, until he realized his feet led him to a certain room. Eren's room. He hesitantly reached for the knob, and turned it, thrusting the door open. Immediately, the smell of paint hit him, that was Eren's smell. He walked in seeing sketches scattered around, half finished drawings and paintings.. He looked at the wall, and saw I love Levi painted on one of the walls. He walked over and touched the words. He was hit with a flood of emotions. And for the first time, in a very long time, Levi started to cry.

"God damnit." He sobbed.

His trip couldn't come soon enough.