Sorry for the long wait, I am on Spring Break now. That means more time for updating and new chapters await! I also am working on Secrets in November as you read this.

Please enjoy, I do not write for any profit, gain or money. I write simply for the pure bliss of enjoyment. Thank you all for the reviews!

-Stay Gold!

Fly Back to Me.

J. H. M. Lancell

Sodapop felt dazed when he walked into work. This surprised Steve, has he was waiting for a pounce, or even a "Hi'ya Stevie!" to be shouted at the early hours of the morning. When neither came, he knew something was wrong.

"What's up?" He asked, leaning against the side of a car Sodapop started working on. Sodapop gave Steve a small smile, trying to cover the fact on how confused he felt.

"Nothing." He muttered.

Steve could see through him, he always did. "Aw, somethin' up. What happened?" Although Sodapop knew he could talk to Steve about anything, this time, he didn't know how to approach the subject. This was neither the time or place.

"I'll tell you later." He mumbled, going back to his work.

Steve would hold him to his promise.

X x X

Slowly, the boy opened his eyes. It took Ponyboy a moment to realize where he was, but when he remembered, he smiled. He was in the room that Darry had ever so nicely given him. Looking around, Ponyboy saw he had a dresser against the wall facing the one window and a desk for school work next to him.

He sat up slowly and reached for his bag of clothes. He gagged when he smelled them, they reeked. He didn't want to bother Darry, but he was desperate for a wash and change of clothes.

He slowly left the room in search of Darry. He frowned when Darry was no where to be found. He spotted a note on the table:

I'll be back in time to cook dinner, if you're going to be out, please be back at a decent time.


Ponyboy bit his lip. Now he's expecting me to follow orders? Ponyboy thought. This isn't good. It wasn't that Ponyboy was a brat, and didn't want to listen, but the principle of the matter was Darry was now EXPECTING him to be in his home. He began to feel the fear from before creeping in his throat.

"Morning Pone-"

Ponyboy let out a yelp. He gasped, turning around and holding a hand to his heart. Two-bit just smiled and waved.

"You-you scared me!" Ponyboy pointed out.

"I didn't mean to, but you nearly jumped ten feet, which is great too!" Two-bit almost giggled. "Anyway, Superman's out for the day, wanna' have fun with Two-bit?" Two-bit smirked.

Fun with Two-bit? Ponyboy wondered. "Um. . . what does. . . .Two-bit do for fun?" Ponyboy nearly stuttered.

X x X

Darry took a deep breath as he left his truck to enter The DX once more. He looked around for Sodapop. He couldn't see him at the moment.

"Can I help you?" someone asked.

Darry turned around seeing the gruff voice belonged to a 'Steve'. "Er. . . is Sodapop here?" Darry asked.

Steve gave Darry a questioning look. "Um, my truck isn't working well and I heard he's the best." The older man gave a chuckle. Steve nodded and put down his broom.

"One moment." He replied, leaving for the back room to the attached garage.

Waiting for Sodapop felt like an eternity, and Darry couldn't help but admit to feeling nervous meeting Sodapop once again. How am I going to tell him? Darry wondered. How will I tell both of them?

Before Darry could think of an answer, or a solution he was pull from his thoughts.


Darry turned and smiled at the blonde. "Hi, Sodapop. Nice to see you again." Darry greeted.

"You too." Sodapop gave a friendly smile. "So, you got a truck not workin' or. . . something?"

"Ah, yeah. I just need you to tell me what's wrong." Darry replied.

"Pull it up to the garage and I'll look at it." Sodapop waved. When Darry brought the truck around, Sodapop flipped open the hood. While Sodapop took a look around. After a while Sodapop shrugged.

"I don't see anything too wrong. Maybe just an oil change."

Darry nodded, "Oh, forgot to get one of those." He laughed.

Sodapop smiled, nodding. "I'll hook you up with one."

"Okay." Darry smiled, "Um, I hate to impose on you. But. . . have you heard of anything regarding about Ponyboy?" Sodapop's smile altered, ever so slightly. He felt disturbed by Darry's sentence. The name: Ponyboy, haunted him last night in his dreams and to be honest, it was a sickly familiar, strange name.

"No." He replied, telling only half a lie. "I haven't. If I do, I'll call the police."

"Oh, don't!" Darry spoke, confusing the blonde. "Just. . . call me. For anything really, Ponyboy or if you yourself need anything."

Darry handed him the slip and Sodapop, for the life of him, couldn't understand why he took it.

"Aaah!" Ponyboy cried, covering his face as Two-bit sped down the busy streets, earning honks from other cars. Apparently Two-bit's idea of fun was speeding at 65 down a 30 MPH lane. Ponyboy was close to praying. Ponyboy gave a petrified glance when he saw that Two-bit was cheering. Two-bit acted as if he had no philosophy on Death. The kid lived like he was going to be around forever.

"Ain't this great?!" Two-bit laughed.

Ponyboy didn't answer, he covered his face some more and hoped they wouldn't get caught by the cops. Then he'd be in real trouble if they found out who he was.

"Aw, shit. I'm low on gas. That always happens when I do this." Two-bit sighed, sadly.

You think? Ponyboy wanted to say. Ponyboy noticed they had stopped at the gas station he had been to not too long ago.

X x X

"I'm home!" Darry called. He frowned when he wasn't given an answer. The house was obviously empty. There was an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach. He swallowed the residue of what he feared and loathed he carried from childhood in the back of his throat.

Darry figured now was a good time to start on dinner, he needed to do some shopping so tonight they'd have left overs.

He began heating up the left over soup he and Ponyboy made together. Darry's eyes wandered to the old black and white photo he kept. He smiled to himself. He imagined his brothers and he together once again, making dinner, sitting at the table enjoying the meal they made; he imagined them with him, not far away, within arm's reach.

When he stopped imaging, he found himself alone.

"You worthless, weak, poor excuse for a human being!"

But that would change. Darry would make sure.

X x X

"Filler up!" Two-bit called. Ponyboy was still breathing heavily and he felt his legs shake and shiver from the aftermath of almost being in seven different car crashes due to Two-bit Matthew's driving.

"Hey, I'm gonna' grab a Coke, want one?" Two-bit smiled.

Ponyboy nodded slowly. He took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes, trying to calm down.

"How much?" Ponyboy looked up seeing Sodapop. "Wait. . .Curtis?" Sodapop gave the boy a warm smile that made Ponyboy feel calmer.

"Hi." Ponyboy softly replied.

"You drive this?" Sodapop teased.

"No, not my car. He went into the store for a moment." Ponyboy answered.

"Well, I'll give ya'll a full tank." Sodapop smiled, while he waited for the pump to finish, he couldn't help but wonder why Curtis was out of school. Doesn't he have class, today? It's Tuesday after all.

"No school?" Sodapop started, shoving his hands into his pocket.

Ponyboy bit his lip. "Skipping." Well, it wasn't a lie. Ponyboy noticed Sodapop's sarcastic smirk and didn't know if that was good or not.

"You really shouldn't." Sodapop stated. "Not trying to tell you how to live your life, but you seem like a smart kid. Fill your head with books."

Ponyboy felt a little annoyed a stranger was telling him how to live. He doesn't know my life. Why should he put his opinions and thoughts into my lifestyle?

"Oh yeah?" Ponyboy replied. "Why aren't you in school. Don't look much older than me."

Sodapop laughed, "You are right. I dropped out because I need the money. You're leaving because you're bored. Big difference, kiddo."

Ponyboy bit his lip and knew Sodapop was right. Sodapop was only looking out for him and he had been sort of a jerk. Ponyboy felt that maybe he should tell the blonde his name. His REAL name. Out of kindness.

"Sodapop." Ponyboy started meekly. Sodapop turned and pulled out the pump, giving "Curtis" his full attention.


"I'm. . . my name's not Curtis." Ponyboy bit his lip. "It's Ponyboy."

Sodapop felt the pump fall out of his hand and hit the ground. He heard nothing but his heart beating rapidly and his own breathing. He took a look at the auburn in the front seat and was given the image of a small boy from long ago. A boy he thought he had forgotten about long ago. A boy he used to call his brother. No way. NO WAY!

"All set?" Two-bit smiled, hopping in the driver's seat. "Did you pay?"

When Ponyboy shook his head 'no' Two-bit took this opportunity to drive off, pulling a Class-A: Gas-n-Go.

"Hey wait!" Sodapop called after them. "WAIT!"

X x X

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